rxTest({ test_that("mixed ode/linCmt() zero observation issue(s)", { rxWithSeed(1, { pk <- c(cl=0.2,v2=3.5,q=.4,v3=3.5,ka=.2,f=.7) nn <- 100 rands <- matrix(runif(4*nn),nn) pdpars <- dplyr::tibble(ec50=(300/28*pk["f"]/pk["cl"])*(0.1+0.9*rands[,1]),emax=-0.9+10.9*rands[,2], gamma=1+3*rands[,3],ke0=log(2)/(5+45*rands[,4])) rxmod1 <- RxODE({ Cp <- linCmt(ka,cl,v2,v3,q) d/dt(Ce) <- (Cp-Ce)*ke0 eff <- 1*(1+emax*Ce**gamma/(ec50**gamma+Ce**gamma)) }) et1 <- et() %>% et(c(seq(0,7*7,.2),seq(7*7,52*7,1))) %>% ## sampling add.dosing(dose=300*pk["f"],dosing.to=1,nbr.dose=13,dosing.interval=28,start.time=0) ## dosing res1 <- rxSolve(rxmod1,cbind(as.list(pk),pdpars),et1) ### Note 1: bug occurs when including several sets of parameters res1 <- rxSolve(rxmod1,cbind(as.list(pk),pdpars),et1) expect_length(res1 %>% dplyr::filter(time>0 & Cp==0) %>% dplyr::pull(time),0) ### Note 2: Bug also occurs when simulating one set of parameters at a time res2 <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:nn, function(x) { rxSolve(rxmod1,unlist(c(pk,as.data.frame(pdpars[x,]))),et1) })) expect_length(res2 %>% dplyr::filter(time>0 & Cp==0) %>% dplyr::pull(time), 0) }) }) }) rxTest({ tol <- 5e-5 ## Current difference for all equations types <- 1:4 for (type in types) { .txt <- switch(type, "linear", "sensitivity", "linear [no save]", "advanSens" ) sens <- switch(type, "linCmtA", "linCmtB", "linCmtC", "linCmtB" ) sensType <- switch(type, "autodiff", "autodiff", "autodiff", "advan" ) etSsB <- et() %>% et(amt = 3) %>% et(time = 4, amt = 3, ss = 1, ii = 24) %>% et(amt = 3, ss = 2, ii = 24, time = 8) %>% et(seq(0, 24, length.out = 200)) etSsI <- et() %>% et(amt = 3, rate = 1.5) %>% et(time = 4, amt = 3, rate = 1.5, ss = 1, ii = 24) %>% et(time = 8, amt = 3, rate = 1.5, ss = 2, ii = 24) %>% et(seq(0, 24, length.out = 200)) etSsR <- et(amt = 0, ss = 1, rate = 10000 / 8) ode.1c <- rxode2( { C2 <- center / V d / dt(center) <- -CL * C2 }, linCmtSens = sens ) sol.1c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(CL, V) }, linCmtSens = sens ) # context(sprintf("Test steady state solutions 1 cmt (%s)", .txt)) o1 <- rxSolve(ode.1c, params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = etSsB) s1 <- rxSolve(sol.1c, params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = etSsB, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("one compartment bolus steady state (%s)", .txt), { expect_equal(o1$C2, s1$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o1 <- rxSolve(ode.1c, params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = etSsI, addDosing = TRUE, returnType="data.frame") expect_true("rate" %in% names(o1)) o1 <- rxSolve(ode.1c, params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = etSsI) s1 <- rxSolve(sol.1c, params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = etSsI, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("one compartment infusion tau steady state (%s)", .txt), { expect_equal(o1$C2, s1$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o1 <- rxSolve(ode.1c, params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = etSsR, addDosing = TRUE, returnType = "data.frame") expect_true("rate" %in% names(o1)) expect_true("ss" %in% names(o1)) expect_true("ii" %in% names(o1)) o1 <- rxSolve(ode.1c, params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = etSsR) s1 <- rxSolve(sol.1c, params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = etSsR, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("one compartment infusion steady state (%s)", .txt), { expect_equal(o1$C2, s1$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Test steady state solutions 2 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.2c <- rxode2( { C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 }, linCmtSens = sens ) sol.2c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q1) }, linCmtSens = sens ) o2 <- ode.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10), events = etSsB) s2 <- sol.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q1 = 10), events = etSsB, sensType = sensType) test_that("two compartment bolus steady state", { expect_equal(o2$C2, s2$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o2 <- ode.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10), events = etSsI) s2 <- sol.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q1 = 10), events = etSsI, sensType = sensType) test_that("two compartment infusion steady state, tau", { expect_equal(o2$C2, s2$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o2 <- ode.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10), events = etSsR) s2 <- sol.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q1 = 10), events = etSsR, sensType = sensType) test_that("two compartment infusion steady state", { expect_equal(o2$C2, s2$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Test steady state solutions 3 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.3c <- rxode2( { C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 C4 <- peri2 / V3 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 - Q2 * C2 + Q2 * C4 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 d / dt(peri2) <- Q2 * C2 - Q2 * C4 }, linCmtSens = sens ) sol.3c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, Q2, V3) }, linCmtSens = sens ) o3 <- ode.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = etSsB) s3 <- sol.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = etSsB, sensType = sensType) test_that("three compartment bolus steady state", { expect_equal(o3$C2, s3$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o3 <- ode.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = etSsI) s3 <- sol.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = etSsI, sensType = sensType) test_that("three compartment bolus steady state", { expect_equal(o3$C2, s3$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o3 <- ode.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = etSsR) s3 <- sol.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = etSsR, sensType = sensType) test_that("three compartment bolus steady state", { expect_equal(o3$C2, s3$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Test steady state solutions 1 cmt ka (%s)", .txt)) ode.1c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- center / V d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(center) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 }, linCmtSens = sens ) sol.1c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, KA) }, linCmtSens = sens ) o1 <- ode.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = etSsB) s1 <- sol.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = etSsB, sensType = sensType) test_that("one compartment bolus steady state to depot compartment", { expect_equal(o1$C2, s1$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o1 <- ode.