test_that("Print anisotropy prints correctly", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() # No anisotropy fit1 <- sdmTMB( data = pcod_2011, formula = density ~ 1, mesh = pcod_mesh_2011, family = tweedie(), anisotropy = FALSE ) expect_output(print(fit1), regexp = "range: 33.23") expect_null(plot_anisotropy(fit1)) expect_null(plot_anisotropy2(fit1)) # ------------------- # Anisotropy with spatial only fit_sp_only <- sdmTMB( data = pcod_2011, formula = density ~ 1, mesh = pcod_mesh_2011, family = tweedie(), spatial = "on", spatiotemporal = "off", anisotropy = TRUE ) plot_anisotropy(fit_sp_only) plot_anisotropy2(fit_sp_only) expect_output(print(fit_sp_only), regexp = "\\(spatial\\): 6.1 to 86.0 at 126") # Anisotropy with only spatiotemporal random field test_mesh <- make_mesh(data = pcod, xy_cols = c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 20) fit_st_only <- sdmTMB( data = pcod, formula = density ~ 1, mesh = test_mesh, family = tweedie(), spatial = "off", spatiotemporal = "iid", time = "year", anisotropy = TRUE, control = sdmTMBcontrol(newton_loops = 1) ) expect_output(print(fit_st_only), regexp = "\\(spatiotemporal\\): 16.5 to 29.1 at 54") # ------------------- # Anisotropy when not shared across random fields fit2 <- sdmTMB( data = pcod, formula = density ~ 1, mesh = test_mesh, family = tweedie(), share_range = FALSE, time = "year", anisotropy = TRUE, control = sdmTMBcontrol(newton_loops = 2) ) expect_output(cat(print_anisotropy(fit2)), regexp = "\\(spatial\\): ") expect_output(cat(print_anisotropy(fit2)), regexp = "\\(spatiotemporal\\): ") # Anisotropy when shared across random fields in delta model fit_dg_shared <- sdmTMB( data = pcod_2011, formula = density ~ 1, mesh = pcod_mesh_2011, family = delta_gamma(), share_range = TRUE, time = "year", anisotropy = TRUE, control = sdmTMBcontrol(newton_loops = 1L) ) expect_output(cat(print_anisotropy(fit_dg_shared, m = 1)), regexp = "\\(spatial\\): 36") expect_output(cat(print_anisotropy(fit_dg_shared, m = 2)), regexp = "\\(spatial\\): 2") # Anisotropy when not shared across random fields in delta model fit_dg_not_shared <- sdmTMB( data = pcod, formula = density ~ 1, mesh = test_mesh, family = delta_gamma(), share_range = FALSE, time = "year", anisotropy = TRUE, control = sdmTMBcontrol(newton_loops = 1L) ) expect_output(cat(print_anisotropy(fit_dg_not_shared, m = 1)), regexp = "\\(spatial\\): 19") expect_output(cat(print_anisotropy(fit_dg_not_shared, m = 1)), regexp = "\\(spatiotemporal\\): 12") expect_output(cat(print_anisotropy(fit_dg_not_shared, m = 2)), regexp = "\\(spatial\\): 0") expect_output(cat(print_anisotropy(fit_dg_not_shared, m = 2)), regexp = "\\(spatiotemporal\\): 9") })