context("deprecated functionality") test_that("deprecated things are still there and work kinda", { expect_warning(lyt11 <- split_cols_by(lyt = NULL, "ARM"), "deprecated") expect_identical(lyt11, basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM")) expect_warning(lyt22 <- split_rows_by(lyt = NULL, "ARM"), "deprecated") expect_identical(lyt22, basic_table() %>% split_rows_by("ARM")) }) test_that("deprecated insert_rrow still currently works", { tbl <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("Species") %>% analyze("Sepal.Length") %>% build_table(iris) expect_warning(res1 <- insert_rrow(tbl, rrow("Hello World")), "Deprecated") realdf <- make_row_df(tbl) o <- options(warn = -1) mf1 <- matrix_form(res1) expect_identical(mf1$strings[2, , drop = TRUE], c("Hello World", "", "", "")) res2 <- insert_rrow(tbl, rrow("Hello World"), at = 2) mf2 <- matrix_form(res2) expect_identical(mf2$strings[3, , drop = TRUE], c("Hello World", "", "", "")) tbl2 <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("Species") %>% split_rows_by("Species") %>% analyze("Sepal.Length") %>% build_table(iris) ## for coverage res3 <- insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("Hello World")) mf3 <- matrix_form(res3) expect_identical(mf3$strings[2, , drop = TRUE], c("Hello World", "", "", "")) res4 <- insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("Hello World"), at = 2) mf4 <- matrix_form(res4) expect_identical(mf4$strings[3, , drop = TRUE], c("Hello World", "", "", "")) res5 <- insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("Hello World"), at = 4) mf5 <- matrix_form(res5) expect_identical(mf5$strings[5, , drop = TRUE], c("Hello World", "", "", "")) res6 <- insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("new row", 5, 6, 7)) mf6 <- matrix_form(res6) expect_identical(mf6$strings[2, , drop = TRUE], c("new row", "5", "6", "7")) res7 <- insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("new row", 5, 6, 7), at = 3) mf7 <- matrix_form(res7) expect_identical(mf7$strings[4, , drop = TRUE], c("new row", "5", "6", "7")) options(o) }) test_that("add_colcounts works", { tbl1 <- basic_table() %>% add_colcounts() %>% analyze("AGE") %>% build_table(DM) tbl2 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% analyze("AGE") %>% build_table(DM) expect_true(identical(tbl1, tbl2)) }) test_that("add_colcounts format argument works", { # 2d count (%) format works tbl1 <- basic_table() %>% add_colcounts(format = "xx (xx%)") %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% build_table(DM) mf_tbl1_colcounts <- matrix_form(tbl1)$strings[2, ] expect_identical(mf_tbl1_colcounts, c("", "121 (100%)", "106 (100%)", "129 (100%)")) # correct error message for 2d format without % lyt <- basic_table() %>% add_colcounts(format = "xx (xx)") %>% split_cols_by("ARM") expect_error( matrix_form(build_table(lyt, DM)), paste( "This 2d format is not supported for column counts.", "Please choose a 1d format or a 2d format that includes a % value." ) ) # correct error message for 3d colcount format lyt <- basic_table() %>% add_colcounts(format = "xx.x (xx.x - xx.x)") %>% split_cols_by("ARM") expect_error(matrix_form(build_table(lyt, DM)), "3d formats are not supported for column counts.") })