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = etSsI) s1 <- sol.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = etSsI, sensType = sensType) test_that("one compartment infusion steady state to depot compartment, tau", { expect_equal(o1$C2, s1$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o1 <- ode.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = etSsR) s1 <- sol.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = etSsR, sensType = sensType) test_that("one compartment infusion steady state to depot compartment", { expect_equal(o1$C2, s1$C2, tolerance = tol) }) etSsB2 <- et() %>% et(amt = 3, cmt = 2) %>% et(time = 4, amt = 3, ss = 1, ii = 24, cmt = 2) %>% et(amt = 3, ss = 2, ii = 24, time = 8, cmt = 2) %>% et(seq(0, 24, length.out = 200)) etSsI2 <- et() %>% et(amt = 3, rate = 1.5, cmt = 2) %>% et(time = 4, amt = 3, rate = 1.5, ss = 1, ii = 24, cmt = 2) %>% et(time = 8, amt = 3, rate = 1.5, ss = 2, ii = 24, cmt = 2) %>% et(seq(0, 24, length.out = 200)) etSsR2 <- et(amt = 0, ss = 1, rate = 10000 / 8, cmt = 2) o1 <- ode.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = etSsB2) s1 <- sol.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = etSsB2, sensType = sensType) test_that("one compartment bolus steady state to central compartment", { expect_equal(o1$C2, s1$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o1 <- ode.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = etSsI2) s1 <- sol.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = etSsI2, sensType = sensType) test_that("one compartment infusion steady state to central compartment, tau", { expect_equal(o1$C2, s1$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o1 <- ode.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = etSsR2) s1 <- sol.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = etSsR2, sensType = sensType) test_that("one compartment infusion steady state to central compartment", { expect_equal(o1$C2, s1$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Test steady state solutions 2 cmt ka (%s)", .txt)) ode.2c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(centr) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 }, linCmtSens = sens ) sol.2c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, KA) }, linCmtSens = sens ) o2 <- ode.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSsB) s2 <- sol.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSsB, sensType = sensType) test_that("two compartment bolus steady state to depot compartment", { expect_equal(o2$C2, s2$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o2 <- ode.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSsI) s2 <- sol.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSsI, sensType = sensType) test_that("two compartment infusion steady state to depot compartment, tau", { expect_equal(o2$C2, s2$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o2 <- ode.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSsR) s2 <- sol.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSsR, sensType = sensType) test_that("two compartment infusion steady state to depot compartment, tau", { expect_equal(o2$C2, s2$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o2 <- ode.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSsB2) s2 <- sol.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSsB2, sensType = sensType) test_that("two compartment bolus steady state to central compartment", { expect_equal(o2$C2, s2$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o2 <- ode.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSsI2) s2 <- sol.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSsI2, sensType = sensType) test_that("two compartment infusion steady state to central compartment, tau", { expect_equal(o2$C2, s2$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o2 <- ode.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSsR2) s2 <- sol.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSsR2, sensType = sensType) test_that("two compartment infusion steady state to central compartment", { expect_equal(o2$C2, s2$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Test steady state solutions 3 cmt ka (%s)", .txt)) ode.3c.ka <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 C4 <- peri2 / V3 d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(centr) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 - Q2 * C2 + Q2 * C4 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 d / dt(peri2) <- Q2 * C2 - Q2 * C4 }) sol.3c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, Q2, V3, KA) }, linCmtSens = sens ) o3 <- ode.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSsB) s3 <- sol.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSsB, sensType = sensType) test_that("three compartment bolus steady state to depot compartment", { expect_equal(o3$C2, s3$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o3 <- ode.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSsI) s3 <- sol.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSsI, sensType = sensType) test_that("three compartment infusion steady state to depot compartment, tau", { expect_equal(o3$C2, s3$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o3 <- ode.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSsR) s3 <- sol.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSsR, sensType = sensType) test_that("three compartment infusion steady state to depot compartment", { expect_equal(o3$C2, s3$C2, tolerance = tol) }) ## B2 o3 <- ode.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSsB2) s3 <- sol.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSsB2, sensType = sensType) test_that("three compartment bolus steady state to central compartment", { expect_equal(o3$C2, s3$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o3 <- ode.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSsI2) s3 <- sol.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSsI2, sensType = sensType) test_that("three compartment infusion steady state to central compartment, tau", { expect_equal(o3$C2, s3$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o3 <- ode.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSsR2) s3 <- sol.