TRIM 3.70 : TRend analysis and Indices for Monitoring data STATISTICS NETHERLANDS Date/Time: 3-10-2016 11:52:50 Title : skylark-4a Comment: Simplest model 2 with weights The following 6 variables have been read from file: Z:\Users\patrick\Work\CBS\TRIM\wine\skylark_wt.dat 1. Site number of values: 55 2. Time number of values: 8 3. Count missing = 999 4. weight 5. HABITAT number of values: 2 6. COV2 number of values: 4 Number of observed zero counts 0 Number of observed positive counts 202 Total number of observed counts 202 Number of missing counts 238 Total number of counts 440 Total count 2536.0 Sites containing more than 10% of the total count Site Number Observed Total % 3 431.0 17.0 37 266.0 10.5 40 624.0 24.6 Time Point Averages Weighted Weighted TimePoint Observations Average Index Average Index 1 25 8.52 1.00 30.12 1.00 2 20 8.10 0.95 27.00 0.90 3 30 10.90 1.28 24.10 0.80 4 30 11.27 1.32 23.87 0.79 5 28 12.75 1.50 23.36 0.78 6 29 14.66 1.72 36.38 1.21 7 22 17.00 2.00 31.73 1.05 8 18 18.89 2.22 35.39 1.17 RESULTS FOR MODEL: Linear Trend --------------------------------- WEIGHTING = On ESTIMATION METHOD = Maximum Likelihood Total time used: 0.63 seconds GOODNESS OF FIT Chi-square 210.53, df 146, p 0.0000 Likelihood Ratio 204.63, df 146, p 0.0000 AIC (up to a constant) -87.37 WALD-TEST FOR SIGNIFICANCE OF SLOPE PARAMETER Wald-Test 27.60, df 1, p 0.0000 PARAMETER ESTIMATES Additive std.err. Multiplicative std.err. Slope 0.0548 0.0104 1.0564 0.0110 Time INDICES Time Model std.err. Imputed std.err. 1 1 1 2 1.0564 0.0110 0.9195 0.0588 3 1.1159 0.0233 0.9549 0.0619 4 1.1788 0.0369 0.9662 0.0653 5 1.2452 0.0520 0.9518 0.0708 6 1.3154 0.0686 1.0744 0.0824 7 1.3895 0.0870 1.1139 0.0887 8 1.4678 0.1072 1.1316 0.1006 TIME TOTALS Time Model std.err. Imputed std.err. 1 1116 73 1344 88 2 1179 70 1236 87 3 1246 69 1284 89 4 1316 70 1299 92 5 1390 74 1280 96 6 1469 81 1444 104 7 1551 91 1498 108 8 1639 105 1521 121 OVERALL SLOPE MODEL (with intercept) Additive std.err. Multiplicative std.err. 0.0548 0.0104 1.0564 0.0110 OVERALL SLOPE IMPUTED (with intercept, recommended) Additive std.err. Multiplicative std.err. 0.0257 0.0113 1.0261 0.0116 OVERALL SLOPE MODEL (through base time point) Additive std.err. Multiplicative std.err. 0.0548 0.0104 1.0564 0.0110 OVERALL SLOPE IMPUTED (through base time point) Additive std.err. Multiplicative std.err. 0.0100 0.0126 1.0100 0.0127