# test_Main.R # Author: Emmanuel Blondel # # Description: Unit tests for SDMX Main methods #======================= require(rsdmx, quietly = TRUE) require(testthat) context("SDMX") #SDMX datasets #------------ file <- system.file("extdata", "SDMXGenericDataExample_2.0.xml", package = "rsdmx") sdmxObj <- readSDMX(file, isURL = FALSE) test_that("readSDMX - 2.0",{ expect_is(sdmxObj, "SDMXGenericData") }) #tests for 2.1 file2 <- system.file("extdata", "SDMXGenericDataExample_2.1.xml", package = "rsdmx") sdmxObj2 <- readSDMX(file2, isURL = FALSE) test_that("readSDMX - 2.1",{ expect_is(sdmxObj2, "SDMXGenericData") }) #SDMXConcepts #----------- test_that("readSDMX - SDMXConcepts - 2.0",{ file <- system.file("extdata", "SDMXConcepts_Example_2.0.xml", package = "rsdmx") sdmxObj <- readSDMX(file, isURL = FALSE) expect_is(sdmxObj, "SDMXConcepts") }) test_that("readSDMX - SDMXConcepts (conceptScheme) - 2.0",{ file <- system.file("extdata", "SDMXConceptSchemes_Example_2.0.xml", package = "rsdmx") sdmxObj <- readSDMX(file, isURL = FALSE) expect_is(sdmxObj, "SDMXConcepts") }) test_that("readSDMX - SDMXConcepts (conceptScheme) - 2.1",{ file <- system.file("extdata", "SDMXConceptSchemes_Example_2.1.xml", package = "rsdmx") sdmxObj <- readSDMX(file, isURL = FALSE) expect_is(sdmxObj, "SDMXConcepts") }) #SDMXCodelists #------------- test_that("readSDMX - SDMXCodelists - 2.0",{ file <- system.file("extdata", "SDMXCodelists_Example_2.0.xml", package = "rsdmx") sdmxObj <- readSDMX(file, isURL = FALSE) expect_is(sdmxObj, "SDMXCodelists") }) test_that("readSDMX - SDMXCodelists - 2.0",{ file <- system.file("extdata", "SDMXCodelists_Example_2.1.xml", package = "rsdmx") sdmxObj <- readSDMX(file, isURL = FALSE) expect_is(sdmxObj, "SDMXCodelists") }) #SDMXDataStructureDefinition (DSD) #-------------------------------- test_that("readSDMX - SDMXDataStructureDefinition (DSD) - 2.0",{ testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() file <- system.file("extdata", "SDMXDataStructureDefinition_Example_2.0.xml", package = "rsdmx") dsd <- readSDMX(file, isURL = FALSE) expect_is(dsd, "SDMXDataStructureDefinition") expect_is(dsd@concepts, "SDMXConcepts") expect_is(dsd@codelists, "SDMXCodelists") expect_is(dsd@datastructures, "SDMXDataStructures") }) test_that("readSDMX - Catch 404 bad request", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() expect_error( sdmx <- readSDMX(providerId = "OECD", resource = "data", flowRef = "bad_ref"), "HTTP request failed with status: 404" ) }) # Knoema is failing with 502 regardless of proxy settings #test_that("readSDMX - Catch good request that fails for other reason (bad proxy)", { # testthat::skip_on_travis() # testthat::skip_on_cran() # old_opts <- options() # options(RCurlOptions = list("proxy" = "bad_proxy")) # # expect_error( # sdmx <- readSDMX(providerId = "KNOEMA", resource = "data", flowRef = "SADG2015") # ) # options(old_opts) #})