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSsR2, sensType = sensType) test_that("three compartment infusion steady state to central compartment", { expect_equal(o3$C2, s3$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Test the solved equations 1 cmt (%s)", .txt)) et <- eventTable() %>% add.dosing(dose = 3, nbr.doses = 6, dosing.interval = 8) %>% add.sampling(seq(0, 48, length.out = 200)) ode.1c <- rxode2({ C2 <- center / V d / dt(center) <- -CL * C2 }) test_that("ode model gives extraCmt=0", { expect_equal(rxModelVars(ode.1c)$extraCmt, 0L) }) goodP <- function(model, cmt = 1L, ka = 0L) { test_that(sprintf("model '%s' parses to cmt=%d, ka=%d", as.character(substitute(model)), cmt, ka), { .flags <- rxModelVars(model)$flags expect_equal(setNames(.flags["ncmt"], NULL), cmt) expect_equal(setNames(.flags["ka"], NULL), ka) }) } ## Solved systems can check the variables in the rxode2 statement ## to figure out what type of solved system is being requested ode.1cs <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CL <- theta[2] C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.1cs) # context(sprintf("Test the solved equations 2 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.2cK <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] K <- CLx / V C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.2cK) ode.2cA1 <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] alpha <- CLx / V C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.2cA1) ode.2cA2 <- rxode2( { A <- 1 / theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] alpha <- CLx * A C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.2cA2) ## Instead of specifying parameters in the solved system, you can ## specify them in the linCmt variable. ode.1cs2 <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(CL, V) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.1cs2) test_that("linear compartment model gives extraCmt=1", { expect_equal(rxModelVars(ode.1cs2)$extraCmt, 1L) }) ## The solved systems can be mixed with ODE solving routines (to ## speed them up a bit...?) o.1c <- ode.1c %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- ode.1cs2 %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- ode.1cs %>% solve(theta = c(20, 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cK <- ode.2cK %>% solve(theta = c(20, 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cA1 <- ode.2cA1 %>% solve(theta = c(20, 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cA2 <- ode.2cA2 %>% solve(theta = c(20, 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("Gives the correct parameters for THETAs", { expect_equal( s.2c$params, structure(list("THETA[1]" = 20, "THETA[2]" = 25), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -1L) ) ) }) test_that("1 compartment solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.2cK$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.2cA1$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.2cA2$C2, tolerance = tol) }) ## Test steady state doses. etSs <- et() %>% et(amt = 3) %>% et(time = 4, amt = 3, ss = 1, ii = 24) %>% et(amt = 3, ss = 2, ii = 24, time = 8) %>% et(seq(0, 24, length.out = 200)) o.1c <- ode.1c %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 1), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- ode.1cs2 %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 1), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- ode.1cs %>% solve(theta = c(20, 1), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) test_that("1 compartment steady-state solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) ode.1c.ka <- rxode2({ C2 <- center / V d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(center) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 }) sol.1c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, KA) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.1c.ka, ka = 1L) ode.2cK <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] Ka <- theta[3] K <- CLx / V C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.2cK, ka = 1L) ode.2cA1 <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] Ka <- theta[3] alpha <- CLx / V C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.2cA1, ka = 1L) ode.2cA2 <- rxode2( { A <- 1 / theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] Ka <- theta[3] alpha <- CLx * A C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.2cA2, ka = 1L) test_that("linear oral model gives extraCmt=2", { expect_equal(rxModelVars(sol.1c.ka)$extraCmt, 2L) }) o.1c <- ode.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- sol.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cK <- ode.2cK %>% solve(theta = unname(c(20, 25, KA = 2)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cA1 <- ode.2cA1 %>% solve(theta = unname(c(20, 25, KA = 2)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cA2 <- ode.2cA2 %>% solve(theta = unname(c(20, 25, KA = 2)), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("1 compartment oral solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.2cK$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.2cA1$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.2cA2$C2, tolerance = tol) }) ## Note the strange-looking dip at 4 hours. This is because ss=1 resets the system first. o.1c <- ode.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 2, KA = 2), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- sol.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 2, KA = 2), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) test_that("1 compartment oral solved models steady state ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) ode.2c <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 }) sol.2c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q1) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2c, cmt = 2L) sol.2cK <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Qx <- theta[4] K <- CLx / V K12 <- Qx / V K21 <- Qx / V2x C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2cK, cmt = 2L) ## A1 in terms of A, alpha, B, beta sol.2cA1 <- rxode2( { Vx <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Qx <- theta[4] Kx <- CLx / Vx K12x <- Qx / Vx K21x <- Qx / V2x beta <- 0.5 * (K12x + K21x + Kx - sqrt((K12x + K21x + Kx) * (K12x + K21x + Kx) - 4 * K21x * Kx)) alpha <- K21x * Kx / beta A <- (alpha - K21x) / (alpha - beta) / Vx B <- (beta - K21x) / (beta - alpha) / Vx C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2cA1, cmt = 2L) ## A2 V, alpha, beta, k21 sol.2cA2 <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Qx <- theta[4] Kx <- CLx / V K12x <- Qx / V K21 <- Qx / V2x beta <- 0.5 * (K12x + K21 + Kx - sqrt((K12x + K21 + Kx) * (K12x + K21 + Kx) - 4 * K21 * Kx)) alpha <- K21 * Kx / beta C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2cA2, cmt = 2L) ## A3 alpha, beta, aob sol.2cA3 <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Qx <- theta[4] Kx <- CLx / V K12x <- Qx / V K21x <- Qx / V2x beta <- 0.5 * (K12x + K21x + Kx - sqrt((K12x + K21x + Kx) * (K12x + K21x + Kx) - 4 * K21x * Kx)) alpha <- K21x * Kx / beta Ax <- (alpha - K21x) / (alpha - beta) / V Bx <- (beta - K21x) / (beta - alpha) / V aob <- Ax / Bx C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2cA3, cmt = 2L) o.2c <- ode.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- sol.