# start workers with processx -------------------------------------------------- test_that("constructing a rush controller works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) expect_class(rush, "Rush") expect_equal(rush$network_id, "test-rush") expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("local workers are started", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) expect_data_table(rush$worker_info, nrows = 0) worker_ids = rush$start_local_workers( fun = fun, n_workers = 2, lgr_thresholds = c(rush = "debug"), wait_for_workers = TRUE) expect_equal(rush$n_workers, 2) # check fields walk(rush$processes, function(process) expect_class(process, "process")) # check meta data from redis worker_info = rush$worker_info expect_data_table(worker_info, nrows = 2) expect_integer(worker_info$pid, unique = TRUE) expect_false(any(worker_info$remote)) expect_set_equal(worker_ids, worker_info$worker_id) expect_set_equal(rush$worker_ids, worker_ids) expect_set_equal(rush$worker_states$state, "running") expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("local workers are started with Redis on unix socket", { skip_if(TRUE) system(sprintf("redis-server --port 0 --unixsocket /tmp/redis.sock --daemonize yes --pidfile /tmp/redis.pid --dir %s", tempdir())) Sys.sleep(5) config = redux::redis_config(path = "/tmp/redis.sock") r = redux::hiredis(config) on.exit({ try({r$SHUTDOWN()}, silent = TRUE) }) r$FLUSHDB() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) worker_ids = rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) expect_equal(rush$n_workers, 2) # check fields walk(rush$processes, function(process) expect_class(process, "process")) # check meta data from redis worker_info = rush$worker_info expect_data_table(worker_info, nrows = 2) expect_integer(worker_info$pid, unique = TRUE) expect_false(any(worker_info$remote)) expect_set_equal(worker_ids, worker_info$worker_id) expect_set_equal(rush$worker_ids, worker_ids) expect_set_equal(rush$worker_states$state, "running") }) test_that("workers are started with a heartbeat", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, heartbeat_period = 3, heartbeat_expire = 9, wait_for_workers = TRUE) # check meta data from redis worker_info = rush$worker_info expect_character(worker_info$heartbeat, unique = TRUE) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("additional workers are started", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) worker_ids = rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) expect_equal(rush$n_workers, 2) worker_ids_2 = rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) rush$wait_for_workers(4) expect_equal(rush$n_workers, 4) expect_length(rush$processes, 4) walk(rush$processes, function(process) expect_class(process, "process")) worker_info = rush$worker_info expect_data_table(worker_info, nrows = 4) expect_set_equal(c(worker_ids, worker_ids_2), worker_info$worker_id) expect_integer(worker_info$pid, unique = TRUE) expect_false(any(worker_info$remote)) expect_set_equal(rush$worker_states$state, "running") expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("packages are available on the worker", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = UUIDgenerate(n = 1)) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, packages = "uuid", wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys, detect_lost_workers = TRUE) expect_equal(rush$n_finished_tasks, 1) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("globals are available on the worker", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x) x <<- 33 rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, globals = "x", wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys, detect_lost_workers = TRUE) expect_equal(rush$n_finished_tasks, 1) expect_equal(rush$fetch_finished_tasks()$y, 33) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("named globals are available on the worker", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = z) x <<- 33 rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, globals = c(z = "x"), wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys, detect_lost_workers = TRUE) expect_equal(rush$n_finished_tasks, 1) expect_equal(rush$fetch_finished_tasks()$y, 33) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) # start workers with script ---------------------------------------------------- test_that("worker can be started with script", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(1) # make log messages reproducible root_logger = lgr::get_logger("root") old_fmt = root_logger$appenders$console$layout$fmt root_logger$appenders$console$layout$set_fmt("%L (%n): %m") on.exit({ root_logger$appenders$console$layout$set_fmt(old_fmt) }, add = TRUE) config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) expect_snapshot(rush$create_worker_script()) px = processx::process$new("Rscript", args = c("-e", sprintf("rush::start_worker(network_id = 'test-rush', remote = TRUE, url = 'redis://', scheme = 'redis', host = '', port = '6379')")), supervise = TRUE, stderr = "|", stdout = "|") Sys.sleep(5) expect_string(rush$pre_worker_ids) on.exit({ px$kill() }, add = TRUE) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) rush$start_remote_workers(fun = fun, lgr_thresholds = c(rush = "debug")) Sys.sleep(5) expect_true(px$is_alive()) expect_equal(rush$n_running_workers, 1) expect_true(all(rush$worker_info$remote)) expect_null(rush$pre_worker_ids) expect_rush_reset(rush, type = "terminate") px$kill() }) # stop workers ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("a worker is