## Adapted from https://github.com/biobakery/banocc/blob/master/tests/testthat/test_utils_rlkj.R # context("Utilities - rLKJ1") d_vals <- c(2, 5) # seq(2, 200, 10) eta_vals <- c(1, 50) # seq(1, 200, 10) test_that("rLKJ1 returns a matrix", { for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in eta_vals) { eval(bquote(expect_true(is.matrix(rLKJ1(d = .(d), eta = .(eta)))))) eval(bquote( expect_true(is.matrix(rLKJ1(d = .(d), eta = .(eta), cholesky = TRUE))) )) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 returns square matrix", { test_square <- function(d, e, ch) { r <- rLKJ1(d = d, eta = e, cholesky = ch) expect_equal(nrow(r), ncol(r)) } for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in eta_vals) { test_square(d, eta, FALSE) test_square(d, eta, TRUE) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 returns matrix with d rows", { test_nrow <- function(d, e, ch) { eval(bquote( expect_equal(nrow(rLKJ1(d = .(d), eta = .(e), cholesky = .(ch))), .(d)) )) } for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in eta_vals) { test_nrow(d, eta, TRUE) test_nrow(d, eta, FALSE) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 returns positive definite matrix if cholesky=FALSE", { test_pd <- function(d, e) { eval(bquote(expect_true(all(eigen(rLKJ1(d = .(d), eta = .(e)))$values > 0)))) } for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in eta_vals) { test_pd(d, eta) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 returns symmetric matrix if cholesky=FALSE", { get_tri <- function(mat, type) { if (type == "lower") { t(mat)[upper.tri(mat)] } else { mat[upper.tri(mat)] } } test_symmetric <- function(d, e) { l <- rLKJ1(d = d, eta = e) expect_equal( get_tri(l, "lower"), get_tri(l, "upper") ) } for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in eta_vals) { test_symmetric(d, eta) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 returns matrix with diagonal elts 1 if cholesky=FALSE", { test_diag <- function(d, e) { eval(bquote( expect_equal(diag(rLKJ1(d = .(d), eta = .(e))), rep(1, .(d))) )) } for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in eta_vals) { test_diag(d, eta) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 returns matrix with elts between -1 and 1 if cholesky=FALSE", { test_elts <- function(d, e) { r <- rLKJ1(d = d, eta = e) r[upper.tri(r)] } for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in eta_vals) { expect_true(all(test_elts(d, eta) >= -1)) expect_true(all(test_elts(d, eta) <= 1)) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 returns matrix with upper triangle of 0 if cholesky=TRUE", { get_uppertri <- function(mat) { mat[upper.tri(mat)] } test_uppertri <- function(d, e) { eval(bquote( expect_equal( get_uppertri(rLKJ1(d = .(d), eta = .(e), cholesky = TRUE)), rep(0, choose(.(d), 2)) ) )) } for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in eta_vals) { test_uppertri(d, eta) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 corr matrix is positive definite if cholesky=TRUE", { test_pd <- function(d, e) { l <- rLKJ1(d = d, eta = e, cholesky = TRUE) eigen(l %*% t(l))$values } for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in eta_vals) { expect_true(all(test_pd(d, eta) > 0)) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 corr matrix is symmetric if cholesky=TRUE", { get_tri <- function(mat, type) { if (type == "lower") { t(mat)[upper.tri(mat)] } else { mat[upper.tri(mat)] } } test_symmetric <- function(d, e) { l <- rLKJ1(d = d, eta = e, cholesky = TRUE) r <- l %*% t(l) expect_equal(get_tri(r, "lower"), get_tri(r, "upper")) } for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in eta_vals) { test_symmetric(d, eta) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 corr matrix has diagonal elements of 1 