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q1 = 10), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cK <- sol.2cK %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cA1 <- sol.2cA1 %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cA2 <- sol.2cA2 %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cA3 <- sol.2cA3 %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10)), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("2 compartment solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(s.2cK$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2cK$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2cA1$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2cA2$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2cA3$C2, tolerance = tol) }) ode.2c.ka <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(centr) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 }) sol.2c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, KA) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2c.ka, cmt = 2, ka = 1) sol.2cK <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Qx <- theta[4] ka <- theta[5] K <- CLx / V K12 <- Qx / V K21 <- Qx / V2x C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2cK, cmt = 2, ka = 1) ## A1 in terms of A, alpha, B, beta sol.2cA1 <- rxode2( { Vx <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Qx <- theta[4] ka <- theta[5] Kx <- CLx / Vx K12x <- Qx / Vx K21x <- Qx / V2x beta <- 0.5 * (K12x + K21x + Kx - sqrt((K12x + K21x + Kx) * (K12x + K21x + Kx) - 4 * K21x * Kx)) alpha <- K21x * Kx / beta A <- (alpha - K21x) / (alpha - beta) / Vx B <- (beta - K21x) / (beta - alpha) / Vx C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2cA1, cmt = 2, ka = 1) ## A2 V, alpha, beta, k21 sol.2cA2 <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Qx <- theta[4] ka <- theta[5] Kx <- CLx / V K12x <- Qx / V K21 <- Qx / V2x beta <- 0.5 * (K12x + K21 + Kx - sqrt((K12x + K21 + Kx) * (K12x + K21 + Kx) - 4 * K21 * Kx)) alpha <- K21 * Kx / beta C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2cA2, cmt = 2, ka = 1) ## A3 alpha, beta, aob sol.2cA3 <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Qx <- theta[4] ka <- theta[5] Kx <- CLx / V K12x <- Qx / V K21x <- Qx / V2x beta <- 0.5 * (K12x + K21x + Kx - sqrt((K12x + K21x + Kx) * (K12x + K21x + Kx) - 4 * K21x * Kx)) alpha <- K21x * Kx / beta Ax <- (alpha - K21x) / (alpha - beta) / V Bx <- (beta - K21x) / (beta - alpha) / V aob <- Ax / Bx C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2cA3, cmt = 2, ka = 1) sol.2cSS <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CL <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Q <- theta[4] Ka <- theta[5] Vss <- V + V2x C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2cSS, cmt = 2, ka = 1) sol.2cT <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CL <- theta[2] VT <- theta[3] Q <- theta[4] Ka <- theta[5] C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2cT, cmt = 2, ka = 1) o.2c <- ode.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- sol.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cK <- sol.2cK %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, ka = 0.3)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cA1 <- sol.2cA1 %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, ka = 0.3)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cA2 <- sol.2cA2 %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, ka = 0.3)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cA3 <- sol.2cA3 %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, ka = 0.3)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cSS <- sol.2cSS %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, ka = 0.3)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2cT <- sol.2cT %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, ka = 0.3)), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("2 compartment oral solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2cK$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2cA1$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2cA2$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2cA3$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2cSS$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2cT$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o.2c <- ode.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 1, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- sol.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 1, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) test_that("2 compartment oral steady-state solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Test the solved equations 3 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.3c <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 C4 <- peri2 / V3 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 - Q2 * C2 + Q2 * C4 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 d / dt(peri2) <- Q2 * C2 - Q2 * C4 }) sol.3c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, Q2, V3) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3c, 3) sol.3cK <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Qx <- theta[4] Q2x <- theta[5] V3x <- theta[6] K <- CLx / V K12 <- Qx / V K21 <- Qx / V2x k13 <- Q2x / V k31 <- Q2x / V3x C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3cK, 3) sol.3cA1 <- rxode2( { Vx <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Qx <- theta[4] Q2x <- theta[5] V3x <- theta[6] Kx <- CLx / Vx K12x <- Qx / Vx K21x <- Qx / V2x K13x <- Q2x / Vx K31x <- Q2x / V3x a0 <- Kx * K21x * K31x a1 <- Kx * K31x + K21x * K31x + K21x * K13x + Kx * K21x + K31x * K12x a2 <- Kx + K12x + K13x + K21x + K31x p <- a1 - a2 * a2 / 3 qq <- 2 * a2 * a2 * a2 / 27 - a1 * a2 / 3 + a0 r1 <- sqrt(-p * p * p / 27) r2 <- 2 * r1^(1 / 3) theta <- acos(-qq / (2 * r1)) / 3 alpha <- -(cos(theta) * r2 - a2 / 3) beta <- -(cos(theta + 2 / 3 * pi) * r2 - a2 / 3) gamma <- -(cos(theta + 4 / 3 * pi) * r2 - a2 / 3) A <- (K21x - alpha) * (K31x - alpha) / (alpha - beta) / (alpha - gamma) / Vx B <- (K21x - beta) * (K31x - beta) / (beta - alpha) / (beta - gamma) / Vx C <- (K21x - gamma) * (K31x - gamma) / (gamma - alpha) / (gamma - beta) / Vx C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3cA1, 3) sol.3cVp <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CL <- theta[2] Vp <- theta[3] Q <- theta[4] Q2 <- theta[5] Vp2 <- theta[6] C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3cVp, 3) sol.3cVt <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CL <- theta[2] Vt <- theta[3] Q <- theta[4] Q2 <- theta[5] Vt2 <- theta[6] C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3cVt, 3) o.3c <- ode.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3c <- sol.