TRIM 3.61 : TRend analysis and Indices for Monitoring data STATISTICS NETHERLANDS Date/Time: 4-10-2016 17:40:30 Title : skylark-x2 Comment: Actual year test The following 5 variables have been read from file: Z:\Users\patrick\Work\CBS\TRIM\wine\skylark_yr.dat 1. Site number of values: 55 2. Time number of values: 8 3. Count missing = 999 4. HABITAT number of values: 2 5. COV2 number of values: 4 Number of sites without positive counts (removed) 0 Number of observed zero counts 0 Number of observed positive counts 202 Total number of observed counts 202 Number of missing counts 238 Total number of counts 440 Total count 2536.0 Sites containing more than 10% of the total count Site Number Observed Total % 3 431.0 17.0 37 266.0 10.5 40 624.0 24.6 Time Point Averages TimePoint Observations Average Index 1984 25 8.52 1.00 1985 20 8.10 0.95 1986 30 10.90 1.28 1987 30 11.27 1.32 1988 28 12.75 1.50 1989 29 14.66 1.72 1990 22 17.00 2.00 1991 18 18.89 2.22 RESULTS FOR MODEL: Linear Trend -------------------------------- Changes in Slope at Timepoints 1984 1985 ESTIMATION METHOD = Generalised Estimating Equations Total time used: 1.07 seconds Estimated Overdispersion = 1.334 Estimated Serial Correlation = 0.305 GOODNESS OF FIT Chi-square 193.36, df 145, p 0.0045 Likelihood Ratio 191.81, df 145, p 0.0056 AIC (up to a constant) -98.19 WALD-TEST FOR SIGNIFICANCE OF CHANGES IN SLOPE Changepoint Wald-Test df p 1984 11.08 1 0.0009 1985 14.90 1 0.0001 PARAMETER ESTIMATES Slope for Time Intervals from upto Additive std.err. Multiplicative std.err. 1984 1985 -0.3029 0.0910 0.7387 0.0672 1985 1991 0.0757 0.0157 1.0787 0.0169 Time INDICES Time Model std.err. Imputed std.err. 1984 1 1 1985 0.7387 0.0672 0.7276 0.0686 1986 0.7968 0.0687 0.8295 0.0774 1987 0.8595 0.0723 0.8353 0.0794 1988 0.9272 0.0787 0.9193 0.0875 1989 1.0001 0.0885 1.0150 0.0977 1990 1.0788 0.1020 1.0945 0.1084 1991 1.1637 0.1195 1.1776 0.1230 TIME TOTALS Time Model std.err. Imputed std.err. 1984 513 43 511 43 1985 379 23 372 25 1986 409 20 424 24 1987 441 18 427 24 1988 476 17 470 25 1989 513 19 519 27 1990 553 25 559 30 1991 597 34 602 36 OVERALL SLOPE MODEL: Moderate increase (p<0.01) ** Additive std.err. Multiplicative std.err. 0.0442 0.0134 1.0452 0.0140 OVERALL SLOPE IMPUTED+(recommended): Moderate increase (p<0.01) ** Additive std.err. Multiplicative std.err. 0.0463 0.0135 1.0474 0.0141