testthat::test_that("signature functions", { #---- BDC provider ----# # stac item collection from bdc stac_items <- stac("https://brazildatacube.dpi.inpe.br/stac/") %>% stac_search(collections = "CB4-16D-2", limit = 1) %>% ext_query("bdc:tile" == "007004") %>% post_request() # stac item from bdc stac_item <- stac("https://brazildatacube.dpi.inpe.br/stac/") %>% collections("CB4-16D-2") %>% items("CB4-16D_V2_000002_20230509") %>% get_request() # return the same object after signature? testthat::expect_s3_class( object = stac_items %>% items_sign(sign_fn = sign_bdc("AAAA-BBB")), class = c("doc_items", "rstac_doc") ) # return the same object after signature? testthat::expect_s3_class( object = stac_item %>% items_sign(sign_fn = sign_bdc("AAAA-BBB")), class = c("doc_item", "rstac_doc") ) items_signed <- items_sign(stac_items, sign_fn = sign_bdc("AAAA-BBB")) href_items <- items_signed$features[[1]]$assets[[1]]$href # is the token being added at the end of the url? testthat::expect_equal( gsub("^([^?]+)(\\?.*)?$", "\\2", href_items), "?access_token=AAAA-BBB" ) item_signed <- items_sign(stac_item, sign_fn = sign_bdc("AAAA-BBB")) href_item <- item_signed$assets[[1]]$href # is the token being added at the end of the url? testthat::expect_equal( gsub("^([^?]+)(\\?.*)?$", "\\2", href_item), "?access_token=AAAA-BBB" ) Sys.setenv("BDC_ACCESS_KEY" = "CCCC-DDD") items_signed <- items_sign(stac_items, sign_fn = sign_bdc()) href_items <- items_signed$features[[1]]$assets[[1]]$href # is the token being added at the end of the url with env var? testthat::expect_equal( gsub("^([^?]+)(\\?.*)?$", "\\2", href_items), "?access_token=CCCC-DDD" ) item_signed <- items_sign(stac_item, sign_fn = sign_bdc()) href_item <- item_signed$assets[[1]]$href # is the token being added at the end of the url with env var? testthat::expect_equal( gsub("^([^?]+)(\\?.*)?$", "\\2", href_item), "?access_token=CCCC-DDD" ) Sys.setenv("BDC_ACCESS_KEY" = "") # an error is expected if no option is provided testthat::expect_error( items_sign(stac_items, sign_fn = sign_bdc()) ) # an error is expected if no option is provided testthat::expect_error( items_sign(stac_item, sign_fn = sign_bdc()) ) #---- MS provider ----# # stac item collection from ms stac_items <- stac("https://planetarycomputer.microsoft.com/api/stac/v1/") %>% stac_search(collections = "sentinel-2-l2a", bbox = c(-47.02148, -42.53906, -12.98314, -17.35063), limit = 1) %>% get_request() # stac item from ms stac_item <- stac("https://planetarycomputer.microsoft.com/api/stac/v1/") %>% collections("landsat-c2-l2") %>% items("LC09_L2SR_083075_20230608_02_T1") %>% get_request() # return the same object after signature? testthat::expect_s3_class( object = suppressWarnings( items_sign(stac_items, sign_planetary_computer) ), class = c("doc_items", "rstac_doc") ) # provided wrong url testthat::expect_error( object = suppressWarnings( items_sign(stac_items, sign_fn = sign_planetary_computer(token_url = "test")) ) ) # return the same object after signature? testthat::expect_s3_class( object = suppressWarnings( items_sign(stac_item, sign_fn = sign_planetary_computer()) ), class = c("doc_item", "rstac_doc") ) items_signed <- suppressWarnings( items_sign(stac_items, sign_fn = sign_planetary_computer()) ) href_items <- items_signed$features[[1]]$assets[[1]]$href # is the token being added at the end of the url? testthat::expect_match( object = href_items, regexp = "se" ) item_signed <- suppressWarnings( items_sign(stac_item, sign_fn = sign_planetary_computer()) ) href_item <- item_signed$assets[[1]]$href # is the token being added at the end of the url? testthat::expect_match( object = href_item, regexp = "se" ) })