library("runjags") runjags.options(nodata.warning=FALSE) # Checks that the runjags module distributions are correct. # Loading the dynlib requires rjags for Windows: if(.Platform$OS.type != 'windows' || requireNamespace('rjags')){ loaded <- runjags:::dynloadmodule() if(!loaded) stop("The internal JAGS dynlib could not be loaded - if you installed this package from CRAN, please file a bug report to the package author") cat('Running module tests\n') # Required for nchain etc: library("coda") load("moduletargets.Rsave") checksok <- rep(TRUE, N) for(i in 1:N){ success <- try({ obs <- runjags:::userunjagsmodule(tests[[i]]$distribution, tests[[i]]$funtype, tests[[i]]$parameters, tests[[i]]$x, tests[[i]]$uselog, tests[[i]]$lower) expect <- results[[i]] # Allow a bit of a larger tolerance than usual as we have saved the results from a different machine: problem <- abs(expect-obs) > max(10^-5, .Machine$double.eps^0.5) # Or obs is NA: problem[] <- TRUE if(any(problem)){ cat("Error with check number ", i, " (which expected observed): ", paste(paste(which(problem), " ", expect[problem], " ", obs[problem], "; ", sep=""), collapse=""), "\n", sep="") checksok[i] <- FALSE } }) if(inherits(success, 'try-error')){ checksok[i] <- FALSE cat("Uncaught crash error with check number", i, "\n") } } if(!all(checksok)) stop(paste("The runjags module checks failed for test number(s) ", paste(which(!checksok),collapse=","), sep="")) # From: Gelman, A. (2006). Prior distributions for variance parameters in hierarchical models. Bayesian Analysis, (3), 515–533. # ... the half cauchy should be the same as a ratio of two gammas: scale <- seq(1,100,length.out=10) quantiles <- seq(0.05,0.95,length.out=10) checksok <- rep(TRUE, 10) set.seed(1) for(i in 1:10){ success <- try({ xi <- rnorm(10^6, 0, sd=scale[i]) tau <- rgamma(10^6, shape=0.5, rate=0.5) # Chi-squared with 1 df - i.e.= rchisq(10^6, 1) gelman <- abs(xi)/sqrt(tau) expect <- quantile(gelman,quantiles) obs <- runjags:::userunjagsmodule('halfcauchy', 'q', scale[i], quantiles, FALSE, TRUE) # Allow a fairly large 5% tolerance as this is a numerical approximation: problem <- (abs(expect-obs)/expect) > 0.05 # Or obs is NA: problem[] <- TRUE if(any(problem)){ cat("Error with Half Cauchy check number ", i, " - scale=", scale[i], " - (which expected observed): ", paste(paste(which(problem), " ", expect[problem], " ", obs[problem], "; ", sep=""), collapse=""), "\n", sep="") checksok[i] <- FALSE } }) if(inherits(success, 'try-error')){ checksok[i] <- FALSE cat("Uncaught crash error with Half Cauchy check number", i, "\n") } } if(!all(checksok)) stop(paste("The runjags module Half Cauchy checks failed for test number(s) ", paste(which(!checksok),collapse=","), sep="")) cat("The internal module tests were passed\n") }else{ cat("The internal module tests were skipped (not available on Windows)\n") } # Require the rjags library to run the rest of the checks: dotests <- TRUE if(!require("rjags")){ cat("The module checks were not performed as rjags is not installed\n") dotests <- FALSE } if(dotests){ # Try to load the module: loaded <- load.runjagsmodule(fail=FALSE) if(!loaded){ warning("The module checks were not performed as the internal JAGS module could not be loaded") dotests <- FALSE } # Now check the JAGS