R Under development (unstable) (2025-03-01 r87860 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * https://r-pkgs.org/testing-design.html#sec-tests-files-overview > # * https://testthat.r-lib.org/articles/special-files.html > > library(testthat) > library(samesies) > > test_check("samesies") i Skipping 'order' method because levels are not explicitly ordered. Set ordered = TRUE to compute the order method. v Computed exact scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] v Computed exact scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.333] v Computed exact scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.333] i Skipping 'order' method because levels are not explicitly ordered. Set ordered = TRUE to compute the order method. v Computed exact scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] @ scores :List of 1 .. $ exact:List of 1 .. ..$ fruits1_fruits2: Named num [1:3] 1 1 1 .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "apple" "orange" "unknown" @ summary :List of 1 .. $ exact:List of 1 .. ..$ fruits1_fruits2:List of 8 .. .. ..$ mean : num 1 .. .. ..$ median: num 1 .. .. ..$ sd : num 0 .. .. ..$ min : num 1 .. .. ..$ max : num 1 .. .. ..$ q1 : Named num 1 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "25%" .. .. ..$ q3 : Named num 1 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "75%" .. .. ..$ iqr : num 0 @ methods : chr "exact" @ list_names: chr [1:2] "fruits1" "fruits2" @ digits : num 3 @ levels : chr [1:3] "apple" "orange" "banana" i Skipping 'order' method because levels are not explicitly ordered. Set ordered = TRUE to compute the order method. v Computed exact scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] v Computed exact scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] v Computed order scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] i Skipping 'order' method because levels are not explicitly ordered. Set ordered = TRUE to compute the order method. v Computed exact scores for "fruits" in "nested_cats1"-"nested_cats2" [mean: 0.667] v Computed exact scores for "colors" in "nested_cats1"-"nested_cats2" [mean: 0.667] i Skipping 'order' method because levels are not explicitly ordered. Set ordered = TRUE to compute the order method. v Computed exact scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] i Skipping 'order' method because levels are not explicitly ordered. Set ordered = TRUE to compute the order method. v Computed exact scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] i Using auto-calculated max_diff: 0.45 v Computed exact scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.333] v Computed exact scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 0.333] v Computed exact scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.333] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.958] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 0.955] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.915] v Computed normalized scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.926] v Computed normalized scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 0.926] v Computed normalized scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.852] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 1] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 1] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.958] i Using auto-calculated max_diff: 0.4 v Computed exact scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.333] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.958] v Computed normalized scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.917] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 1] @ scores :List of 4 .. $ exact :List of 1 .. ..$ nums1_nums2: num [1:3] 0 1 0 .. $ pct_diff :List of 1 .. ..$ nums1_nums2: num [1:3] 0.95 1 0.923 .. $ normalized:List of 1 .. ..$ nums1_nums2: num [1:3] 0.875 1 0.875 .. $ fuzzy :List of 1 .. ..$ nums1_nums2: num [1:3] 1 1 1 @ summary :List of 4 .. $ exact :List of 1 .. ..$ nums1_nums2:List of 8 .. .. ..$ mean : num 0.333 .. .. ..$ median: num 0 .. .. ..$ sd : num 0.577 .. .. ..$ min : num 0 .. .. ..$ max : num 1 .. .. ..$ q1 : Named num 0 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "25%" .. .. ..$ q3 : Named num 0.5 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "75%" .. .. ..$ iqr : num 0.5 .. $ pct_diff :List of 1 .. ..$ nums1_nums2:List of 8 .. .. ..$ mean : num 0.958 .. .. ..$ median: num 0.95 .. .. ..$ sd : num 0.039 .. .. ..$ min : num 0.923 .. .. ..$ max : num 1 .. .. ..$ q1 : Named num 0.937 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "25%" .. .. ..$ q3 : Named num 0.975 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "75%" .. .. ..$ iqr : num 0.0385 .. $ normalized:List of 1 .. ..$ nums1_nums2:List of 8 .. .. ..$ mean : num 0.917 .. .. ..$ median: num 0.875 .. .. ..$ sd : num 0.0722 .. .. ..$ min : num 0.875 .. .. ..$ max : num 1 .. .. ..$ q1 : Named num 0.875 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "25%" .. .. ..$ q3 : Named num 0.938 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "75%" .. .. ..$ iqr : num 0.0625 .. $ fuzzy :List of 1 .. ..$ nums1_nums2:List of 8 .. .. ..$ mean : num 1 .. .. ..$ median: num 1 .. .. ..$ sd : num 7.85e-17 .. .. ..$ min : num 1 .. .. ..$ max : num 1 .. .. ..$ q1 : Named num 1 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "25%" .. .. ..$ q3 : Named num 1 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "75%" .. .. ..$ iqr : num 0 @ methods : chr [1:4] "exact" "pct_diff" "normalized" "fuzzy" @ list_names: chr [1:2] "nums1" "nums2" @ digits : num 3 @ raw_values:List of 2 .. $ : num [1:3] 0.95 1 0.6 .. $ : num [1:3] 1 1 0.65 i Using auto-calculated max_diff: 0.4 v Computed exact scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.333] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.958] v Computed normalized scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.917] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 1] i Using auto-calculated max_diff: 0.4 v Computed normalized scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.917] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 1] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.958] i Using auto-calculated max_diff for "weights": 2.5 i Using auto-calculated max_diff for "heights": 20 v Computed exact scores for "weights_nested_nums1_nested_nums2" [mean: 0] v Computed pct_diff scores for "weights_nested_nums1_nested_nums2" [mean: 0.975] v Computed normalized scores for "weights_nested_nums1_nested_nums2" [mean: 0.98] v Computed fuzzy scores for "weights_nested_nums1_nested_nums2" [mean: 1] v Computed exact scores for "heights_nested_nums1_nested_nums2" [mean: 0] v Computed pct_diff scores for "heights_nested_nums1_nested_nums2" [mean: 0.988] v Computed normalized scores for "heights_nested_nums1_nested_nums2" [mean: 0.9] v Computed fuzzy scores for "heights_nested_nums1_nested_nums2" [mean: 1] i Using auto-calculated max_diff: 0.45 v Computed exact scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.333] v Computed exact scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 0.333] v Computed exact scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.333] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.958] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 0.955] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.915] v Computed normalized scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.926] v Computed normalized scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 0.926] v Computed normalized scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.852] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 1] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 1] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.958] v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.984] v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.952] v Computed jw scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.97] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.867] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.794] v Computed lv scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.849] v Computed osa scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.933] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.867] v Computed dl scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.933] v Computed hamming scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.867] v Computed lcs scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.867] v Computed qgram scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] v Computed cosine scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] v Computed jaccard scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.984] v Computed soundex scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.984] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.867] @ scores :List of 2 .. $ jw:List of 1 .. ..$ fruits1_fruits2: Named num [1:3] 0.953 1 1 .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "apple" "banana" "orange" .. $ lv:List of 1 .. ..$ fruits1_fruits2: Named num [1:3] 0.6 1 1 .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "apple" "banana" "orange" @ summary :List of 2 .. $ jw:List of 1 .. ..$ fruits1_fruits2:List of 8 .. .. ..$ mean : num 0.984 .. .. ..$ median: num 1 .. .. ..$ sd : num 0.0269 .. .. ..$ min : num 0.953 .. .. ..$ max : num 1 .. .. ..$ q1 : Named num 0.977 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "25%" .. .. ..$ q3 : Named num 1 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "75%" .. .. ..$ iqr : num 0.0233 .. $ lv:List of 1 .. ..$ fruits1_fruits2:List of 8 .. .. ..$ mean : num 0.867 .. .. ..$ median: num 1 .. .. ..$ sd : num 0.231 .. .. ..$ min : num 0.6 .. .. ..$ max : num 1 .. .. ..$ q1 : Named num 0.8 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "25%" .. .. ..$ q3 : Named num 1 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "75%" .. .. ..$ iqr : num 0.2 @ methods : chr [1:2] "jw" "lv" @ list_names: chr [1:2] "fruits1" "fruits2" @ digits : num 3 v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.984] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.867] v Computed jw scores for "nested_fruits1_nested_fruits2" [mean: 0.972] v Computed jw scores for "nested_fruits1_nested_fruits2" [mean: 0.972] v Computed jw scores for "nested_fruits1_nested_fruits3" [mean: 0.946] v Computed jw scores for "nested_fruits2_nested_fruits3" [mean: 0.902] v Computed lv scores for "nested_fruits1_nested_fruits2" [mean: 0.909] v Computed lv scores for "nested_fruits1_nested_fruits3" [mean: 0.783] v Computed lv scores for "nested_fruits2_nested_fruits3" [mean: 0.702] v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.984] v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.952] v Computed jw scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.97] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.867] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.794] v Computed lv scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.849] v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.984] v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.952] v Computed jw scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.97] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.867] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.794] v Computed lv scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.849] v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.984] v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.952] v Computed jw scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.97] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.867] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.794] v Computed lv scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.849] i Skipping 'order' method because levels are not explicitly ordered. Set ordered = TRUE to compute the order method. v Computed exact scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] v Computed exact scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.333] v Computed exact scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.333] i Using auto-calculated max_diff: 0.45 v Computed exact scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.333] v Computed exact scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 0.333] v Computed exact scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.333] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.958] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 0.955] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.915] v Computed normalized scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.926] v Computed normalized scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 0.926] v Computed normalized scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.852] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 1] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 1] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.958] v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.984] v Computed jw scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.952] v Computed jw scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.97] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 0.867] v Computed lv scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.794] v Computed lv scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.849] i Skipping 'order' method because levels are not explicitly ordered. Set ordered = TRUE to compute the order method. v Computed exact scores for "fruits1_fruits2" [mean: 1] v Computed exact scores for "fruits1_fruits3" [mean: 0.333] v Computed exact scores for "fruits2_fruits3" [mean: 0.333] i Using auto-calculated max_diff: 0.45 v Computed exact scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.333] v Computed exact scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 0.333] v Computed exact scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.333] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.958] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 0.955] v Computed pct_diff scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.915] v Computed normalized scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 0.926] v Computed normalized scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 0.926] v Computed normalized scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.852] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums1_nums2" [mean: 1] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums1_nums3" [mean: 1] v Computed fuzzy scores for "nums2_nums3" [mean: 0.958] [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 83 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 5.45 0.34 5.87