if cholesky=TRUE", { test_diag <- function(d, e) { l <- rLKJ1(d = d, eta = e, cholesky = TRUE) diag(l %*% t(l)) } for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in eta_vals) { expect_equal(test_diag(d, eta), rep(1, d)) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 corr matrix has elts between -1 and 1 if cholesky=TRUE", { test_elts <- function(d, e) { l <- rLKJ1(d = d, eta = e, cholesky = TRUE) (l %*% t(l))[upper.tri(l)] } for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in eta_vals) { expect_true(all(test_elts(d, eta) >= -1)) expect_true(all(test_elts(d, eta) <= 1)) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 gives error if eta < 1", { err_string <- "must be >= 1" for (d in d_vals) { for (eta in c(-1, 0)) { expect_error(rLKJ1(d = d, eta = eta, cholesky = TRUE), err_string) expect_error(rLKJ1(d = d, eta = eta, cholesky = FALSE), err_string) } } }) test_that("rLKJ1 gives error if d < 2", { err_string <- "must be > 1" for (d in c(-1, 0, 1)) { for (eta in eta_vals) { expect_error(rLKJ1(d = d, eta = eta, cholesky = TRUE), err_string) expect_error(rLKJ1(d = d, eta = eta, cholesky = FALSE), err_string) } } }) # context("Utilities - invWR1d") nu_vals <- c(4.5, 50) d_vals <- c(2, 5) test_that("invWR1d returns a matrix", { for (d in d_vals) { for (nu in nu_vals) { expect_true(is.matrix(eval(bquote(invWR1d(d = .(d), nu = .(nu)))))) eval(bquote( expect_true(is.matrix(invWR1d(d = .(d), nu = .(nu)))) )) } } }) test_that("invWR1d returns square matrix", { test_square <- function(d, e) { r <- invWR1d(d = d, nu = e) expect_equal(nrow(r), ncol(r)) } for (d in d_vals) { for (nu in nu_vals) { test_square(d, nu) } } }) test_that("invWR1d returns matrix with d rows", { test_nrow <- function(d, e) { eval(bquote( expect_equal(nrow(invWR1d(d = .(d), nu = .(e))), .(d)) )) } for (d in d_vals) { for (nu in nu_vals) { test_nrow(d, nu) } } }) test_that("invWR1d returns positive definite matrix if cholesky=FALSE", { test_pd <- function(d, e) { eval(bquote(expect_true(all(eigen(invWR1d(d = .(d), nu = .(e)))$values > 0)))) } for (d in d_vals) { for (nu in nu_vals) { test_pd(d, nu) } } }) test_that("invWR1d returns symmetric matrix", { get_tri <- function(mat, type) { if (type == "lower") { t(mat)[upper.tri(mat)] } else { mat[upper.tri(mat)] } } test_symmetric <- function(d, e) { l <- invWR1d(d = d, nu = e) expect_equal( get_tri(l, "lower"), get_tri(l, "upper") ) } for (d in d_vals) { for (nu in nu_vals) { test_symmetric(d, nu) } } }) test_that("invWR1d returns matrix with diagonal elts 1", { test_diag <- function(d, e) { eval(bquote( expect_equal(diag(invWR1d(d = .(d), nu = .(e))), rep(1, .(d))) )) } for (d in d_vals) { for (nu in nu_vals) { test_diag(d, nu) } } }) test_that("invWR1d returns matrix with elts between -1 and 1", { test_elts <- function(d, e) { r <- invWR1d(d = d, nu = e) r[upper.tri(r)] } for (d in d_vals) { for (nu in nu_vals) { expect_true(all(test_elts(d, nu) >= -1)) expect_true(all(test_elts(d, nu) <= 1)) } } }) test_that("invWR1d corr matrix is positive definite", { test_pd <- function(d, e) { l <- invWR1d(d = d, nu = e) eigen(l %*% t(l))$values } for (d in d_vals) { for (nu in nu_vals) { expect_true(all(test_pd(d, nu) > 0)) } } }) test_that("invWR1d corr matrix is symmetric", { get_tri <- function(mat, type) { if (type == "lower") { t(mat)[upper.tri(mat)] } else { mat[upper.tri(mat)] } } test_symmetric <- function(d, e) { l <- invWR1d(d = d, nu = e) r <- l %*% t(l) expect_equal(get_tri(r, "lower"), get_tri(r, "upper")) } for (d in d_vals) { for (nu in nu_vals) { test_symmetric(d, nu) } } }) test_that("invWR1d gives error if nu < d-1", { err_string <- "'nu' must be greater than 'd'-1" for (d in d_vals) { for (nu in c(-1, 1)) { expect_error(invWR1d(d = d, nu = nu), err_string) } } })