context("value formatting") test_that("sprintf_format works correctly", { myfun <- sprintf_format("hi there %1.4f") lyt <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("Species") %>% analyze("Sepal.Width", afun = mean, format = myfun) tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris) matform <- matrix_form(tbl) expect_identical( matform$strings[2, ], c( "mean", "hi there 3.4280", myfun(2.77), myfun(mean(subset(iris, Species == "virginica")$Sepal.Width)) ) ) }) test_that("table_shell works", { tbl <- rtable(c("A", "B"), rrow("Hiya", rcell(c(2, .2), format = "xx (xx.x%)" ), rcell(c(.1, .2)), format = "xx.x - xx.x" ), rrow("bye", 5.2345, 17.2), format = "xx.xx" ) tblsh <- rtable( c("A", "B"), rrow("Hiya", "xx (xx.x%)", "xx.x - xx.x"), rrow("bye", "xx.xx", "xx.xx") ) expect_identical( toString(tblsh), paste0(capture_output(table_shell(tbl)), "\n") ) tbl2 <- rtable(c("A", "B"), rrow("Hiya", rcell(c(2, .2), format = function(x, ...) paste0(x) ), rcell(c(.1, .2)), format = "xx.x - xx.x" ), rrow("bye", 5.2345, 17.2), format = "xx.xx" ) tbl2sh <- rtable( c("A", "B"), rrow("Hiya", "", "xx.x - xx.x"), rrow("bye", "xx.xx", "xx.xx") ) expect_identical( toString(tbl2sh), paste0(capture_output(table_shell(tbl2)), "\n") ) }) test_that("rcell format_na_str functionality works", { expect_identical( format_rcell(rcell(NA_real_, format = "xx.xx", format_na_str = "hiya" )), "hiya" ) ## default still works expect_identical( format_rcell(rcell(NA_real_, format = "xx.x")), "NA" ) irs <- in_rows( val1 = NA_real_, val2 = NA_integer_, .formats = list(val1 = "xx.x", val2 = "xx.x"), .format_na_strs = list(val1 = "hiya", val2 = "lowdown") ) }) test_that("format_na_str functionality works in get_formatted_cells (i.e. printing) and make_afun", { DM2 <- subset(DM, COUNTRY %in% c("USA", "CAN", "CHN")) DM2$AGE <- NA DM2$AGE[1] <- 1 s_summary <- function(x) { stopifnot(is.numeric(x)) list( n = sum(!, mean = mean(x), min_max = range(x) ) } a_summary <- make_afun( fun = s_summary, .formats = c(n = "xx", mean = "xx.xx", min_max = "xx.xx - xx.xx"), .labels = c(n = "n", mean = "Mean", min_max = "min - max") ) a_summary3 <- make_afun(a_summary, .formats = c(mean = ""), .format_na_strs = c(mean = "Ridiculous") ) l <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% split_rows_by("COUNTRY", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% summarize_row_groups(label_fstr = "%s (n)") %>% analyze("AGE", afun = a_summary3, format = "xx.xx") tbl <- suppressWarnings(build_table(l, DM2)) tbl expect_identical( get_formatted_cells(tbl)[3, 1, drop = TRUE], "Ridiculous" ) }) test_that("format and na_str inheritance", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") require(dplyr, quietly = TRUE) # Test data DM2 <- DM %>% filter(ARM != levels(DM$ARM)[3]) %>% mutate(ARM = as.factor(as.character(ARM))) DM2$AGE[1] <- NA # Adding one NA # Manually building the table weird_afun <- function(x, ...) { in_rows( cell_fmt = rcell(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), format = "xx.x"), no_cell_fmt = rcell(median(x, na.rm = TRUE)), no_cell_na_str = rcell(NA, format = "xx.x"), cell_na_str_no_cell_fmt = rcell(NA, format_na_str = "what"), cell_fmt_range = rcell(range(x, na.rm = TRUE), format = "xx.x - xx.x"), cell_na_str_range = rcell(c(NA, 2), format = "xx.x - xx.x", format_na_str = "bah"), no_cell_na_str_no_cell_fmt_range = rcell(c(NA, 2), format = "xx.x - xx.x") ) } # Main builder tbl <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% analyze("AGE", weird_afun, format = "xx.xx", na_str = "lol") %>% build_table(DM2) # Get the ASCII table result <- get_formatted_cells(tbl) # Main function skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") require(dplyr, quietly = TRUE) # Expected data-set is built with dplyr expected <- DM2 %>% dplyr::group_by(ARM) %>% summarise( m_age = format_value(mean(AGE, na.rm = TRUE), format = "xx.x"), me_age = format_value(median(AGE, na.rm = TRUE), format = "xx.xx"), m_range = paste(sapply(range(AGE, na.rm = TRUE), format_value, format = "xx.x"), collapse = " - ") ) %>% mutate(b = "lol", c = "what", d = "bah - 2.0", e = "lol - 2.0") %>% select(m_age, me_age, b, c, m_range, d, e) %>% mutate_all(as.character) %>% t() %>% as.matrix() dimnames(expected) <- NULL # Fixing attributes # Check if it preserves the format and na_str replacements expect_identical(result, expected) # Get the ASCII table of formats (shell) result <- get_formatted_cells(tbl, shell = TRUE) # Main function # Expected ASCII table (manual insertion) one_col <- c("xx.x", "xx.xx", "xx.x", "xx.xx", "xx.x - xx.x", "xx.x - xx.x", "xx.x - xx.x") expected <- cbind(one_col, one_col) dimnames(expected) <- NULL # Fixing attributes # Check if it preserves the shell format expect_identical(result, expected) })