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3cK <- sol.3cK %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3cA1 <- sol.3cA1 %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3cVp <- sol.3cVp %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3cVt <- sol.3cVt %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400)), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("3 compartment solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3cK$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3cA1$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3cVp$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3cVt$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o.3c <- ode.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) s.3c <- sol.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) test_that("3 compartment solved models and ODEs same with steady state.", { expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) ode.3c.ka <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 C4 <- peri2 / V3 d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(centr) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 - Q2 * C2 + Q2 * C4 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 d / dt(peri2) <- Q2 * C2 - Q2 * C4 }) sol.3c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, Q2, V3, KA) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3c.ka, 3, 1) sol.3cK <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Qx <- theta[4] Q2x <- theta[5] V3x <- theta[6] ka <- theta[7] K <- CLx / V K12 <- Qx / V K21 <- Qx / V2x k13 <- Q2x / V k31 <- Q2x / V3x C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3cK, 3, 1) sol.3cA1 <- rxode2( { Vx <- theta[1] CLx <- theta[2] V2x <- theta[3] Qx <- theta[4] Q2x <- theta[5] V3x <- theta[6] ka <- theta[7] Kx <- CLx / Vx K12x <- Qx / Vx K21x <- Qx / V2x K13x <- Q2x / Vx K31x <- Q2x / V3x a0 <- Kx * K21x * K31x a1 <- Kx * K31x + K21x * K31x + K21x * K13x + Kx * K21x + K31x * K12x a2 <- Kx + K12x + K13x + K21x + K31x p <- a1 - a2 * a2 / 3 qq <- 2 * a2 * a2 * a2 / 27 - a1 * a2 / 3 + a0 r1 <- sqrt(-p * p * p / 27) r2 <- 2 * r1^(1 / 3) theta <- acos(-qq / (2 * r1)) / 3 alpha <- -(cos(theta) * r2 - a2 / 3) beta <- -(cos(theta + 2 / 3 * pi) * r2 - a2 / 3) gamma <- -(cos(theta + 4 / 3 * pi) * r2 - a2 / 3) A <- (K21x - alpha) * (K31x - alpha) / (alpha - beta) / (alpha - gamma) / Vx B <- (K21x - beta) * (K31x - beta) / (beta - alpha) / (beta - gamma) / Vx C <- (K21x - gamma) * (K31x - gamma) / (gamma - alpha) / (gamma - beta) / Vx C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3cA1, 3, 1) o.3c <- ode.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3c <- sol.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3cK <- sol.3cK %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3)), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3cA1 <- sol.3cA1 %>% solve(theta = unname(c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3)), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("3 compartment oral solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3cK$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3cA1$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o.3c <- ode.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) s.3c <- sol.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) ## Again the 4 hour strange discontinuity because ss=1 test_that("3 compartment oral solved models and ODEs same for steady state.", { expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Infusion Models 1 cmt (%s)", .txt)) et <- eventTable() %>% add.dosing(dose = 3, rate = 1.5, nbr.doses = 6, dosing.interval = 8) %>% add.sampling(seq(0, 48, length.out = 200)) etSs <- et() %>% et(amt = 3, rate = 1.5) %>% et(time = 4, amt = 3, rate = 1.5, ss = 1, ii = 24) %>% et(time = 8, amt = 3, rate = 1.5, ss = 2, ii = 24) %>% et(seq(0, 24, length.out = 200)) ode.1c <- rxode2({ C2 <- center / V d / dt(center) <- -CL * C2 }) ## Solved systems can check the variables in the rxode2 statement ## to figure out what type of solved system is being requested ode.1cs <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CL <- theta[2] C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.1cs, 1) ## Instead of specifying parameters in the solved system, you can ## specify them in the linCmt variable. ode.1cs2 <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(CL, V) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.1cs2, 1) ## The solved systems can be mixed with ODE solving routines (to ## speed them up a bit...?) o.1c <- ode.1c %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- ode.1cs2 %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- ode.1cs %>% solve(theta = c(20, 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("1 compartment solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o.1c <- ode.1c %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 10), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- ode.1cs2 %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 10), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- ode.1cs %>% solve(theta = c(20, 10), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) test_that("1 compartment solved models and ODEs same; Steady State", { expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Infusion Models 2 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.2c <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 }) sol.2c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2c, 2) o.2c <- ode.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- sol.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("2 compartment solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o.2c <- ode.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- sol.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) test_that("2 compartment steady state solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Infusion Models 3 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.3c <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 C4 <- peri2 / V3 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 - Q2 * C2 + Q2 * C4 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 d / dt(peri2) <- Q2 * C2 - Q2 * C4 }) sol.3c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, Q2, V3) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3c, 3) o.3c <- ode.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3c <- sol.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("3 compartment solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) o.3c <- ode.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) s.3c <- sol.