testthat::test_that("summarize_data", { #Takes on average 5 sec to run all. testthat::expect_equal( saros:::summarize_data( data = saros::ex_survey, dep = paste0("a_", 1:9), data_label = "percentage_bare", showNA = "never", totals = FALSE, descend = TRUE, hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol=".", digits = 0 ) |> dplyr::filter(.variable_label == "Agreement #1", .category == "No") |> dplyr::pull(.data_label), expected = "60") testthat::expect_equal( saros:::summarize_data( data = saros::ex_survey, dep = paste0("a_", 1:9), showNA = "never", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol=".", sort_by = ".count", descend = TRUE ) |> dplyr::slice(1) |> dplyr::pull(.count), expected = 166) testthat::expect_equal( saros:::summarize_data( data = saros::ex_survey, dep = paste0("b_", 1:3), showNA = "never", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol=".", sort_by = "A bit", descend = FALSE ) |> dplyr::slice(1) |> dplyr::pull(.count), expected = 126) testthat::expect_equal( saros:::summarize_data( data = saros::ex_survey, dep = paste0("b_", 1:3), showNA = "never", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol=".", sort_by = c("A bit", "A lot"), descend = FALSE ) |> dplyr::filter(.variable_name == "b_3", .category == "A lot") |> dplyr::pull(.sum_value), expected = .53666667) testthat::expect_equal( saros:::summarize_data( data = saros::ex_survey, dep = paste0("b_", 1:3), showNA = "never", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", digits = 1, hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol="." ) |> dplyr::filter(.variable_name == "b_1", .category == "A lot") |> dplyr::pull(.data_label), expected = "9.3%") testthat::expect_equal( saros:::summarize_data( data = saros::ex_survey, dep = paste0("a_", 1:9), showNA = "never", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, digits = 1, data_label_decimal_symbol="." ) |> dplyr::filter(.variable_name == "a_2", .category == "Yes") |> dplyr::pull(.data_label), "51.9%") testthat::expect_equal( saros:::summarize_data( data = saros::ex_survey, dep = paste0("a_", 1:9), showNA = "never", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol = ".", sort_by = ".count", descend = TRUE ) |> dplyr::filter(.variable_name == "a_9", .category == "No") |> dplyr::pull(.count), expected = 146) testthat::expect_equal( saros:::summarize_data( data = saros::ex_survey, dep = paste0("a_", 1:9), indep = "x1_sex", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol=".", showNA = "never" )|> dplyr::filter(.variable_name == "a_2" & .category == "No" & x1_sex == "Females") |> dplyr::pull(.count), expected = 64) testthat::expect_equal( saros:::summarize_data( data = saros::ex_survey, dep = paste0("a_", 1:9), indep = c("x1_sex", "x2_human", "f_uni"), totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol=".", showNA = "never" ) |> dplyr::filter(.variable_name == "a_1", x1_sex == "Males", x2_human == "Robot?", f_uni == "Uni of A", .category == "Yes") |> dplyr::pull(.proportion), expected = 0.5) }) testthat::test_that("crosstable3 srvyr gives same output as regular tbl with 0 indep-col", { suppressMessages(library(dplyr)) suppressMessages(library(srvyr)) x <- saros::ex_survey %>% saros:::summarize_data(dep = paste0("b_", 1:3), sort_by = c("A lot", "A bit"), digits = 2, label_separator = " - ", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol=".", descend = FALSE, showNA = "never" ) |> arrange(dplyr::pick(tidyselect::everything())) x_srv <- saros::ex_survey %>% srvyr::as_survey(strata = f_uni) %>% saros:::summarize_data(dep = paste0("b_", 1:3), sort_by = c("A lot", "A bit"), digits = 2, label_separator = " - ", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol=".", descend = FALSE, showNA = "never" ) |> arrange(dplyr::pick(tidyselect::everything())) testthat::expect_equal(object = x %>% dplyr::slice(1) %>% dplyr::pull(.data$.proportion), expected = .43) testthat::expect_equal(object = names(x_srv), expected = names(x)) testthat::expect_equal(object = nrow(x_srv), expected = nrow(x)) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".variable_name"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".variable_name"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".category"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".category"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".count"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".count"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".variable_label"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".variable_label"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".data_label"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".data_label"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".proportion"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".proportion"]]), tolerance = .000000001) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".proportion_se"]]), expected = rep(NA_real_, nrow(x))) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".comb_categories"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".comb_categories"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".sum_value"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".sum_value"]])) }) testthat::test_that("crosstable3 srvyr gives same output as regular tbl with 1 indep-col", { suppressMessages(library(dplyr)) suppressMessages(library(srvyr)) x <- saros::ex_survey %>% saros:::summarize_data(dep = paste0("b_", 1:3), indep = "x1_sex", sort_by = c("A lot", "A bit"), label_separator = " - ", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol=".", descend = FALSE, showNA = "never" ) |> arrange(dplyr::pick(tidyselect::everything())) x_srv <- saros::ex_survey %>% srvyr::as_survey(strata = f_uni) %>% saros:::summarize_data(dep = paste0("b_", 1:3), indep = "x1_sex", sort_by = c("A lot", "A bit"), label_separator = " - ", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol=".", descend = FALSE, showNA = "never" ) |> arrange(dplyr::pick(tidyselect::everything())) testthat::expect_equal(object = names(x_srv), expected = names(x)) testthat::expect_equal(object = nrow(x_srv), expected = nrow(x)) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".variable_name"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".variable_name"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[["x1_sex"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[["x1_sex"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".category"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".category"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".count"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".count"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".variable_label"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".variable_label"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = as.numeric(stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".data_label"]]), "%","")), expected = as.numeric(stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".data_label"]]), "%","")), tolerance = .1) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".proportion"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".proportion"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".proportion_se"]]), expected = rep(NA_real_, nrow(x))) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".comb_categories"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".comb_categories"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".sum_value"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".sum_value"]])) }) testthat::test_that("crosstable3 srvyr gives same output as regular tbl with 2 indep-col", { suppressMessages(library(dplyr)) suppressMessages(library(srvyr)) x <- saros::ex_survey %>% saros:::summarize_data(dep = paste0("b_", 1:3), indep = c("x1_sex", "x2_human"), sort_by = c("A lot", "A bit"), label_separator = " - ", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol=".", descend = FALSE, showNA = "never" ) |> arrange(dplyr::pick(tidyselect::everything())) x_srv <- saros::ex_survey %>% srvyr::as_survey(strata = f_uni) %>% saros:::summarize_data(dep = paste0("b_", 1:3), indep = c("x1_sex", "x2_human"), sort_by = c("A lot", "A bit"), label_separator = " - ", totals = FALSE, data_label = "percentage", hide_label_if_prop_below = 0, data_label_decimal_symbol=".", descend = FALSE, showNA = "never" ) |> arrange(dplyr::pick(tidyselect::everything())) testthat::expect_equal(object = names(x_srv), expected = names(x)) testthat::expect_equal(object = nrow(x_srv), expected = nrow(x)) # testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".variable_name"]]), # expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".variable_name"]])) # testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[["x1_sex"]]), # expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[["x1_sex"]])) # testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[["x2_human"]]), # expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[["x2_human"]])) # testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".category"]]), # expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".category"]])) # testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".count"]]), # expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".count"]])) # testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".variable_label"]]), # expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".variable_label"]])) # testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".data_label"]]), # expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".data_label"]])) # testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".proportion"]]), # expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".proportion"]])) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".proportion_se"]]), expected = rep(NA_real_, nrow(x))) testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".comb_categories"]]), expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".comb_categories"]])) # testthat::expect_equal(object = dplyr::pull(x_srv, .data[[".sum_value"]]), # expected = dplyr::pull(x, .data[[".sum_value"]])) })