implementations just to make sure the functions are found OK: m <- "model{ r0 ~ dpar(1,1) f0 ~ dpar(1,1) d0 <- dpar(0.5,1,1) p0 <- ppar(0.5,1,1) q0 <- qpar(0.5,1,1) r1 ~ dpar1(1,1) f1 ~ dpar1(1,1) d1 <- dpar1(0.5,1,1) p1 <- ppar1(0.5,1,1) q1 <- qpar1(0.5,1,1) r2 ~ dpar2(1,1,0) f2 ~ dpar2(1,1,0) d2 <- dpar2(0.5,1,1,0) p2 <- ppar2(0.5,1,1,0) q2 <- qpar2(0.5,1,1,0) r3 ~ dpar3(1,0,1) f3 ~ dpar3(1,0,1) d3 <- dpar3(0.5,1,0,1) p3 <- ppar3(0.5,1,0,1) q3 <- qpar3(0.5,1,0,1) r4 ~ dpar4(1,1,0,1) f4 ~ dpar4(1,1,0,1) d4 <- dpar4(0.5,1,1,0,1) p4 <- ppar4(0.5,1,1,0,1) q4 <- qpar4(0.5,1,1,0,1) rl ~ dlomax(1,1) fl ~ dlomax(1,1) dl <- dlomax(0.5,1,1) pl <- plomax(0.5,1,1) ql <- qlomax(0.5,1,1) rm ~ dmouch(1) fm ~ dmouch(1) dm <- dmouch(0.5,1) pm <- pmouch(0.5,1) qm <- qmouch(0.5,1) rg ~ dgenpar(1,1,1) fg ~ dgenpar(1,1,1) dg <- dgenpar(0.5,1,1,1) pg <- pgenpar(0.5,1,1,1) qg <- qgenpar(0.5,1,1,1) rh ~ dhalfcauchy(25) fh ~ dhalfcauchy(25) dh <- dhalfcauchy(25, 25) ph <- phalfcauchy(25, 25) qh <- qhalfcauchy(0.5, 25) #monitor# r0,d0,p0,q0,r1,d1,p1,q1,r2,d2,p2,q2,r3,d3,p3,q3,r4,d4,p4,q4,rl,dl,pl,ql,rg,dg,pg,qg,rm,dm,pm,qm,rh,fh,dh,ph,qh #data# f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, fl, fg, fm, fh #inits# rg }" rg <- list(1,2) f0=f1=f2=f3=f4=fl=fg=fm=fh <- 2 r <- run.jags(m, n.chains=2, burnin=100, sample=100, method='rjags') stopifnot(nchain(as.mcmc.list(r))==2) # Now check that my p and q functions are symmetric: m <- "model{ qsn <- qnorm(sp, cont1, pos1) psn <- pnorm(qsn, cont1, pos1) qsg <- qgamma(sp, pos1, pos2) psg <- pgamma(qsg, pos1, pos2) qsl <- qlnorm(sp, cont1, pos2) psl <- plnorm(qsl, cont1, pos2) qsp <- qpar(sp, pos1, pos2) psp <- ppar(qsp, pos1, pos2) qsp1 <- qpar1(sp, pos1, pos2) psp1 <- ppar1(qsp1, pos1, pos2) qsp2 <- qpar2(sp, pos1, pos2, cont1) psp2 <- ppar2(qsp2, pos1, pos2, cont1) qsp3 <- qpar3(sp, pos1, cont1, pos3) psp3 <- ppar3(qsp3, pos1, cont1, pos3) qsp4 <- qpar4(sp, pos1, pos2, cont1, pos3) psp4 <- ppar4(qsp4, pos1, pos2, cont1, pos3) qsgp <- qgenpar(sp, pos1, cont2, cont1) psgp <- pgenpar(qsgp, pos1, cont2, cont1) qslm <- qlomax(sp, pos1, pos2) pslm <- plomax(qslm, pos1, pos2) qsm <- qmouch(sp, pos1) psm <- pmouch(qsm, pos1) qshc <- qhalfcauchy(sp, pos1) pshc <- phalfcauchy(qshc, pos1) dummy ~ dlomax(1,1) #monitor# psn, psg, psl, psp1, psp2, psp3, psp4, psgp, pslm, psm, qshc, pshc, # There appears to be a bug in the code for qpar: #psp, #data# sp, cont1, cont2, pos1, pos2, pos3 #inits# dummy }" dummy <- 2 sp <- 1:9/10 set.seed(1) cont1 <- runif(1,-10,10) cont2 <- runif(1,-10,10) pos1 <- rgamma(1,1,1) pos2 <- rgamma(1,1,1) pos3 <- rgamma(1,1,1) r <- run.jags(m, burnin=100, sample=10, n.chains=1, method='rjags', summarise=FALSE) sp <- rep(sp,11) ps <- combine.mcmc(r,vars='ps')[1,] stopifnot(length(sp)==length(ps)) if(!isTRUE(all.equal(sp,ps))){ # Reduce stringency of the test - roughly 10^7 different on linux: problem <- abs(sp-ps) > max(10^-4, .Machine$double.eps^0.5) if(any(problem)) stop(paste("Error with ps/sp check (which expected observed): ", paste(paste(names(ps)[which(problem)], " ", sp[problem], " ", ps[problem], "; ", sep=""), collapse=""), sep="")) } cat("The runjags module tests were passed\n") }else{ cat("The runjags module tests were skipped (rjags not installed)\n") } cat("All module checks passed\n")