rxTest({ # (Regression) test 3 multiple instances of rxode2 objects to ensure # C symbols and operations don't conflict. # Make sure C operations and symbols don't conflict test.dir <- tempfile("Rxmult-") ## rxode2 instance 1 m1 <- rxode2( model = " C2 = centr/V2; C3 = peri/V3; d/dt(depot) =-KA*depot; d/dt(centr) = KA*depot - CL*C2 - Q*C2 + Q*C3; d/dt(peri) = Q*C2 - Q*C3; d/dt(eff) = Kin - Kout*(1-C2/(EC50+C2))*eff;", modName = "inst1", wd = test.dir ) test_that("rxode2 instance 1 is created", { expect_s3_class(m1, "rxode2") }) et1 <- eventTable(amount.units = "ug", time.units = "hours") et1$add.dosing(dose = 10000, nbr.doses = 5, dosing.interval = 24) et1$add.sampling(0:24) et1$add.sampling(seq(from = 24 + 8, to = 5 * 24, by = 8)) test_that("rxode2 event table 1 was created", { expect_s3_class(et1, "rxEt") expect_equal(et1$get.nobs(), 37) expect_equal(length(et1$get.dosing()[, 1]), 1) }) o1.first <- NULL test_that("warning", { expect_warning({ o1.first <<- m1$solve( params = c( KA = .291, CL = 18.6, V2 = 40.2, Q = 10.5, V3 = 297.0, Kin = 1.0, Kout = 1.0, EC50 = 200.0 ), events = et1, inits = c(0, 0, 0, 1) ) }) }) test_that("rxode2 event 1 solved.", { expect_equal(length(o1.first[, 1]), et1$get.nobs()) }) ## rxode2 instance 2 (complete example) m2 <- rxode2( model = "d/dt(y) = r * y * (1.0 - y/K);", modName = "inst2", wd = test.dir ) test_that("rxode2 instance 2 was created", { expect_s3_class(m1, "rxode2") }) et2 <- eventTable(time.units = NA) et2$add.sampling(seq(from = 0, to = 20, by = 0.2)) test_that("rxode2 event table 2 was created", { expect_s3_class(et1, "rxEt") expect_equal(et2$get.nobs(), 101) expect_equal(length(et2$get.dosing()[, 1]), 0) }) o2.s <- m2$solve(params = c(r = 1, K = 10), events = et2, inits = c(y = 2), method = "lsoda") test_that("rxode2 instance 2 was solved", { expect_equal(length(o2.s[, 1]), et2$get.nobs()) }) ## rxode2 instance 3 (complete example) m3 <- rxode2( model = " d/dt(X) = a*X + Y*Z; d/dt(Y) = b*(Y - Z); d/dt(Z) = -X*Y + c*Y - Z;", modName = "inst3", wd = tempdir() # don't pollute "./tests" ) test_that("rxode2 instance 3 is created", { expect_s3_class(m3, "rxode2") }) et3 <- eventTable() # default time units et3$add.sampling(seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 0.01)) test_that("rxode2 instance 3 event table is created", { expect_s3_class(et3, "rxEt") expect_equal(et3$get.nobs(), 10001) }) o3 <- m3$solve( params = c(a = -8 / 3, b = -10, c = 28), events = et3, inits = c(X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 1) ) test_that("rxode2 instance 3 was solved", { expect_equal(et3$get.nobs(), length(o3[, 1])) }) ## Now go back to model 1 for (same) integration o1.second <- NULL test_that("Warning when inits is unnamed", { expect_warning({ o1.second <<- m1$solve( params = c( KA = .291, CL = 18.6, V2 = 40.2, Q = 10.5, V3 = 297.0, Kin = 1.0, Kout = 1.0, EC50 = 200.0 ), events = et1, inits = c(0, 0, 0, 1) ) }) }) test_that("Second solve of model 1 gives the same results", { expect_equal(o1.first, o1.second) }) ## and go back to model 2 for different ode solver o2.ns <- m2$solve(params = c(r = 1, K = 10), events = et2, inits = c(y = 12), method = "dop853") test_that("Differnt solve of Model 1 still works", { expect_equal(length(o2.ns[, 1]), length(o2.s[, 1])) }) ## Inspect the internal compilation manager in each of the rxode2 objects prt <- function(obj, expect) { ## cat( ## sprintf('Model name: %s\nDyn lib: %s\node_solver symbol: %s\n', ## obj$modName, obj$cmpMgr$dllfile, obj$cmpMgr$ode_solver ## )) expect_equal(obj$modName, expect) expect_match(obj$cmpMgr$dllfile, expect) } test_that("Compilation manager elements make sense.", { prt(m1, "inst1") prt(m2, "inst2") prt(m3, "inst3") }) ## Unload object code (this is platform-dependent, as documented in the ## "Note" section of help("dyn.load"). Remove test.dir. test_that("Unloading will allow removal of directory", { m1$dynUnload() m2$dynUnload() m3$dynUnload() .ret <- unlink(test.dir, recursive = TRUE) skip_on_os("windows") expect_equal(.ret, 0) # 0==success, 1==failed }) })