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = etSs, sensType = sensType) test_that("3 compartment steady state solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Infusion + Bolus 1 cmt (%s)", .txt)) et <- eventTable() %>% add.dosing(dose = 3, rate = 1.5, nbr.doses = 6, dosing.interval = 8) %>% add.dosing(dose = 1.5, nbr.doses = 6, dosing.interval = 8) %>% add.sampling(seq(0, 48, length.out = 200)) ode.1c <- rxode2({ C2 <- center / V d / dt(center) <- -CL * C2 }) ## Solved systems can check the variables in the rxode2 statement ## to figure out what type of solved system is being requested ode.1cs <- rxode2( { V <- theta[1] CL <- theta[2] C2 <- linCmt() }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.1cs, 1) ## Instead of specifying parameters in the solved system, you can ## specify them in the linCmt variable. ode.1cs2 <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(CL, V) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.1cs2, 1) ## The solved systems can be mixed with ODE solving routines (to ## speed them up a bit...?) o.1c <- ode.1c %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- ode.1cs2 %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- ode.1cs %>% solve(theta = c(20, 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("1 compartment solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Infusion + Bolus 2 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.2c <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 }) sol.2c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2c, 2) o.2c <- ode.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- sol.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("2 compartment solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Infusion + Bolus 3 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.3c <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 C4 <- peri2 / V3 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 - Q2 * C2 + Q2 * C4 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 d / dt(peri2) <- Q2 * C2 - Q2 * C4 }) sol.3c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, Q2, V3) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3c, 3) o.3c <- ode.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3c <- sol.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("3 compartment solved models and ODEs same.", { expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Oral + Infusion + Bolus Models 1 cmt (%s)", .txt)) et <- eventTable() %>% add.dosing(dose = 3, rate = 1.5, nbr.doses = 3, dosing.interval = 16, cmt = 2) %>% add.dosing(dose = 1.5, nbr.doses = 3, dosing.interval = 16, cmt = 2) %>% add.dosing(dose = 1.5, nbr.doses = 3, dosing.interval = 16, cmt = 1, start.time = 8) %>% add.sampling(seq(0, 48, length.out = 200)) ode.1c.ka <- rxode2({ C2 <- center / V d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(center) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 }) sol.1c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, KA) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.1c.ka, 1, 1) o.1c <- ode.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- sol.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("1 compartment solved models and ODEs same for mixed oral, iv and infusion.", { expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Oral + Infusion + Bolus Models 2 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.2c.ka <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(centr) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 }) sol.2c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, KA) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2c.ka, 2, 1) o.2c <- ode.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- sol.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("2 compartment solved models and ODEs same for mixed oral, iv and infusion.", { expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Oral + Infusion + Bolus Models 3 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.3c.ka <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 C4 <- peri2 / V3 d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(centr) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 - Q2 * C2 + Q2 * C4 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 d / dt(peri2) <- Q2 * C2 - Q2 * C4 }) sol.3c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, Q2, V3, KA) }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3c.ka, 3, 1) o.3c <- ode.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3c <- sol.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that("3 compartment solved models and ODEs same for mixed oral, iv and infusion.", { expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) # context(sprintf("Modeled bio-availability 1 cmt (%s)", .txt)) et <- eventTable() %>% add.dosing(dose = 3, rate = 1.5, nbr.doses = 3, dosing.interval = 16, cmt = 2) %>% add.dosing(dose = 1.5, nbr.doses = 3, dosing.interval = 16, cmt = 2) %>% add.dosing(dose = 1.5, nbr.doses = 3, dosing.interval = 16, cmt = 1, start.time = 8) %>% add.sampling(seq(0, 48, length.out = 200)) ode.1c.ka <- rxode2({ C2 <- center / V d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(center) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 f(depot) <- fDepot f(center) <- fCenter }) sol.1c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, KA) f(depot) <- fDepot f(central) <- fCenter }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.1c.ka, 1, 1) for (fd in c(0.5, 1, 2)) { for (fc in c(0.5, 1, 2)) { o.1c <- ode.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2, fDepot = fd, fCenter = fc), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- sol.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2, fDepot = fd, fCenter = fc), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("1 compartment solved models and ODEs same for mixed oral, iv and infusion + Fd=%f,Fc=%f", fd, fc), { expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } } # context(sprintf("Modeled bio-availability 2 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.2c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(centr) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 f(depot) <- fDepot f(centr) <- fCenter ## FIXME: ## f(central) should throw an error }, linCmtSens = sens ) sol.2c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, KA) f(depot) <- fDepot f(central) <- fCenter }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2c.ka, 2, 1) for (fd in c(0.5, 1, 2)) { for (fc in c(0.5, 1, 2)) { o.2c <- ode.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3, fDepot = fd, fCenter = fc), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- sol.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3, fDepot = fd, fCenter = fc), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("2 compartment solved models and ODEs same for mixed oral, iv and infusion + Fd=%f,Fc=%f", fd, fc), { expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } } # context(sprintf("Modeled bio-availability 3 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.3c.ka <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 C4 <- peri2 / V3 d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(centr) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 - Q2 * C2 + Q2 * C4 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 d / dt(peri2) <- Q2 * C2 - Q2 * C4 f(depot) <- fDepot f(centr) <- fCenter }) sol.3c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, Q2, V3, KA) f(depot) <- fDepot f(central) <- fCenter }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3c.ka, 3, 1) for (fd in c(0.5, 1, 2)) { for (fc in c(0.5, 1, 2)) { o.3c <- ode.