terminated", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) expect_class(rush$stop_workers(), "Rush") rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) worker_id_1 = rush$running_worker_ids[1] worker_id_2 = rush$running_worker_ids[2] # worker 1 rush$stop_workers(worker_ids = worker_id_1, type = "terminate") Sys.sleep(3) expect_false(rush$processes[[worker_id_1]]$is_alive()) expect_equal(rush$running_worker_ids, worker_id_2) expect_equal(worker_id_1, rush$terminated_worker_ids) # worker 2 rush$stop_workers(worker_ids = worker_id_2, type = "terminate") Sys.sleep(3) expect_false(rush$processes[[worker_id_2]]$is_alive()) expect_set_equal(c(worker_id_1, worker_id_2), rush$terminated_worker_ids) expect_null(rush$running_worker_ids) expect_rush_reset(rush, type = "terminate") }) test_that("a local worker is killed", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) expect_class(rush$stop_workers(type = "kill"), "Rush") rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) worker_id_1 = rush$running_worker_ids[1] worker_id_2 = rush$running_worker_ids[2] # worker 1 rush$stop_workers(worker_ids = worker_id_1, type = "kill") Sys.sleep(1) expect_equal(worker_id_1, rush$killed_worker_ids) expect_false(rush$processes[[worker_id_1]]$is_alive()) expect_true(rush$processes[[worker_id_2]]$is_alive()) # worker 2 rush$stop_workers(worker_ids = worker_id_2, type = "kill") Sys.sleep(1) expect_set_equal(c(worker_id_1, worker_id_2), rush$killed_worker_ids) expect_false(rush$processes[[worker_id_1]]$is_alive()) expect_false(rush$processes[[worker_id_2]]$is_alive()) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("a remote worker is killed via the heartbeat", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") config = start_flush_redis() fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, heartbeat_period = 1, heartbeat_expire = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) worker_id_1 = rush$running_worker_ids[1] worker_id_2 = rush$running_worker_ids[2] worker_info = rush$worker_info expect_true(all(tools::pskill(worker_info$pid, signal = 0L))) # worker 1 rush$stop_workers(worker_ids = worker_id_1, type = "kill") Sys.sleep(1) expect_equal(worker_id_1, rush$killed_worker_ids) expect_equal(rush$running_worker_ids, worker_id_2) expect_false(tools::pskill(worker_info[worker_id == worker_id_1, pid], signal = 0L)) # worker 2 rush$stop_workers(worker_ids = worker_id_2, type = "kill") Sys.sleep(1) expect_set_equal(c(worker_id_1, worker_id_2), rush$killed_worker_ids) expect_false(tools::pskill(worker_info[worker_id == worker_id_2, pid], signal = 0L)) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) # low level read and write ----------------------------------------------------- test_that("reading and writing a hash works with flatten", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = RushWorker$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config, remote = FALSE) # one field with list key = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2))) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(key, "xs"), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2))) # one field with atomic key = rush$write_hashes(timeout = 1) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(key, "timeout"), list(list(timeout = 1))) # two fields with lists key = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)), ys = list(list(y = 3))) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(key, c("xs", "ys")), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2, y = 3))) # two fields with list and empty list key = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)), ys = list()) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(key, c("xs", "ys")), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2))) # two fields with list and atomic key = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)), timeout = 1) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(key, c("xs", "timeout")), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2, timeout = 1))) }) test_that("reading and writing a hash works without flatten", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) # one field with list key = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2))) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(key, "xs", flatten = FALSE), list(list(xs = list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)))) # one field with atomic key = rush$write_hashes(timeout = 1) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(key, "timeout", flatten = FALSE), list(list(timeout = 1))) # two fields with lists key = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)), ys = list(list(y = 3))) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(key, c("xs", "ys"), flatten = FALSE), list(list(xs = list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), ys = list(y = 3)))) # two fields with list and empty list key = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)), ys = list()) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(key, c("xs", "ys"), flatten = FALSE), list(list(xs = list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), ys = NULL))) # two fields with list and atomic key = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)), timeout = 1) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(key, c("xs", "timeout"), flatten = FALSE), list(list(xs = list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), timeout = 1))) }) test_that("reading and writing hashes works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = RushWorker$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config, remote = FALSE) # one field with list keys = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3))) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(keys, "xs"), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3))) # one field atomic keys = rush$write_hashes(timeout = c(1, 1)) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(keys, "timeout"), list(list(timeout = 1), list(timeout = 1))) # two fields with list and recycled atomic keys = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3)), timeout = 1) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(keys, c("xs", "timeout")), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2, timeout = 1), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3, timeout = 1))) # two fields keys = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3)), ys = list(list(y = 3), list(y = 4))) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(keys, c("xs", "ys")), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2, y = 3), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3, y = 4))) # two fields with list and atomic keys = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3)), timeout = c(1, 1)) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(keys, c("xs", "timeout")), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2, timeout = 1), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3, timeout = 1))) # two fields with list and recycled atomic keys = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3)), timeout = 1) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(keys, c("xs", "timeout")), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2, timeout = 1), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3, timeout = 1))) # two fields, one empty keys = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3)), ys = list()) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(keys, c("xs", "ys")), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3))) # recycle keys = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3)), ys = list(list(y = 3))) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(keys, c("xs", "ys")), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2, y = 3), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3, y = 3))) }) test_that("writing hashes to specific keys works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = RushWorker$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config, remote = FALSE) # one element keys = uuid::UUIDgenerate() rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)), keys = keys) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(keys, "xs"), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2))) # two elements keys = uuid::UUIDgenerate(n = 2) rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3)), keys = keys) expect_equal(rush$read_hashes(keys, "xs"), list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3))) # wrong number of keys keys = uuid::UUIDgenerate() expect_error(rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 3)), keys = keys), "Assertion on 'keys' failed") }) test_that("writing list columns works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = RushWorker$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config, remote = FALSE) keys = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)), xs_extra = list(list(extra = list("A")))) rush$connector$command(c("LPUSH", "test-rush:finished_tasks", keys)) expect_list(rush$fetch_finished_tasks()$extra, len = 1) config = start_flush_redis() rush = RushWorker$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config, remote = FALSE) keys = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)), xs_extra = list(list(extra = list(letters[1:3])))) rush$connector$command(c("LPUSH", "test-rush:finished_tasks", keys)) expect_list(rush$fetch_finished_tasks()$extra, len = 1) config = start_flush_redis() rush = RushWorker$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config, remote = FALSE) keys = rush$write_hashes(xs = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 2, x2 = 2)), xs_extra = list(list(extra = list("A")), list(extra = list("B")))) rush$connector$command(c("LPUSH", "test-rush:finished_tasks", keys)) rush$read_hashes(keys, c("xs", "xs_extra")) expect_list(rush$fetch_finished_tasks()$extra, len = 2) }) # task evaluation -------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("evaluating a task works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 4, wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys) # check task count expect_equal(rush$n_tasks, 1) expect_equal(rush$n_queued_tasks, 0) expect_equal(rush$n_running_tasks, 0) expect_equal(rush$n_finished_tasks, 1) expect_equal(rush$n_failed_tasks, 0) # check keys in sets expect_string(rush$tasks) expect_null(rush$queued_tasks) expect_null(rush$running_tasks) expect_string(rush$finished_tasks) expect_null(rush$failed_tasks) # check fetching expect_data_table(rush$fetch_queued_tasks(), nrows = 0) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_running_tasks(), nrows = 0) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_failed_tasks(), nrows = 0) data = rush$fetch_finished_tasks() expect_names(names(data), must.include = c("x1", "x2", "worker_id", "y", "keys")) expect_data_table(data, nrows = 1) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_tasks(), nrows = 1) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("evaluating tasks works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 4, wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = replicate(10, list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2))) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys) # check