context("sar_logistic") library(sars) test_that("sar_logistic returns correct results", { skip_on_cran() fit <- sar_logistic(galap) expect_equal(round(fit$AICc, 2), 189.21) expect_equal(as.vector(round(fit$par[2], 2)), 0.02) expect_is(fit, "sars") expect_match(fit$normaTest[[1]], "none") expect_match(fit$homoTest[[1]], "none") expect_error(sar_linear(5), "data must be a matrix or dataframe") fit2 <- sar_logistic(galap, homoTest = "cor.area", homoCor = "kendall") expect_equal(round(fit2$homoTest[[2]]$p.value, 2), 0.17) expect_match(fit2$homoTest[[2]]$method, "Kendall's rank correlation tau") #check it works with 0 richness values g2 <- galap g2$s[1] <- 0 fit3 <- sar_logistic(g2) expect_equal(round(fit3$BIC, 2), 188.92) }) test_that("sar_mmf returns correct results", { expect_warning(sar_mmf(galap, grid_start = "none"), "'sar_mmf' is deprecated.") s1 <- suppressWarnings(sar_mmf(niering))#deprecation warning s2 <- sar_heleg(niering) expect_equal(round(s1$AICc, 3), round(s2$AICc, 3)) })