test_that("cbind_rtables works", { x <- rtable(c("A", "B"), rrow("row 1", 1, 2), rrow("row 2", 3, 4)) y <- rtable("C", rrow("row 1", 5), rrow("row 2", 6)) tab <- cbind_rtables(x, y) expect_equal(ncol(tab), 3) expect_equal(ncol(rtables:::tt_labelrow(tab)), 3) expect_equal(nrow(tab), 2) }) test_that("cbind_rtables works with 3 tables", { tab1 <- rtable( header = "a", rrow("one", 1) ) tab2 <- rtable( header = "b", rrow("one", 2) ) tab3 <- rtable( header = "c", rrow("one", 3) ) newtab <- cbind_rtables(tab1, tab2, tab3) expect_equal(ncol(newtab), 3) expect_equal(c(1, 2, 3), unlist(cell_values(newtab))) ## all paths reachable, unique and work ## this was not previously the case which broke higher-level ns display machinery cpaths <- col_paths(newtab) for (i in seq_along(cpaths)) { expect_equal( newtab[, i], newtab[, cpaths[[i]]] ) } }) ## regressions for #341 test_that("mixing NA and non-NA counts and avars is ok", { iris2 <- iris iris2$origin <- sample(c("USA", "CH", "JP"), nrow(iris), replace = TRUE) iris2$manmade <- sample(c("Y", "N"), nrow(iris), replace = TRUE) # First case: no LabelRow objects (hidden) rtb_t <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("manmade") %>% analyze( vars = colnames(iris)[1:3], afun = mean, format = "xx.x", show_labels = "hidden" ) %>% build_table(iris2) cinfo <- manual_cols("hiya") mantab_lst <- lapply(1:3, function(i) { TableTree( name = names(tree_children(rtb_t))[i], label = "", kids = list(rrow("", i)), cinfo = cinfo ) }) rtb_t2 <- TableTree(kids = mantab_lst, cinfo = cinfo) expect_warning( res <- cbind_rtables(rtb_t, rtb_t2), "Mixture of missing and non-missing column counts" ) expect_identical(dim(res), c(3L, 3L)) }) test_that("cell formats not dropped when cbinding", { tab1 <- rtable( header = "a", rrow("one", rcell(1.1111111, format = "xx.x")) ) tab2 <- rtable( header = "b", rrow("one", rcell(2.2222222, format = "xx.xxxx")) ) cbtab <- cbind_rtables(tab1, tab2) expect_identical( rtables:::value_formats(tree_children(cbtab)[[1]]), list("xx.x", "xx.xxxx") ) }) ## unit tests for chk_cbindable_many test_that("chk_cbindable_many works", { chk_cbindable_many <- rtables:::chk_cbindable_many tr <- rrow("", 5, 6, 7) expect_true(chk_cbindable_many(list(tr, tr, tr))) tr2 <- rrow("label") expect_error(chk_cbindable_many(list(tr, tr, tr2)), "Cannot cbind different types of TableRow objects together") tab1 <- rtable( c("col11", "col21", "col31"), tr2, tr, tr ) expect_true(chk_cbindable_many(list(tab1, tab1, tab1))) tab2 <- tab1 top_left(tab2) <- "hiii" ## topleft mismatch ok if mix of empty and single non-empty value expect_true(chk_cbindable_many(list(tab1, tab2, tab1, tab2))) tab3 <- tab1 top_left(tab3) <- "oops" ## topleft mismatch error on 2+ non-empty values expect_error(chk_cbindable_many(list(tab1, tab2, tab1, tab2, tab3))) tr3 <- rrow("rowlabel", 5, 6, 7) tr4 <- rrow("oh no!", 5, 6, 7) tab4 <- rtable( c("col1", "col2", "col3"), tr2, tr, tr3 ) tab5 <- rtable( c("col1", "col2", "col3"), tr2, tr, tr3 ) ## rowname mismatches expect_error(chk_bindable_many(list(tab1, tab2, tab4))) expect_error(chk_bindable_many(list(tab1, tab2, tab4))) tab6 <- rtable( c("col1", "col2", "col3"), tr2, tr2, tr ) ## row class mismatch expect_error(chck_bindable_many(list(tab, tab2, tab6))) }) test_that("c/rbind and top-left behave", { lyt <- basic_table() %>% append_topleft("Hi") %>% analyze("AGE", mean) tab <- build_table(lyt, DM) tab2 <- tab top_left(tab2) <- "oh no!" mat_form <- matrix_form(tab) expect_identical(mat_form$strings[1, 1], top_left(tab)) mat_form2 <- matrix_form(tab2) expect_identical(mat_form2$strings[1, 1], top_left(tab2)) ## might be redundant in light of chk_cbindable_many unit tests above ## but its not hurting anything so just leave it expect_error(cbind_rtables(tab, tab2)) expect_error(rbind(tab, tab2)) expect_identical( obj_name(rbind(tab)), "rbind_root" ) expect_identical( tt_at_path(rbind(tab), c("rbind_root", obj_name(tab))), tab ) mform <- matrix_form(cbind_rtables(tab[0, ], tab[0, ])) expect_identical( mform$strings[1, , drop = TRUE], c("", rep("all obs", 2)) ) }) ## NB: insert_rrow is now deprecated. test_that("insert_rrow