df1 <- pigs1 df1_grim_up_or_down <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "up_or_down") df1_grim_up <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "up") df1_grim_down <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "down") df1_grim_even <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "even") df1_grim_ceiling_or_floor <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "ceiling_or_floor") df1_grim_ceiling <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "ceiling") df1_grim_floor <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "floor") df1_grim_trunc <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "trunc") df1_grim_anti_trunc <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "anti_trunc") df1_grim <- grim_map(df1) test_that("A tibble is returned", { expect_s3_class(df1_grim, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) }) test_that("It has the correct function-general class", { expect_s3_class(df1_grim, "scr_grim_map") }) test_that("It has the correct rounding-specific class", { df1_grim_up_or_down %>% expect_s3_class("scr_rounding_up_or_down") df1_grim_up %>% expect_s3_class("scr_rounding_up") df1_grim_down %>% expect_s3_class("scr_rounding_down") df1_grim_ceiling_or_floor %>% expect_s3_class("scr_rounding_ceiling_or_floor") df1_grim_ceiling %>% expect_s3_class("scr_rounding_ceiling") df1_grim_floor %>% expect_s3_class("scr_rounding_floor") df1_grim_trunc %>% expect_s3_class("scr_rounding_trunc") df1_grim_anti_trunc %>% expect_s3_class("scr_rounding_anti_trunc") }) t <- TRUE f <- FALSE consistency_exp <- c(t, f, f, f, f, t, f, t, f, f, t, f) test_that("`consistency` has the correct values", { df1_grim$consistency %>% expect_equal(consistency_exp) }) df2 <- df1 %>% dplyr::mutate(n = n * 100) df2_grim <- grim_map(df2) # Comparison with what `grim_ratio()` would return -- it can be negative: test_that("`probability` is zero if `ratio` would be negative", { (df2_grim$probability == 0) %>% all() %>% expect_true() }) x <- rnorm(500, 65, 15) %>% censor(30, 90) %>% round() %>% as.character() n <- rnorm(500, 50, 20) %>% censor(20, 90) %>% round() df3 <- tibble::tibble(x, n) df3_percent_true <- grim_map(df3, percent = TRUE, show_rec = TRUE) %>% suppressMessages() df3_percent_false <- grim_map(df3, show_rec = TRUE) percent_probabilities_greater <- df3_percent_true$probability > df3_percent_false$probability test_that( "The probability of GRIM inconsistency is always greater with `percent = TRUE` than without it", { percent_probabilities_greater %>% all() %>% expect_true() }) df3_true_accord <- df3_percent_true %>% dplyr::select(1, 3, 7:11) %>% dplyr::mutate(accord = dplyr::if_else( consistency, any(dplyr::near( as.numeric(x), c( rec_x_upper_rounded_up, rec_x_upper_rounded_down, rec_x_lower_rounded_up, rec_x_lower_rounded_down ))), FALSE )) accord <- all(df3_true_accord$consistency == df3_true_accord$accord) test_that(glue::glue( "The stated consistency accords with what can be reconstructed \\ from the numbers presented" ), { accord %>% expect_true() }) df4 <- df1 %>% grim_map(items = 2) df4_cons_true <- df4$consistency[df4$consistency] test_that("", { df4_cons_true %>% expect_length(6) }) df5 <- df1 %>% grim_map(show_rec = TRUE) test_that("`show_rec` increases the number of columns correctly", { df5 %>% ncol() %>% expect_equal(11) }) df6 <- df1 %>% dplyr::rename(Mean = x, Sample_Size = n) df6_grim <- df6 %>% grim_map(x = Mean, n = Sample_Size) %>% dplyr::mutate(Mean = NULL, Sample_Size = NULL) test_that("`x` and `n` make the specified columns take on these roles", { df6_grim %>% expect_equal(df1_grim) }) # `df7` was omitted test_that("a `probability` column is naturally present", { df1_grim %>% colnames() %>% expect_contains("probability") }) df8 <- tibble::tibble( x = df1$x, n40 = 40, n80 = 80 ) df8_n40_grim_up_or_down <- grim_map(df8, n = n40, rounding = "up_or_down") df8_n40_grim_up <- grim_map(df8, n = n40, rounding = "up") df8_n40_grim_down <- grim_map(df8, n = n40, rounding = "down") df8_n40_grim_even <- grim_map(df8, n = n40, rounding = "even") df8_n40_grim_ceiling_or_floor <- grim_map(df8, n = n40, rounding = "ceiling_or_floor") df8_n40_grim_ceiling <- grim_map(df8, n = n40, rounding = "ceiling") df8_n40_grim_floor <- grim_map(df8, n = n40, rounding = "floor") df8_n40_grim_trunc <- grim_map(df8, n = n40, rounding = "trunc") df8_n40_grim_anti_trunc <- grim_map(df8, n = n40, rounding = "anti_trunc") df8_n80_grim_up_or_down <- grim_map(df8, n = n80, rounding = "up_or_down") df8_n80_grim_up <- grim_map(df8, n = n80, rounding = "up") df8_n80_grim_down <- grim_map(df8, n = n80, rounding = "down") df8_n80_grim_even <- grim_map(df8, n = n80, rounding = "even") df8_n80_grim_ceiling_or_floor <- grim_map(df8, n = n80, rounding = "ceiling_or_floor") df8_n80_grim_ceiling <- grim_map(df8, n = n80, rounding = "ceiling") df8_n80_grim_floor <- grim_map(df8, n = n80, rounding = "floor") df8_n80_grim_trunc <- grim_map(df8, n = n80, rounding = "trunc") df8_n80_grim_anti_trunc <- grim_map(df8, n = n80, rounding = "anti_trunc") # Function for creating expected logical vectors. Make a list with # `df8_n40_grim_up_or_down` and all other like it (with `n40`), then run # `purrr::map(format_consistency_results)` on that list. Copy the resulting # vectors into the matrix-like scheme below. When finished, do the same with the # `n80` objects. format_consistency_results <- function(df) { out <- df$consistency %>% purrr::map_chr(paste0, ", ") %>% stringr::str_flatten() %>% stringr::str_remove(", $") %>% stringr::str_replace_all("TRUE", "t") %>% stringr::str_replace_all("FALSE", "f") paste0("c(", out, ")") } t <- TRUE f <- FALSE df8_n40_grim_up_or_down_exp <- c(t, f, t, t, t, t, f, t, f, f, t, f) df8_n40_grim_up_exp <- c(f, f, t, f, f, t, f, t, f, f, t, f) df8_n40_grim_down_exp <- c(t, f, f, t, t, f, f, f, f, f, t, f) df8_n40_grim_even_exp <- c(t, f, t, t, t, t, f, t, f, f, t, f) df8_n40_grim_ceiling_or_floor_exp <- c(t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t) df8_n40_grim_ceiling_exp <- c(f, f, t, f, f, t, t, t, f, f, t, f) df8_n40_grim_floor_exp <- c(t, t, f, t, t, f, f, f, t, t, t, t) df8_n40_grim_trunc_exp <- c(t, t, f, t, t, f, f, f, t, t, t, t) df8_n40_grim_anti_trunc_exp <- c(f, f, t, f, f, t, t, t, f, f, t, f) test_that("rounding specifications lead to the expected consistency results in the corner case of n = 40", { df8_n40_grim_up_or_down $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n40_grim_up_or_down_exp ) df8_n40_grim_up $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n40_grim_up_exp ) df8_n40_grim_down $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n40_grim_down_exp ) df8_n40_grim_even $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n40_grim_even_exp ) df8_n40_grim_ceiling_or_floor $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n40_grim_ceiling_or_floor_exp ) df8_n40_grim_ceiling $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n40_grim_ceiling_exp ) df8_n40_grim_floor $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n40_grim_floor_exp ) df8_n40_grim_trunc $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n40_grim_trunc_exp ) df8_n40_grim_anti_trunc $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n40_grim_anti_trunc_exp ) }) df8_n80_grim_up_or_down_exp <- c(t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t) df8_n80_grim_up_exp <- c(f, t, t, f, f, t, t, t, t, t, t, t) df8_n80_grim_down_exp <- c(t, t, f, t, t, f, t, f, t, t, t, t) df8_n80_grim_even_exp <- c(t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t) df8_n80_grim_ceiling_or_floor_exp <- c(t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t) df8_n80_grim_ceiling_exp <- c(t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t) df8_n80_grim_floor_exp <- c(t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t) df8_n80_grim_trunc_exp <- c(t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t) df8_n80_grim_anti_trunc_exp <- c(t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t) test_that("rounding specifications lead to the expected consistency results in the corner case of n = 80", { df8_n80_grim_up_or_down $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n80_grim_up_or_down_exp ) df8_n80_grim_up $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n80_grim_up_exp ) df8_n80_grim_down $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n80_grim_down_exp ) df8_n80_grim_even $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n80_grim_even_exp ) df8_n80_grim_ceiling_or_floor $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n80_grim_ceiling_or_floor_exp ) df8_n80_grim_ceiling $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n80_grim_ceiling_exp ) df8_n80_grim_floor $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n80_grim_floor_exp ) df8_n80_grim_trunc $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n80_grim_trunc_exp ) df8_n80_grim_anti_trunc $consistency %>% expect_equal(df8_n80_grim_anti_trunc_exp ) }) df9_up_1 <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "up_from", threshold = 1) df9_up_9 <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "up_from", threshold = 9) df9_up_1_exp <- c(t, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, t, f) df9_up_9_exp <- c(f, f, f, f, t, f, f, t, t, f, t, f) test_that("the minimum of `threshold` yields expected results", { df9_up_1$consistency %>% expect_equal(df9_up_1_exp) df9_up_9$consistency %>% expect_equal(df9_up_9_exp) }) df9_down_1 <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "down_from", threshold = 1) df9_down_9 <- grim_map(df1, rounding = "down_from", threshold = 9) df9_down_1_exp <- c(f, f, f, f, t, f, f, t, t, f, t, f) df9_down_9_exp <- c(t, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, t, f) test_that("the maximum of `threshold` yields expected results", { df9_down_1$consistency %>% expect_equal(df9_down_1_exp) df9_down_9$consistency %>% expect_equal(df9_down_9_exp) }) # Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------ df10 <- df1 %>% dplyr::mutate(items = 2) df11 <- df1 %>% dplyr::rename(Snout = x) df11_exp <- grim_map(df1) df12 <- df1 %>% dplyr::rename(Sample_Size = n) df12_exp <- grim_map(df1) test_that("expectations related to various individual error messages hold", { df1 %>% grim_map(items = 1:3) %>% expect_error() df10 %>% grim_map(items = 3) %>% expect_error() df11 %>% grim_map(x = Snout) %>% expect_equal(df11_exp) df11 %>% grim_map(x = Mouth) %>% expect_error() df12 %>% grim_map(n = Sample_Size) %>% expect_equal(df12_exp) df12 %>% grim_map(n = Count_Pigs) %>% expect_error() }) df13 <- df1 %>% dplyr::mutate(girth = 30, mirth = 50, birth = 70) df13_exp <- grim_map(df1) test_that("`extra = 0` drops all extra columns", { df13 %>% grim_map(extra = 0) %>% expect_equal(df13_exp) })