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c( V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3, fDepot = fd, fCenter = fc ), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3c <- sol.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c( V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3, fDepot = fd, fCenter = fc ), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("3 compartment solved models and ODEs same for mixed oral, iv and infusion + Fd=%f,Fc=%f", fd, fc), { expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } } # context(sprintf("Modeled lag time 1 cmt (%s)", .txt)) et <- eventTable() %>% add.dosing(dose = 3, rate = 1.5, nbr.doses = 3, dosing.interval = 16, cmt = 2) %>% add.dosing(dose = 1.5, nbr.doses = 3, dosing.interval = 16, cmt = 2) %>% add.dosing(dose = 1.5, nbr.doses = 3, dosing.interval = 16, cmt = 1, start.time = 8) %>% add.sampling(seq(0, 48, length.out = 200)) ode.1c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- center / V d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(center) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 alag(depot) <- lagDepot alag(center) <- lagCenter }, linCmtSens = sens ) sol.1c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, KA) alag(depot) <- lagDepot alag(central) <- lagCenter }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.1c.ka, 1, 1) for (fd in c(1, 2, 10)) { for (fc in c(1, 2, 10)) { o.1c <- ode.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2, lagDepot = fd, lagCenter = fc), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- sol.1c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, KA = 2, lagDepot = fd, lagCenter = fc), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("1 compartment solved models and ODEs same for mixed oral, iv and infusion + Fd=%f,Fc=%f", fd, fc), { expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } } # context(sprintf("Modeled lag time 2 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.2c.ka <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(centr) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 alag(depot) <- lagDepot alag(centr) <- lagCenter }) sol.2c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, KA) alag(depot) <- lagDepot alag(central) <- lagCenter }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2c.ka, 2, 1) for (fd in c(1, 2, 10)) { for (fc in c(1, 2, 10)) { o.2c <- ode.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3, lagDepot = fd, lagCenter = fc), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- sol.2c.ka %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, KA = 0.3, lagDepot = fd, lagCenter = fc), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("2 compartment solved models and ODEs same for mixed oral, iv and infusion + Fd=%f,Fc=%f", fd, fc), { expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } } # context(sprintf("Modeled lag time 3 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.3c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 C4 <- peri2 / V3 d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(centr) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 - Q2 * C2 + Q2 * C4 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 d / dt(peri2) <- Q2 * C2 - Q2 * C4 alag(depot) <- lagDepot alag(centr) <- lagCenter }, linCmtSens = sens ) sol.3c.ka <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, Q2, V3, KA) alag(depot) <- lagDepot alag(central) <- lagCenter }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3c.ka, 3, 1) for (fd in c(1, 2, 10)) { for (fc in c(1, 2, 10)) { o.3c <- ode.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c( V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3, lagDepot = fd, lagCenter = fc ), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3c <- sol.3c.ka %>% solve(params = c( V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, KA = 0.3, lagDepot = fd, lagCenter = fc ), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("3 compartment solved models and ODEs same for mixed oral, iv and infusion + Fd=%f,Fc=%f", fd, fc), { expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } } # context(sprintf("Modeled rate 1 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.1c <- rxode2({ C2 <- center / V d / dt(center) <- -CL * C2 rate(center) <- rt }) sol.1c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(CL, V) rate(central) <- rt }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.1c, 1) et <- eventTable() %>% add.dosing(dose = 3, rate = -1, nbr.doses = 3, cmt = 1, dosing.interval = 12) %>% add.sampling(seq(0, 36, length.out = 200)) for (rt in c(0.5, 1, 1.5)) { o.1c <- ode.1c %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, rt = rt), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- sol.1c %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, rt = rt), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("1 compartment solved models and ODEs same for rate-modeled infusion: %s", rt), { expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } # context(sprintf("Modeled rate 2 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.2c <- rxode2( { C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 rate(centr) <- rt }, linCmtSens = sens ) sol.2c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q) rate(central) <- rt }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2c, 2) for (rt in c(0.5, 1, 1.5)) { o.2c <- ode.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, rt = rt), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- sol.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, rt = rt), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("2 compartment solved models and ODEs same for rate-modeled infusion: %s", rt), { expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } # context(sprintf("Modeled rate 3 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.3c <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 C4 <- peri2 / V3 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 - Q2 * C2 + Q2 * C4 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 d / dt(peri2) <- Q2 * C2 - Q2 * C4 rate(centr) <- rt }) sol.3c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, Q2, V3) rate(central) <- rt }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3c, 3) for (rt in c(0.5, 1, 1.5)) { s.3c <- sol.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, rt = rt), events = et, sensType = sensType) o.3c <- ode.