works", { tbl <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% analyze("AGE") %>% build_table(ex_adsl) ## column numbers don't match expect_error(lifecycle::expect_deprecated(insert_rrow(tbl, rrow("Total xx", ""), at = 1))) ## this is ok cause its a LabelRow not a DataRow expect_silent(lifecycle::expect_deprecated(insert_rrow(tbl, rrow("Total xx"), at = 1))) }) test_that("count visibility syncing works when cbinding", { lyt1 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% split_cols_by("STRATA1") %>% analyze("AGE") tab1 <- build_table(lyt1, ex_adsl) lyt2 <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM", show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% split_cols_by("STRATA1") %>% analyze("AGE") tab2 <- build_table(lyt2, ex_adsl) bigtab <- cbind_rtables(tab1, tab2) bigmpf <- matrix_form(bigtab) bigstrs <- mf_strings(bigmpf) expect_true(all(grepl("N=", bigstrs[mf_nlheader(bigmpf), -1]))) bigtab2 <- cbind_rtables(tab1, tab2, sync_count_vis = FALSE) bigmpf2 <- matrix_form(bigtab2) bigstrs2 <- mf_strings(bigmpf2) expect_equal(sum(grepl("N=", bigstrs2[mf_nlheader(bigmpf2), -1])), ncol(tab1)) }) ## regression test for #340 ## ensure split functions that are fully equivalent but ## have different actual enclosing environments don't ## cause problems with any of the column info checks test_that("equivalent split funs withs differrent environments dont' block rbinding", { skip_if_not_installed("tibble") require(tibble, quietly = TRUE) combodf <- tribble( ~valname, ~label, ~levelcombo, ~exargs, "A_B", "Arms A+B", c("A: Drug X", "B: Placebo"), list(), "A_C", "Arms A+C", c("A: Drug X", "C: Combination"), list() ) l1 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf)) %>% analyze("AGE") tab1 <- build_table(l1, DM) l2 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf)) %>% analyze("SEX") tab2 <- build_table(l2, DM) tab3 <- rbind(tab1, tab2) expect_true(TRUE) }) test_that("cbinding table with counts and with NA counts works", { tbl <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% analyze("AGE") %>% build_table(DM) mytab <- rtable(header = "new column", rrow(NULL, 75)) expect_warning( res <- cbind_rtables(tbl, mytab), "Mixture of missing and non-missing column counts when creating column info" ) mform <- matrix_form(res) expect_identical(mform$strings[2, 4], "(N=129)") expect_identical(mform$strings[2, 5], "") }) test_that("rbinding 2 objects with different titles/footers removes them", { tbl_a <- basic_table(title = "Title A", subtitles = "Subtitle A", main_footer = "Footer A", prov_footer = "PF A") %>% build_table(ex_adsl) tbl_b <- basic_table(title = "Title B", subtitles = "Subtitle B", main_footer = "Footer B", prov_footer = "PF B") %>% build_table(ex_adsl) tbl_ab <- rbind(tbl_a, tbl_b) expect_identical(main_title(tbl_ab), "") expect_identical(subtitles(tbl_ab), character()) expect_identical(main_footer(tbl_ab), character()) expect_identical(prov_footer(tbl_ab), character()) }) test_that("rbinding objects with only titles/footers for first object keeps them", { tbl_a <- basic_table( title = "Title", subtitles = c("S1", "S2"), main_footer = c("F1", "F2"), prov_footer = c("PF1", "PF2") ) %>% build_table(ex_adsl) tbl_b <- basic_table() %>% build_table(ex_adsl) tbl_ab <- rbind(tbl_a, rrow("Total xx", ""), tbl_b) expect_identical(main_title(tbl_ab), "Title") expect_identical(subtitles(tbl_ab), c("S1", "S2")) expect_identical(main_footer(tbl_ab), c("F1", "F2")) expect_identical(prov_footer(tbl_ab), c("PF1", "PF2")) }) test_that("rbinding objects with identical titles/footers keeps them", { tbl_a <- basic_table( title = "Title", subtitles = c("S1", "S2", "S3"), main_footer = "Footer", prov_footer = c("PF1", "PF2") ) %>% build_table(ex_adsl) tbl_b <- basic_table( title = "Title", subtitles = c("S1", "S2", "S3"), main_footer = "Footer", prov_footer = c("PF1", "PF2") ) %>% build_table(ex_adsl) tbl_ab <- rbind(tbl_a, tbl_b) expect_identical(main_title(tbl_ab), "Title") expect_identical(subtitles(tbl_ab), c("S1", "S2", "S3")) expect_identical(main_footer(tbl_ab), "Footer") expect_identical(prov_footer(tbl_ab), c("PF1", "PF2")) })