R Under development (unstable) (2023-11-02 r85465 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(scDiffCom) > > test_check("scDiffCom") Loading required package: SeuratObject Loading required package: sp Attaching package: 'SeuratObject' The following objects are masked from 'package:base': %||%, intersect Extracting data from assay 'RNA' and slot 'data' (assuming normalized log1p-transformed data). Converting normalized data from log1p-transformed to non-log1p-transformed. Input data: 726 genes, 468 cells and 5 cell-types. Input ligand-receptor database: 4582 mouse interactions. Number of LRIs that match to genes present in the dataset: 1173. Type of analysis to be performed: differential analysis between YOUNG and OLD cells. Extracting data from assay 'RNA' and slot 'data' (assuming normalized log1p-transformed data). Converting normalized data from log1p-transformed to non-log1p-transformed. Input data: 726 genes, 468 cells and 5 cell-types. Input ligand-receptor database: 4582 mouse interactions. Number of LRIs that match to genes present in the dataset: 1173. Type of analysis to be performed: differential analysis between YOUNG and OLD cells. Total number of potential cell-cell interactions (CCIs): 29325 (5 * 5 * 1173). Performing permutation analysis (10 iterations by batches of 1000) on 8952 potential CCIs. Performing batch 1 of 1. Extracting data from assay 'RNA' and slot 'data' (assuming normalized log1p-transformed data). Converting normalized data from log1p-transformed to non-log1p-transformed. Input data: 726 genes, 468 cells and 5 cell-types. Input ligand-receptor database: 4582 mouse interactions. Number of LRIs that match to genes present in the dataset: 1173. Type of analysis to be performed: differential analysis between YOUNG and OLD cells. Total number of potential cell-cell interactions (CCIs): 29325 (5 * 5 * 1173). Performing permutation analysis (1000 iterations by batches of 1000) on 8952 potential CCIs. Performing batch 1 of 1. Filtering and cleaning 'raw' CCIs. Returning 1896 detected CCIs. Performing over-representation analysis on the categories: LRI, LIGAND_COMPLEX, RECEPTOR_COMPLEX, ER_CELLTYPES, EMITTER_CELLTYPE, RECEIVER_CELLTYPE, GO_TERMS, KEGG_PWS. Successfully returning final scDiffCom object. Extracting data from assay 'RNA' and slot 'data' (assuming normalized log1p-transformed data). Converting normalized data from log1p-transformed to non-log1p-transformed. Input data: 726 genes, 468 cells and 5 cell-types. Input ligand-receptor database: 4582 mouse interactions. Number of LRIs that match to genes present in the dataset: 1173. Type of analysis to be performed: differential analysis between YOUNG and OLD cells. Total number of potential cell-cell interactions (CCIs): 29325 (5 * 5 * 1173). Performing permutation analysis (1000 iterations by batches of 1000) on 8952 potential CCIs. Performing batch 1 of 1. Filtering and cleaning 'raw' CCIs. Returning 1896 detected CCIs. Performing over-representation analysis on the categories: LRI, LIGAND_COMPLEX, RECEPTOR_COMPLEX, ER_CELLTYPES, EMITTER_CELLTYPE, RECEIVER_CELLTYPE, GO_TERMS, KEGG_PWS. Successfully returning final scDiffCom object. Performing over-representation analysis on the categories: LRI, LIGAND_COMPLEX, RECEPTOR_COMPLEX, ER_CELLTYPES, EMITTER_CELLTYPE, RECEIVER_CELLTYPE, GO_TERMS, KEGG_PWS. No over-representation analysis available for the selected parameters. No over-representation analysis available for the selected parameters. No over-representation analysis available for the selected parameters. Filtering and cleaning 'raw' CCIs. Returning 2649 detected CCIs. Performing over-representation analysis on the categories: LRI, LIGAND_COMPLEX, RECEPTOR_COMPLEX, ER_CELLTYPES, EMITTER_CELLTYPE, RECEIVER_CELLTYPE, GO_TERMS, KEGG_PWS. Erasing all previous ORA results: LRI, LIGAND_COMPLEX, RECEPTOR_COMPLEX, ER_CELLTYPES, EMITTER_CELLTYPE, RECEIVER_CELLTYPE, GO_TERMS, KEGG_PWS. Performing over-representation analysis on the categories: EMITTER_CELLFAMILY. Keeping previous ORA results: LRI, LIGAND_COMPLEX, RECEPTOR_COMPLEX, ER_CELLTYPES, EMITTER_CELLTYPE, RECEIVER_CELLTYPE, GO_TERMS, KEGG_PWS. [ FAIL 0 | WARN 3 | SKIP 0 | PASS 85 ] [ FAIL 0 | WARN 3 | SKIP 0 | PASS 85 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 237.76 34.14 266.11