testthat::test_that("make_link generates correct link for default settings", { result <- saros::make_link(mtcars, folder = tempdir()) testthat::expect_true(grepl(x = as.character(result), "\\[download figure data\\]\\(.+/d0487363db4e6cc64fdb740cb6617fc0\\.csv\\)$")) }) testthat::test_that("make_link generates correct link with custom prefix and suffix", { result <- saros::make_link(mtcars, folder = tempdir(), file_prefix = "data_", file_suffix = ".txt", link_prefix = "[clicking me](", link_suffix = ") is the way to go" ) testthat::expect_true(grepl(x = as.character(result), "\\[clicking me\\]\\(.+/data_d0487363db4e6cc64fdb740cb6617fc0\\.txt\\) is the way to go")) }) testthat::test_that("make_link uses custom save function", { result <- saros::make_link(mtcars, folder = tempdir(), save_fn = saveRDS, file_suffix = ".rds") testthat::expect_true(grepl(x = as.character(result), "\\[download figure data\\]\\(.+/d0487363db4e6cc64fdb740cb6617fc0\\.rds\\)$")) }) testthat::test_that("make_link generates unique filename based on object hash", { hash1 <- rlang::hash(mtcars) hash2 <- rlang::hash(iris) result1 <- saros::make_link(mtcars, folder = tempdir()) result2 <- saros::make_link(iris, folder = tempdir()) testthat::expect_true(grepl(paste0(hash1, "\\.csv"), result1)) testthat::expect_true(grepl(paste0(hash2, "\\.csv"), result2)) }) testthat::test_that("make_link creates file in specified folder", { path <- fs::path(tempdir(), paste0(rlang::hash(mtcars), ".csv")) if (fs::file_exists(path)) fs::file_delete(path) saros::make_link(mtcars, folder = tempdir()) testthat::expect_true(fs::file_exists(path)) }) testthat::test_that("make_link throws error if save function fails", { save_fn <- function(data, path) stop("Intentional error") testthat::expect_error(saros::make_link(mtcars[1:8, ], folder = tempdir(), save_fn = save_fn )) })