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, rt = rt), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("3 compartment solved models and ODEs same for rate-modeled infusion: %s", rt), { expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } # context(sprintf("Modeled duration 1 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.1c <- rxode2({ C2 <- center / V d / dt(center) <- -CL * C2 dur(center) <- dr }) sol.1c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(CL, V) dur(central) <- dr }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.1c, 1) et <- eventTable() %>% add.dosing(dose = 3, rate = -2, nbr.doses = 3, cmt = 1, dosing.interval = 12) %>% add.sampling(seq(0, 36, length.out = 200)) for (dur in c(0.5, 1, 1.5)) { o.1c <- ode.1c %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, dr = dur), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- sol.1c %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, dr = dur), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("1 compartment solved models and ODEs same for dur-modeled infusion: %s", dur), { expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } # context(sprintf("Modeled duration 2 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.2c <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 dur(centr) <- dr }) sol.2c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q) dur(central) <- dr }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.2c, 2) for (dur in c(0.5, 1, 1.5)) { o.2c <- ode.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, dr = dur), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- sol.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, dr = dur), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("2 compartment solved models and ODEs same for dur-modeled infusion: %s", dur), { expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } # context(sprintf("Modeled duration 3 cmt (%s)", .txt)) ode.3c <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 C4 <- peri2 / V3 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 - Q2 * C2 + Q2 * C4 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 d / dt(peri2) <- Q2 * C2 - Q2 * C4 dur(centr) <- dr }) sol.3c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, Q2, V3) dur(central) <- dr }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(sol.3c, 3) for (dur in c(0.5, 1, 1.5)) { o.3c <- ode.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, dr = dur), events = et, sensType = sensType) s.3c <- sol.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400, dr = dur), events = et, sensType = sensType) test_that(sprintf("3 compartment solved models and ODEs same for dur-modeled infusion: %s", dur), { expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } test_that("central should throw error", { expect_error(expect_message(rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(depot) <- -KA * depot d / dt(centr) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 alag(depot) <- lagDepot alag(centr) <- lagCenter alag(central) <- matt }))) }) test_that("depot should throw error", { expect_error(expect_message(rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(dep) <- -KA * dep d / dt(centr) <- KA * dep - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 alag(dep) <- lagDepot alag(centr) <- lagCenter alag(depot) <- matt }))) }) ode.1cs2 <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(CL, V) mtime(t1) <- mt1 mtime(t2) <- mt2 }, linCmtSens = sens ) goodP(ode.1cs2, 1) et <- eventTable() %>% add.dosing(dose = 3, nbr.doses = 6, dosing.interval = 8) %>% add.sampling(0:48) s.1c <- ode.1cs2 %>% solve( params = c(V = 20, CL = 25, mt1 = 0.5, mt2 = 1.75), events = et, sensType = sensType ) test_that("mtime with solved systems work", { expect_equal(s.1c$time[1:4], c(0, 0.5, 1, 1.75)) }) # context(sprintf("evid=3 (%s)", .txt)) test_that(sprintf("evid==3 (%s)", .txt), { ode.1c <- rxode2( { C2 <- center / V d / dt(center) <- -CL * C2 }, linCmtSens = sens ) sol.1c <- rxode2( { C2 <- linCmt(CL, V) }, linCmtSens = sens ) et <- eventTable() %>% add.dosing(dose = 3, nbr.doses = 6, dosing.interval = 8) %>% et(time = 25, evid = 3) %>% add.sampling(seq(0, 48, length.out = 200)) o1 <- rxSolve(ode.1c, params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = et) s1 <- rxSolve(sol.1c, params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = et, sensType = sensType) expect_equal(o1$C2, s1$C2, tolerance = tol) }) } if (length(types) > 1) { test_that("double linCmt has error", { expect_error(expect_message(rxode2({ C2 <- linCmt(CL, V) C2 <- linCmt(CL, V) }))) }) # context(sprintf("Steady State Infusions (%s)", .txt)) test_that("Steady state IV infusion", { ev <- et(amt = 0, ss = 1, rate = 10000 / 8) ode.1c <- rxode2({ C2 <- center / V d / dt(center) <- -CL * C2 }) ode.1cs2 <- rxode2({ C2 <- linCmt(CL, V) }) goodP(ode.1cs2, 1) o.1c <- ode.1c %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = ev, sensType = sensType) s.1c <- ode.1cs2 %>% solve(params = c(V = 20, CL = 25), events = ev, sensType = sensType) expect_equal(o.1c$C2, s.1c$C2, tolerance = tol) ode.2c <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 }) sol.2c <- rxode2({ C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q1) }) goodP(sol.2c, 2) o.2c <- ode.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10), events = ev, sensType = sensType) s.2c <- sol.2c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q1 = 10), events = ev, sensType = sensType) expect_equal(o.2c$C2, s.2c$C2, tolerance = tol) ode.3c <- rxode2({ C2 <- centr / V C3 <- peri / V2 C4 <- peri2 / V3 d / dt(centr) <- -CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3 - Q2 * C2 + Q2 * C4 d / dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3 d / dt(peri2) <- Q2 * C2 - Q2 * C4 }) sol.3c <- rxode2({ C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, V2, Q, Q2, V3) }) goodP(sol.3c, 3) o.3c <- ode.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = ev, sensType = sensType) s.3c <- sol.3c %>% solve(params = c(V = 40, CL = 18, V2 = 297, Q = 10, Q2 = 7, V3 = 400), events = ev, sensType = sensType) expect_equal(o.3c$C2, s.3c$C2, tolerance = tol) }) test_that(paste("Issue RxODE#258, sens:", sens, "sensType:", sensType), { m258 <- rxode2( { ka <- 1 cl <- 3.5 vc <- 40 Conc <- linCmt() alag(depot) <- 1 }, linCmtSens = sens ) m258o <- rxode2({ ka <- 1 cl <- 3.5 vc <- 40 d / dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d / dt(central) <- ka * depot - cl / vc * central Conc <- central / vc alag(depot) <- 1 }) s1 <- m258 %>% et(dose = 100, time = 0, addl = 6, ii = 24) %>% et(0, 250, by = 0.1) %>% rxSolve(sensType = sensType) s2 <- m258o %>% et(dose = 100, time = 0, addl = 6, ii = 24) %>% et(0, 250, by = 0.1) %>% rxSolve() expect_equal(s1$Conc, s2$Conc, tolerance = tol) }) tol <- 1e-5 ## Current difference for all equations type <- 1 } })