task count expect_equal(rush$n_tasks, 10) expect_equal(rush$n_queued_tasks, 0) expect_equal(rush$n_running_tasks, 0) expect_equal(rush$n_finished_tasks, 10) expect_equal(rush$n_failed_tasks, 0) # check keys in sets expect_character(rush$tasks, len = 10) expect_null(rush$queued_tasks) expect_null(rush$running_tasks) expect_character(rush$finished_tasks, len = 10) expect_null(rush$failed_tasks) # check fetching expect_data_table(rush$fetch_queued_tasks(), nrows = 0) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_running_tasks(), nrows = 0) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_failed_tasks(), nrows = 0) data = rush$fetch_finished_tasks() expect_names(names(data), must.include = c("x1", "x2", "worker_id", "y", "keys")) expect_data_table(data, nrows = 10) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_tasks(), nrows = 10) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("caching results works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = replicate(10, list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2))) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_finished_tasks(), nrows = 10) expect_list(get_private(rush)$.cached_tasks, len = 10) expect_list(rush$fetch_finished_tasks(data_format = "list"), len = 10) expect_list(get_private(rush)$.cached_tasks, len = 10) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_finished_tasks(), nrows = 10) expect_list(get_private(rush)$.cached_tasks, len = 10) expect_list(rush$fetch_finished_tasks(data_format = "list"), len = 10) expect_list(get_private(rush)$.cached_tasks, len = 10) xss = replicate(10, list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2))) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_finished_tasks(), nrows = 20) expect_list(get_private(rush)$.cached_tasks, len = 20) expect_list(rush$fetch_finished_tasks(data_format = "list"), len = 20) expect_list(get_private(rush)$.cached_tasks, len = 20) }) # segfault detection ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("a segfault on a local worker is detected", { skip_if(TRUE) # does not work in testthat on environment config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) get("attach")(structure(list(), class = "UserDefinedDatabase")) worker_ids = rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 1, wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) rush$push_tasks(xss) Sys.sleep(3) expect_null(rush$lost_worker_ids) rush$detect_lost_workers() expect_equal(rush$lost_worker_ids, worker_ids) rush$fetch_failed_tasks() expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("a segfault on a worker is detected via the heartbeat", { skip_if(TRUE) # does not work in testthat on environment config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) get("attach")(structure(list(), class = "UserDefinedDatabase")) worker_ids = rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 1, heartbeat_period = 1, heartbeat_expire = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) rush$push_tasks(xss) Sys.sleep(15) expect_null(rush$lost_worker_ids) rush$detect_lost_workers() expect_equal(rush$lost_worker_ids, worker_ids) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) # fault detection -------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("a simple error is catched", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(TRUE) # does not work in testthat on environment config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) { if (x1 < 1) stop("Test error") list(y = x1 + x2) } rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 0, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys, detect_lost_workers = TRUE) Sys.sleep(2) # check task count expect_equal(rush$n_tasks, 2) expect_equal(rush$n_queued_tasks, 0) expect_equal(rush$n_running_tasks, 0) expect_equal(rush$n_finished_tasks, 1) expect_equal(rush$n_failed_tasks, 1) # check keys in sets expect_character(rush$tasks, len = 2) expect_null(rush$queued_tasks) expect_null(rush$running_tasks) expect_string(rush$finished_tasks) expect_string(rush$failed_tasks) # check fetching expect_data_table(rush$fetch_queued_tasks(), nrows = 0) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_running_tasks(), nrows = 0) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_tasks(), nrows = 2) data = rush$fetch_finished_tasks() expect_names(names(data), must.include = c("x1", "x2", "worker_id", "y", "keys")) expect_data_table(data, nrows = 1) data = rush$fetch_failed_tasks() expect_names(names(data), must.include = c("x1", "x2", "worker_id", "message", "keys")) expect_data_table(data, nrows = 1) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("a lost task is detected", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(TRUE) # does not work in testthat on environment config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) # no task is running expect_class(rush$detect_lost_workers(), "Rush") fun = function(x1, x2, ...) get("attach")(structure(list(), class = "UserDefinedDatabase")) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 1, wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) Sys.sleep(2) rush$detect_lost_workers() # check task count expect_equal(rush$n_tasks, 1) expect_equal(rush$n_queued_tasks, 0) expect_equal(rush$n_running_tasks, 0) expect_equal(rush$n_finished_tasks, 0) expect_equal(rush$n_failed_tasks, 1) # check keys in sets expect_character(rush$tasks, len = 1) expect_null(rush$queued_tasks) expect_null(rush$running_tasks) expect_null(rush$finished_tasks) expect_string(rush$failed_tasks) # check fetching expect_data_table(rush$fetch_queued_tasks(), nrows = 0) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_running_tasks(), nrows = 0) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_tasks(), nrows = 1) data = rush$fetch_failed_tasks() expect_names(names(data), must.include = c("x1", "x2", "worker_id", "message", "keys")) expect_data_table(data, nrows = 1) expect_equal(data$message, "Worker has crashed or was killed") expect_class(rush$detect_lost_workers(), "Rush") expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("a lost task is detected when waiting", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(TRUE) # does not work in testthat on environment config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) # no task is running expect_class(rush$detect_lost_workers(), "Rush") fun = function(x1, x2, ...) get("attach")(structure(list(), class = "UserDefinedDatabase")) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 1, wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 2, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) Sys.sleep(5) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys, detect_lost_workers = TRUE) # check task count expect_equal(rush$n_tasks, 2) expect_equal(rush$n_queued_tasks, 1) expect_equal(rush$n_running_tasks, 0) expect_equal(rush$n_finished_tasks, 0) expect_equal(rush$n_failed_tasks, 1) # check keys in sets expect_character(rush$tasks, len = 2) expect_string(rush$queued_tasks) expect_null(rush$running_tasks) expect_null(rush$finished_tasks) expect_string(rush$failed_tasks) # check fetching expect_data_table(rush$fetch_queued_tasks(), nrows = 1) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_running_tasks(), nrows = 0) expect_data_table(rush$fetch_tasks(), nrows = 2) data = rush$fetch_failed_tasks() expect_names(names(data), must.include = c("x1", "x2", "worker_id", "keys")) expect_data_table(data, nrows = 1) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) # restart workers -------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("restarting a worker works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) worker_id_1 = rush$running_worker_ids[1] worker_id_2 = rush$running_worker_ids[2] tools::pskill(rush$worker_info[worker_id == worker_id_1, pid]) Sys.sleep(1) expect_false(rush$processes[[worker_id_1]]$is_alive()) rush$detect_lost_workers(restart_local_workers = TRUE) expect_true(rush$processes[[worker_id_1]]$is_alive()) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("restarting a worker kills the worker", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 1, wait_for_workers = TRUE) pid = rush$worker_info$pid worker_id = rush$running_worker_ids expect_true(tools::pskill(pid, signal = 0)) rush$restart_local_workers(worker_ids = worker_id) Sys.sleep(1) expect_false(pid == rush$worker_info$pid) expect_false(tools::pskill(pid, signal = 0)) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) # receiving results ------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("blocking on new results works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(TRUE) # does not work in testthat on environment config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) { Sys.sleep(5) list(y = x1 + x2) } rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) expect_data_table(rush$wait_for_new_tasks(timeout = 1), nrows = 0) expect_data_table(rush$wait_for_new_tasks(timeout = 10), nrows = 1) expect_data_table(rush$wait_for_new_tasks(timeout = 1), nrows = 0) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("wait for tasks works when a task gets lost", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) { if (x1 < 1) get("attach")(structure(list(), class = "UserDefinedDatabase")) list(y = x1 + x2) } rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) rush$wait_for_workers(2) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 0, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) expect_class(rush$wait_for_tasks(keys, detect_lost_workers = TRUE), "Rush") expect_rush_reset(rush) }) # misc-------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("saving lgr logs works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(TRUE) # does not work in testthat on environment config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, lgr_thresholds = c(rush = "debug"), wait_for_workers = TRUE) Sys.sleep(5) xss = list(list(x1 = 2, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys) Sys.sleep(5) log = rush$read_log() expect_data_table(log, nrows = 6) expect_names(names(log), must.include = c("worker_id", "timestamp", "logger", "caller", "msg")) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 0, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys) Sys.sleep(5) log = rush$read_log() expect_data_table(log, nrows = 18) expect_names(names(log), must.include = c("worker_id", "timestamp", "logger", "caller", "msg")) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("snapshot option works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, lgr_thresholds = c(rush = "debug")) rush$snapshot_schedule = c(1, 1) expect_equal(rush$connector$CONFIG_GET("save")[[2]], "1 1") expect_equal(rush$snapshot_schedule, c(1, 1)) rush$snapshot_schedule = NULL expect_equal(rush$connector$CONFIG_GET("save")[[2]], "") expect_equal(rush$snapshot_schedule, "") expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("terminating workers on idle works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2) worker_ids = rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss, terminate_workers = TRUE) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys) Sys.sleep(5) expect_set_equal(rush$worker_states$state, "terminated") expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("constants