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Type 'q()' to quit R. > ## Sys.setenv(R_TESTS="") > library(testthat) > library(sarima) Loading required package: stats4 Attaching package: 'sarima' The following object is masked from 'package:stats': spectrum > > test_check("sarima") Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'FitARMA'' Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'FitARMA'' standardized spectral density of the following ARMA(0,1) model: ar coef: ma coef: 0.9 sigma2: 1 Peaks: freq spec period [1,] 0 1.994 0 Troughs: freq spec period [1,] 0.5 0.005525 2 max peak/min trough: 361 standardized spectral density of the following ARMA(13,13) model: ar coef: 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 -0.45 ma coef: 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0.09 sigma2: 1 Peaks: freq spec period [1,] 0.00000000 51.42130332 0.000000 [2,] 0.08267717 2.02154462 12.095238 [3,] 0.16535433 0.51509112 6.047619 [4,] 0.24803150 0.22927643 4.031746 [5,] 0.33464567 0.13874701 2.988235 [6,] 0.41732283 0.10481430 2.396226 [7,] 0.50000000 0.09535326 2.000000 Troughs: freq spec period [1,] 0.04330709 4.917941e-03 23.090909 [2,] 0.12598425 4.133602e-04 7.937500 [3,] 0.20866142 1.086967e-04 4.792453 [4,] 0.29133858 5.822878e-05 3.432432 [5,] 0.37401575 5.537596e-05 2.673684 [6,] 0.45669291 7.189623e-05 2.189655 max peak/min trough: 928585.3 Estimated spectral density series: gwn method: Raw Periodogram nseasons: 4 frequency range: (-2,2] sort method for the table: decreasing magnitudes freq spec % Total Cum. % [1,] 1.75000 1.1552457 0.07269157 0.07269157 [2,] 0.03125 0.9912500 0.06237246 0.13506404 [3,] 0.65625 0.9641998 0.06067038 0.19573442 [4,] 0.81250 0.7068925 0.04447983 0.24021425 [5,] 0.46875 0.6691485 0.04210486 0.28231911 [6,] 0.12500 0.6400419 0.04027338 0.32259249 Estimated spectral density series: gwn method: Raw Periodogram nseasons: 4 frequency range: (-2,2] sort method for the table: decreasing magnitudes freq spec % Total Cum. % [1,] 1.75000 1.1552457 0.07269157 0.07269157 [2,] 0.03125 0.9912500 0.06237246 0.13506404 [3,] 0.65625 0.9641998 0.06067038 0.19573442 [4,] 0.81250 0.7068925 0.04447983 0.24021425 [5,] 0.46875 0.6691485 0.04210486 0.28231911 [6,] 0.12500 0.6400419 0.04027338 0.32259249 Estimated spectral density series: gwn method: Raw Periodogram nseasons: 4 frequency range: (-2,2] sort method for the table: none freq spec % Total Cum. % [1,] 0.03125 0.9912500 0.062372464 0.06237246 [2,] 0.06250 0.3147255 0.019803488 0.08217595 [3,] 0.09375 0.4810484 0.030269027 0.11244498 [4,] 0.12500 0.6400419 0.040273380 0.15271836 [5,] 0.15625 0.3628933 0.022834350 0.17555271 [6,] 0.18750 0.1341244 0.008439518 0.18399223 Estimated spectral density series: gwn method: Raw Periodogram nseasons: 4 frequency range: (-2,2] sort method for the table: local maxima first freq spec % Total Cum. % ranks [1,] 1.75000 1.1552457 0.07269157 0.07269157 1 [2,] 0.03125 0.9912500 0.06237246 0.13506404 2 [3,] 0.65625 0.9641998 0.06067038 0.19573442 3 [4,] 0.81250 0.7068925 0.04447983 0.24021425 4 [5,] 0.46875 0.6691485 0.04210486 0.28231911 5 [6,] 0.12500 0.6400419 0.04027338 0.32259249 6 standardized spectral density of the following ARMA(0,13) model: ar coef: ma coef: -0.3087 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.1074 0.03317 sigma2: 135.4237 Peaks: freq spec period [1,] 0.04398827 0.5535064 22.733333 [2,] 0.12903226 0.7356525 7.750000 [3,] 0.21212121 1.0438655 4.714286 [4,] 0.29472141 1.3954640 3.393035 [5,] 0.37683284 1.6983586 2.653696 [6,] 0.45894428 1.8728666 2.178914 Troughs: freq spec period [1,] 0.00000000 0.3436561 0.000000 [2,] 0.08113392 0.4015780 12.325301 [3,] 0.16373412 0.5622301 6.107463 [4,] 0.24780059 0.7843160 4.035503 [5,] 0.33186706 1.0076153 3.013255 [6,] 0.41593353 1.1714453 2.404230 [7,] 0.50000000 1.2314609 2.000000 max peak/min trough: 5.449827 standardized spectral density of the following ARMA(1,0) model: ar coef: -0.9 ma coef: sigma2: NA Peaks: freq spec period [1,] 0.5 19 2 Troughs: freq spec period [1,] 0 0.05263158 0 max peak/min trough: 361 standardized spectral density of the following ARMA(1,0) model: ar coef: -0.9 ma coef: sigma2: NA Peaks: freq spec period [1,] 0.5 19 2 Troughs: freq spec period [1,] 0 0.05263158 0 max peak/min trough: 361 standardized spectral density of the following ARMA(0,0) model: ar coef: ma coef: sigma2: 2 constant, equal to 1 for all frequencies spectral density of the following ARMA(0,0) model: ar coef: ma coef: sigma2: 2 constant, equal to 2 for all frequencies standardized spectral density of the following ARMA(0,0) model: ar coef: ma coef: sigma2: 2 constant, equal to 1 for all frequencies standardized spectral density of the following ARMA(0,0) model: ar coef: ma coef: sigma2: NA constant, equal to 1 for all frequencies Peaks: freq spec period [1,] 0 Inf 0 Troughs: freq spec period [1,] 0.5 0.5 2 max peak/min trough: Inf Peaks: freq spec period [1,] 0 Inf 0 Troughs: freq spec period [1,] 0.5 0.5 2 max peak/min trough: Inf An object of class "SarimaModel" [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 218 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 68.87 1.43 70.25