test_that("can find from from doc, nodes, and node", { html <- minimal_html('
') forms <- html_form(html) expect_type(forms, "list") expect_length(forms, 2) forms <- html_form(html_elements(html, "form")) expect_type(forms, "list") expect_length(forms, 2) form <- html_form(html_element(html, "form")) expect_s3_class(form, "rvest_form") }) test_that("has useful print method", { html <- minimal_html('
') expect_snapshot(html_form(html, base_url = "http://google.com")[[1]]) expect_snapshot(html_form(html)[[1]]$fields[[2]]) }) test_that("select options are named character vector", { select <- minimal_html("select parsing", '
') form <- select %>% html_element("form") %>% html_form() expect_equal(form$fields[[1]]$options, c(a = "1", b = "2")) }) test_that("select values are inherited from names", { page <- minimal_html("optional values", ' ') opts <- page %>% html_element('select') %>% parse_select() expect_equal(opts$options, c(x = "1", y = "y")) }) test_that("parse_fields gets the button", { select <- minimal_html("button test", '
') form <- select %>% html_element("form") %>% html_form() expect_equal(form$fields[[1]]$type, "button") }) test_that("handles different encoding types", { expect_equal(convert_enctype(NULL), "form") expect_equal(convert_enctype("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), "form") expect_equal(convert_enctype("multipart/form-data"), "multipart") expect_snapshot(convert_enctype("unknown")) }) test_that("validates its inputs", { select <- minimal_html("button test", '
') expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { html_form(html_element(select, "button")) html_form(select, base_url = 1) }) }) # set -------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("can set values of inputs", { html <- minimal_html('
') form <- html_form(html)[[1]] form <- html_form_set(form, text = "abc") expect_equal(form$fields$text$value, "abc") # warns that setting hidden field expect_snapshot(form <- html_form_set(form, hidden = "abc")) expect_equal(form$fields$hidden$value, "abc") }) test_that("has informative errors", { html <- minimal_html('
') form <- html_form(html)[[1]] expect_snapshot(html_form_set(form, text = "x"), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(html_form_set(form, missing = "x"), error = TRUE) }) # submit ------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("works as expected in simple case", { html <- minimal_html('
') form <- html_form(html, base_url = "http://here.com")[[1]] sub <- submission_build(form, "clickMe") expect_equal(sub$method, "POST") expect_equal(sub$action, "http://here.com/test-path") expect_equal(sub$values, list(x = "1")) }) test_that("useful feedback on invalid forms", { html <- minimal_html("
") form <- html_form(html)[[1]] expect_snapshot(submission_build(form, NULL), error = TRUE) html <- minimal_html("
") form <- html_form(html)[[1]] expect_snapshot(x <- submission_build(form, NULL)) }) test_that("can handle multiple values", { html <- minimal_html('
') form <- html_form(html)[[1]] form <- html_form_set(form, x = c("1", "2", "3"), y = character()) expect_equal( submission_build_values(form), list(x = "1", x = "2", x = "3") ) }) test_that("handles multiple buttons", { html <- minimal_html('
') form <- html_form(html)[[1]] # Messages when picking automatically expect_snapshot(vals <- submission_build_values(form, NULL)) expect_equal(vals, list(one = "1")) expect_equal(submission_build_values(form, "two"), list(two = "2")) expect_equal(submission_build_values(form, 2L), list(two = "2")) # Useful failure messages expect_snapshot(submission_build_values(form, 3L), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(submission_build_values(form, "three"), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(submission_build_values(form, TRUE), error = TRUE) }) test_that("handles no buttons", { html <- minimal_html('
') form <- html_form(html)[[1]] expect_equal( submission_build_values(form), list(x = "1") ) }) test_that("can submit using three primary techniques", { app <- local_test_app() html <- minimal_html('
') form <- html_form(html, base_url = app$url())[[1]] expect_snapshot({ show_response(html_form_submit(form)) form$method <- "POST" show_response(html_form_submit(form)) form$enctype <- "multipart" show_response(html_form_submit(form)) }) })