context("sar_power") library(sars) test_that("sar_power returns correct results", { fit <- sar_power(galap) expect_equal(round(fit$AICc, 2), 189.03) expect_equal(as.vector(round(fit$par[2], 2)), 0.28) expect_is(fit, "sars") expect_match(fit$normaTest[[1]], "none") expect_error(sar_linear(5), "data must be a matrix or dataframe") fit2 <- sar_power(galap, homoTest = "cor.fitted") expect_equal(as.vector(round(fit2$homoTest[[2]]$p.value, 2)), 0.04) expect_match(fit2$homoTest[[2]]$method, "Spearman's rank correlation rho") expect_no_error(plot(fit)) expect_no_error(plot(fit, lcol = "black")) expect_error(plot(fit, col = "black")) }) #changed neg_expo function allowing z to be > 1, and also the change to #asymp setting z to Rplus rather than R test_that("neg_expo and asymp returns correct results", { fit <- sar_negexpo(niering, grid_start = "none") expect_equal(round(fit$AICc, 2), 207.39) expect_equal(as.vector(round(fit$par[2], 2)), 26.14) fit2 <- sar_asymp(niering) expect_equal(round(fit2$BIC, 2), 204.32) expect_equal(as.vector(round(fit2$par[3], 5)), 0) expect_no_error(plot(fit)) expect_no_error(plot(fit, lcol = "black")) expect_error(plot(fit, col = "black")) }) test_that("sar_power summary returns correct results", { fit <- sar_power(galap, normaTest = "lillie") fs <- summary(fit) expect_equal(round(sum(fs$residuals), 0), -31)#grid start so round to 0 expect_output(str(fs), "List of 16") expect_is(fs, "summary.sars") expect_equal(round(fs$normaTest[[2]]$p.value, 3), 0.056) }) test_that("sar_power returns warning for all identical species", { d <- data.frame("A" = 1:4, "S" = 0) #Note in R-devel 4.5.0, there is a change inside grepl, which #made this warning matching no longer work unless the long string, #which is split across lines, is put inside paste0() expect_warning(sar_power(d), paste0("All richness values are zero: ", "parameter estimates of non-linear models should be ", "interpreted with caution")) d$S <- 1 expect_warning(sar_power(d), "All richness values identical") })