rxTest({ expect_plotlog <- function(o, timex, logx, logy, dat) { # Checking for the correct type for logx and logy is nontrivial, so j expect_named(o, c("timex", "logx", "logy", "dat")) if (is.null(timex)) { expect_null(o$timex) } else { expect_equal(o$timex, timex) } if (is.null(logx)) { expect_null(o$logx) } else { expect_type(o$logx, "list") expect_length(o$logx, 1) expect_s3_class(o$logx[[1]], logx) } if (is.null(logy)) { expect_null(o$logy) } else { expect_type(o$logy, "list") expect_length(o$logy, 1) expect_s3_class(o$logy[[1]], logy) } expect_equal(o$dat, dat) } test_that(".plotLog works without xgxr", { skip_on_os("mac") d <- data.frame(time=-1:2, conc=0:3) expect_equal( .plotLog(.dat=d, .timex="A", log=""), list( timex="A", logx=NULL, logy=NULL, dat=d ) ) expect_plotlog( .plotLog(.dat=d, .timex="A", log="x"), timex=NULL, logx="ScaleContinuousPosition", logy=NULL, dat=d[-(1:2), ] ) expect_plotlog( .plotLog(.dat=d, .timex="A", log="y"), timex="A", logx=NULL, logy="ScaleContinuousPosition", dat=d ) expect_plotlog( .plotLog(.dat=d, .timex="A", log="xy"), timex=NULL, logx="ScaleContinuousPosition", logy="ScaleContinuousPosition", dat=d[-(1:2), ] ) }) test_that(".plotLog works with xgxr", { skip_if_not_installed("xgxr") skip_on_os("mac") skip("See https://github.com/Novartis/xgxr/issues/50 for why xgxr is not uniquely tested as of 2022-03-15") current_xgxr_option <- getOption("rxode2.xgxr") withr::with_options( list(rxode2.xgxr=TRUE), { d <- data.frame(time=-1:2, conc=0:3) # Insert tests here } ) }) test_that(".plotLog gives expected errors", { skip_on_os("mac") expect_error(.plotLog(log=c("x", "y"))) expect_error(.plotLog(log=1)) expect_error(.plotLog(log="foo")) expect_error(.plotLog(log=c("x", "y"))) expect_error(.plotLog(.dat=data.frame(A=1), log="x", .timex="A")) # Time column is only required when log="x" expect_silent(.plotLog(.dat=data.frame(A=1), log="y", .timex="A")) }) test_that("plot() with invalid component throws an error", { skip_on_os("mac") pheno2 <- function() { ini({ tcl <- log(0.008) tv <- log(0.6) eta.cl + eta.v ~ c(1, 0.01, 1) add.err <- 0.1 }) model({ cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl) # individual value of clearance v <- exp(tv + eta.v) # individual value of volume ke <- cl / v # elimination rate constant d/dt(A1) = - ke * A1 # model differential equation cp = A1 / v # concentration in plasma cp ~ add(add.err) # define error model }) } simdata <- data.frame(time=1:10, ID=factor(c("A", "B"))) sim <- rxSolve(pheno2, events=simdata) expect_error(plot(sim, "foo")) expect_warning(plot(sim, sim, "foo")) expect_warning(plot(sim, sim, "foo")) expect_error(plot(sim), NA) }) })