# fixes problems with change in all.equal() behavior in R 4.1.x expect_eql <- function(...) expect_equal(..., check.environment = FALSE) expect_equiv <- function(...) expect_equivalent(..., check.environment = FALSE) context("Fitting 'vinecop' models") set.seed(5) u <- sapply(1:5, function(i) runif(30)) fit <- vinecop(u, family = "nonpar") fit_with_data <- vinecop(u, family = "nonpar", keep_data = TRUE) test_that("returns proper 'vinecop' object", { expect_s3_class(fit, "vinecop") expect_s3_class(fit, "vinecop_dist") expect_identical( names(fit), c("pair_copulas", "structure", "var_types", "npars", "loglik", "threshold", "controls", "nobs") ) expect_identical( names(fit_with_data), c("pair_copulas", "structure", "var_types", "npars", "loglik", "threshold", "data", "controls", "nobs") ) colnames(u) <- paste(seq_len(ncol(u))) expect_identical( names(vinecop(u, family = "indep")), c("pair_copulas", "structure", "var_types", "npars", "loglik", "threshold", "names", "controls", "nobs") ) }) test_that("works with structure", { u <- sapply(1:2, function(i) runif(30)) expect_silent(fit <- vinecop(u, structure = matrix(c(1:2, 1:0), 2, 2))) }) if (Sys.info()["sysname"] != "SunOS") { test_that("runs in parallel", { expect_silent(fit <- vinecop(u, cores = 2)) }) } test_that("S3 generics work", { expect_eql(predict(fit, u), fitted(fit_with_data)) expect_eql( predict(fit, u, what = "cdf"), fitted(fit_with_data, what = "cdf"), tolerance = 0.01 ) expect_error(predict(fit, u, what = "hfunc1")) fit$data <- NULL expect_error(fitted(fit)) expect_length(attr(logLik(fit), "df"), 1) }) test_that("print/summary generics work", { expect_output(print(fit)) expect_s3_class(s <- summary(fit), "summary_df") expect_is(s, "data.frame") }) test_that("truncation works", { fit_truncated <- truncate_model(fit, trunc_lvl = 1) expect_silent(dvinecop(u, fit_truncated)) expect_silent(rvinecop(50, fit_truncated)) fit_truncated <- vinecop(u, family = "par", trunc_lvl = 1) expect_silent(dvinecop(u, fit_truncated)) expect_silent(rvinecop(50, fit_truncated)) }) test_that("partial selection works", { fit_partial <- vinecop(u[, sample(1:5)], structure = truncate_model(fit$structure, 1), trunc_lvl = 3) expect_eql(unname(dim(fit_partial)[2]), 3) m_old <- as_rvine_matrix(fit$structure) m_new <- as_rvine_matrix(fit_partial$structure) tree1_old_edges <- c(paste(diag(m_old[5:2, ]), m_old[1, -5]), paste(m_old[1, -5], diag(m_old[5:2, ]))) expect_true(all(paste(diag(m_new[5:2, ]), m_new[1, -5]) %in% tree1_old_edges)) }) test_that("d = 1 works", { vc <- vinecop(runif(20), structure = rvine_structure(1)) vc2 <- vinecop(runif(20)) expect_identical(vc, vc2) expect_eql(AIC(vc), 0) expect_eql(mBICV(vc), 0) expect_eql(dim(summary(vc))[1], 0) })