context("sar_pred") library(sars) test_that("sar_pred on ind model fit returns correct results", { data(galap) fit <- sar_loga(galap) p <- sar_pred(fit, area = 5000) expect_equal(length(capture_output_lines(p, print = TRUE)), 5) expect_is(p, "sars") expect_true( expect_equal(p$Area, 5000) expect_equal(round(p$Prediction, 2), 258.19) expect_match(as.character(p$Model), "Logarithmic") }) test_that("sar_pred on fit_collection returns correct results", { data(galap) fit2 <- sar_multi(galap, obj = c("power", "koba", "ratio"), grid_start = "none") p2 <- sar_pred(fit2, area = c(5000, 50000)) expect_equal(nrow(p2), 6) expect_equal(round(p2$Prediction[4], 2), 382.84) expect_match(as.character(p2$Model[3]), "Kobayashi") expect_error(sar_pred(fit2, area = "a")) }) test_that("sar_pred on multi-model curve returns correct results", { skip_on_cran() #grid_start has a random component and so it is hard to use it to test, #as it can produce different sar_pred values each time it is run. So here #I have used grid_start = none except for the last. data(niering) #verb = FALSE as heleg has singular gradient warning fit3 <- sar_average(data = niering, grid_start = "none", verb = FALSE) p3 <- sar_pred(fit3, area = c(50, 500)) expect_equal(nrow(p3), 2) expect_equal(round(p3$Prediction[2], 2), 53.14) expect_match(as.character(p3$Model[1]), "Multi") #verb = FALSE as heleg has singular gradient warning fit4 <- sar_average(data = niering, normaTest = "lillie", homoTest = "cor.fitted", grid_start = "none", verb = FALSE) p4 <- sar_pred(fit4, area = c(50, 500)) expect_equal(round(p4$Prediction[2], 2), 116.58) fit5 <- sar_average(data = niering, normaTest = "lillie", grid_start = "none", verb = FALSE) p5 <- sar_pred(fit5, area = c(50, 500)) expect_equal(round(p5$Prediction[2], 2), 47.3) #test it using grid_start = exhaustive, which for this always seems to give the #same answer (in contrast to = partial). But exclude more complex models for #speed obj = c("linear","power","powerR","epm1","epm2","p1", "p2","loga","koba","logistic","monod","negexpo", "weibull3","asymp","ratio", "weibull4", "heleg") fit5 <- sar_average(data = niering, obj = obj, normaTest = "lillie", grid_start = "exhaustive", grid_n = 1000) p5 <- sar_pred(fit5, area = c(50, 500)) expect_equal(round(p5$Prediction[2], 2), 16.76) #nb. the expected richness for 500 here is lower than when no grid_start is #used and this is because grid_start improves the epm1 model which becomes #the best model but which starts to decrease toward the final richness point, #and thus so does the mmi curve. })