test_that("write_tbl_to_xpt", { tbl <- dplyr::tibble(one = as.numeric(1:3), two = letters[1:3]) path <- tempdir() write_tbl_to_xpt(tbl, filename = "test.xpt", dir = path) check <- haven::read_xpt(file.path(path, "test.xpt")) expect_identical(tbl, check) }) test_that("write_sessionInfo", { # what is expected to be returned path_expected <- tempdir() utils::sessionInfo() %>% utils::capture.output() %>% writeLines(file.path(path_expected, "expected.txt")) out_expected <- readLines(file.path(path_expected, "expected.txt")) # what is actually returned path_actual <- tempdir() write_sessionInfo(filename = "actual.R", dir = path_actual) out_actual <- readLines(file.path(path_actual, "actual_sessionInfo.txt")) expect_equal(out_actual, out_expected) }) test_that("convert_to_script", { # get test notebook from the sdtmval/inst/extdata dir and copy it to temp dir test_file_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "sdtmval") filename <- "test_notebook" temp_path <- tempdir() file.copy(from = file.path(test_file_dir, paste0(filename, ".Rmd")), to = file.path(temp_path, paste0(filename, ".Rmd"))) # create the script and archive the .Rmd file convert_to_script(dir = temp_path, filename = filename, archive = T) # check the script exists expect_true(file.exists(file.path(temp_path, paste0(filename, ".R")))) # check the .Rmd is archived exists expect_true( file.exists( file.path(temp_path, "archive", paste0(filename, ".Rmd")) ) ) # check the .Rmd is no longer in the original directory expect_false( file.exists( file.path(temp_path, paste0(filename, ".Rmd")) ) ) })