works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, x3, ...) list(y = x1 + x2 + x3) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 4, constants = list(x3 = 5), wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys) expect_equal(rush$fetch_finished_tasks()$y, 8) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) test_that("reconnecting rush instance works", { skip_on_cran() on.exit({ file.remove("rush.rds") }) config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) saveRDS(rush, file = "rush.rds") rush = readRDS("rush.rds") expect_error(rush$print(), "Context is not connected") rush$reconnect() expect_r6(rush, "Rush") expect_rush_reset(rush) }) # rush network without controller ---------------------------------------------- test_that("network without controller works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(rush) { while (rush$n_finished_tasks < 100) { # ask xs = list( x1 = sample(seq(1000), 1), x2 = sample(seq(1000), 1) ) keys = rush$push_running_tasks(list(xs)) # evaluate ys = list(y = xs$x1 + xs$x2) # tell rush$push_results(keys, list(ys)) } return(NULL) } rush$start_local_workers(worker_loop = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) Sys.sleep(10) expect_gte(rush$n_finished_tasks, 100) expect_rush_reset(rush) }) # seed ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("seeds are generated from regular rng seed", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config, seed = 123) rush$push_tasks(list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2))) tab = rush$fetch_tasks(fields = c("xs", "seed")) expect_true(is_lecyer_cmrg_seed(tab$seed[[1]])) rush$push_tasks(list(list(x1 = 2, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 3, x2 = 2))) tab = rush$fetch_tasks(fields = c("xs", "seed")) expect_true(tab$seed[[1]][2] != tab$seed[[2]][2]) expect_true(tab$seed[[2]][2] != tab$seed[[3]][2]) }) test_that("seed are generated from L'Ecuyer-CMRG seed", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config, seed = c(10407L, 1801422725L, -2057975723L, 1156894209L, 1595475487L, 210384600L, -1655729657L)) rush$push_tasks(list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2))) tab = rush$fetch_tasks(fields = c("xs", "seed")) expect_true(is_lecyer_cmrg_seed(tab$seed[[1]])) rush$push_tasks(list(list(x1 = 2, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 3, x2 = 2))) tab = rush$fetch_tasks(fields = c("xs", "seed")) expect_true(tab$seed[[1]][2] != tab$seed[[2]][2]) expect_true(tab$seed[[2]][2] != tab$seed[[3]][2]) }) test_that("seed is set correctly on two workers", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config, seed = 123) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = sample(10000, 1)) worker_ids = rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE) .keys = rush$push_tasks(list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 2, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 2, x2 = 3), list(x1 = 2, x2 = 4))) rush$wait_for_tasks(.keys) finished_tasks = rush$fetch_finished_tasks() expect_set_equal(finished_tasks$y, c(5971L, 4090L, 1754L, 9794L)) .keys = rush$push_tasks(list(list(x1 = 5, x2 = 3), list(x1 = 5, x2 = 4))) rush$wait_for_tasks(.keys) finished_tasks = rush$fetch_finished_tasks() expect_set_equal(finished_tasks$y, c(1754L, 9794L, 4090L, 5971L, 8213L, 3865L)) expect_rush_reset(rush, type = "terminate") }) # log -------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("printing logs with redis appender works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(TRUE) # does not work in testthat on environment lg_rush = lgr::get_logger("rush") old_threshold_rush = lg_rush$threshold on.exit(lg_rush$set_threshold(old_threshold_rush)) lg_rush$set_threshold("info") config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config, seed = 123) fun = function(x1, x2, ...) { lg = lgr::get_logger("rush") lg$info("test-1-info") lg$warn("test-1-warn") lg$error("test-1-error") list(y = x1 + x2) } worker_ids = rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 2, wait_for_workers = TRUE, lgr_thresholds = c(rush = "info")) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2), list(x1 = 2, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) Sys.sleep(1) expect_output(rush$print_log(), ".*test-1-info.*test-1-warn.*test-1-error") expect_silent(rush$print_log()) xss = list(list(x1 = 3, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) expect_output(rush$print_log(), ".*test-1-info.*test-1-warn.*test-1-error") expect_rush_reset(rush, type = "terminate") }) test_that("redis info works", { skip_on_cran() config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) expect_list(rush$redis_info) }) # large objects ---------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("evaluating a task works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(TRUE) # takes too long config = start_flush_redis() rush = Rush$new(network_id = "test-rush", config = config) fun = function(x1, x2, large_vector, ...) list(y = length(large_vector)) expect_error( rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, n_workers = 4, constants = list(large_vector = runif(1e8)), wait_for_workers = TRUE), "Worker configuration is larger than 512 MiB.") rush_plan(n_workers = 4, large_objects_path = tempdir()) rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun, constants = list(large_vector = runif(1e8)), wait_for_workers = TRUE) xss = list(list(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) keys = rush$push_tasks(xss) rush$wait_for_tasks(keys) expect_equal(rush$fetch_finished_tasks()$y, 1e8) expect_rush_reset(rush) })