test_that("search_fullarchive works", { skip_if_offline() # Use app with a premium account that matches the env_names testing_with_authentication("bearer_testing_app") expect_snapshot( df <- search_fullarchive( q = '#covid place:UK OR place:GB OR place:"United Kindom"', n = 20, env_name = 'fullArchive', fromDate = "201810010000")) expect_equal(nrow(df), 20) }) test_that("search_fullarchive queries bigger than page size work", { skip_if_offline() # Use app with a premium account that matches the env_names testing_with_authentication("bearer_testing_app") expect_snapshot( df <- search_fullarchive( q = '#covid place:UK OR place:GB OR place:"United Kindom"', n = 20, env_name = 'fullArchive', fromDate = "201810010000")) expect_equal(nrow(df), 20) }) test_that("search_fullarchive does not return duplicate tweets", { skip_if_offline() # Use app with a premium account that matches the env_names testing_with_authentication("bearer_testing_app") expect_snapshot( df <- search_fullarchive(q="#halalan22", n = 450, env_name = "fullArchive", fromDate = "202202080000", toDate = "202205100000", parse = TRUE) ) expect_gt(nrow(df), 450) })