library("sandwich") data("PetersenCL", package = "sandwich") m <- lm(y ~ x, data = PetersenCL) sandwich::vcovPC(m, cluster = ~ firm + year) PU <- subset(PetersenCL, !(firm == 1 & year == 10)) u_m <- lm(y ~ x, data = PU) sandwich::vcovPC(u_m, cluster = ~ firm + year, pairwise = TRUE) sandwich::vcovPC(u_m, cluster = ~ firm + year, pairwise = FALSE) ## vcovPC compared with Stata's xtpcse (xtscc y x) standard errors pc1 <- c(0.0222006 , 0.025276) names(pc1) <- c("(Intercept)", "x") pc1 (pc2 <- sqrt(diag(sandwich::vcovPC(m, cluster = PetersenCL$firm, = PetersenCL$year)))) all.equal(pc1, pc2, tolerance = 1e-5) ## sandwich::vcovPC compared to pcse::vcovPC if(!require("pcse")) q() (pc3 <- pcse::vcovPC(u_m, PU$firm, PU$year, pairwise = FALSE)) (pc4 <- sandwich::vcovPC(u_m, cluster = ~ firm + year, pairwise = FALSE)) (pc5 <- pcse::vcovPC(u_m, PU$firm, PU$year, pairwise = TRUE)) (pc6 <- sandwich::vcovPC(u_m, cluster = ~ firm + year, pairwise = TRUE)) rownames(pc3) <- colnames(pc3) <- rownames(pc5) <- colnames(pc5) <- c("(Intercept)", "x") all.equal(pc3, pc4) all.equal(pc5, pc6)