test_that("localSupp", { data(francdat) keyVars <- paste0("Key",1:4) f <- freqCalc(francdat, keyVars=keyVars,w=8) indivf <- indivRisk(f) ## Local Suppression localS <- localSupp(f, keyVar="Key4", threshold=0.15) f2 <- freqCalc(localS$freqCalc, keyVars=keyVars, w=8) indivf2 <- indivRisk(f2) expect_true(all(indivf$rk-indivf2$rk>=0)) }) #' ## select another keyVar and run localSupp once again, # if you think the table is not fully protected #' ## for objects of class sdcMicro: test_that("localSupp sdcMicroObj", { data(testdata) sdc <- createSdcObj(testdata, keyVars=c('urbrur','roof','walls','water','electcon','relat','sex'), numVars=c('expend','income','savings'), w='sampling_weight') sdc <- localSupp(sdc, keyVar='urbrur', threshold=0.045) expect_true(sum(sdc@localSuppression$totalSupps)>0) })