R Under development (unstable) (2024-12-15 r87442 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(rzmq) > > # ZMQ inproc endpoint to use in tests cases. > test.ENDPOINT <- "inproc://poll" > > # Testing helpers. > assert <- function(condition, message="Assertion Failed") if(!condition) stop(message) > assert.fails <- function(expr, message="Assertion Failed") { + result <- try(expr, TRUE) + assert(inherits(result, 'try-error'), message) + } > > # Generate the power set of an input vector. > powerset <- function(x) do.call(c, Map(function(n) combn(x, n, simplify=FALSE), 1:length(x))) > > # A basic test of poll functionality. > test.rzmq.poll.basic <- function() { + ctx <- init.context() + s.rep <- init.socket(ctx, "ZMQ_REP") + s.req <- init.socket(ctx, "ZMQ_REQ") + + bind.socket(s.rep, test.ENDPOINT) + connect.socket(s.req, test.ENDPOINT) + + pollrc <- poll.socket(list(s.rep), list("read"), timeout=0L) + assert(pollrc[[1]]$read == FALSE, "Poll should return $read==FALSE") + + send.socket(s.req, "Hello") + pollrc <- poll.socket(list(s.rep), list("read"), timeout=0L) + assert(pollrc[[1]]$read == TRUE, "Poll should return $read==TRUE") + + receive.socket(s.rep) + pollrc <- poll.socket(list(s.rep), list("read"), timeout=0L) + assert(pollrc[[1]]$read == FALSE, "Poll should return $read==FALSE") + } > > # Ensures that poll fails when supplied with invalid > # arguments. > test.rzmq.poll.invalidargs <- function() { + ctx <- init.context() + s.rep <- init.socket(ctx, "ZMQ_REP") + bind.socket(s.rep, test.ENDPOINT) + + assert.fails(poll.socket(list(s.rep), list("read", "read")), "poll shall only accept socket and event lists of equal length.") + assert.fails(poll.socket(list(s.rep), list("read2")), "poll shall only accept event names: read, write, and error.") + assert.fails(poll.socket(list(s.rep), list(2)), "poll shall only accept event names: read, write, and error.") + assert.fails(poll.socket(list(), list("read")), "poll shall not accept an empty list of sockets.") + } > > # Tests the powerset of {read, write, error} to ensure > # poll returns the correct flags. > test.rzmq.poll.returntypes <- function() { + ctx <- init.context() + s.rep <- init.socket(ctx, "ZMQ_REP") + bind.socket(s.rep, test.ENDPOINT) + + combinations <- powerset(c("read", "write", "error")) + + testEventInput <- function(events) { + pollrc <- poll.socket(list(s.rep), list(events), timeout=0L) + assert(all(names(pollrc[[1]]) == events), "poll shall only return logical flags for events that it has requested.") + } + for (events in combinations) testEventInput(events) + } > > # Run tests. > test.rzmq.poll.basic() > test.rzmq.poll.invalidargs() > test.rzmq.poll.returntypes() > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.25 0.09 0.32