test_that("recycle_common works", { expect_identical(recycle_common(1, 2), list(1, 2)) expect_identical(recycle_common(1, b = 2), list(1, b = 2)) expect_identical(recycle_common(1, 2:4), list(c(1, 1, 1), c(2L, 3L, 4L))) expect_identical(recycle_common(numeric(0), 2), list(numeric(0), numeric(0))) expect_error(recycle_common(numeric(0), 2:4), "Incompatible lengths") }) test_that("problems stopper formats problems correctly", { expect_error( stop_problems_create(1, "Houston! We have a correctly formatted problem!"), "Found 1 feature with invalid" ) expect_error( stop_problems_create(1:11, paste0("problem ", 1:11)), "\\.\\.\\.and 1 more" ) }) test_that("processing problems stopper formats problems correctly", { expect_error( stop_problems_process(1, "Houston! We have a correctly formatted problem!"), "Encountered 1 processing error" ) expect_error( stop_problems_process(1:11, paste0("problem ", 1:11)), "\\.\\.\\.and 1 more" ) }) test_that("wkt tester works", { expect_wkt_equal("POINT (0.123456 0)", "POINT (0.1234561 0)", precision = 6) expect_failure(expect_wkt_equal("POINT (0.123456 0)", "POINT (0.1234561 0)", precision = 7)) }) test_that("almost equal expectation works", { expect_near(0.001, 0, epsilon = 0.0011) expect_failure(expect_near(0.001, 0, epsilon = 0.0009)) })