test_that("non-libCurl methods are deprecated", { withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = "internal") expect_snapshot(. <- httpFunction()) }) # headers ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("authHeaders() picks correct method based on supplied fields", { url <- "https://example.com" expect_equal( authHeaders(list(), url, "GET"), list("X-Auth-Token" = "anonymous-access") ) expect_equal( authHeaders(list(apiKey = "123"), url, "GET"), list(Authorization = "Key 123") ) local_mocked_bindings( rfc2616Date = function() "Thu, 09 Mar 2023 14:29:00 GMT" ) # Dummy key created with # openssl::base64_encode(openssl::ed25519_keygen()) key <- "MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIDztfEgkp5CX7Jz0NCyrToaRW1L2tfmrWxNDgYyjO9bQ" expect_snapshot({ str(authHeaders(list(secret = "123"), url, "GET")) str(authHeaders(list(private_key = key), url, "GET")) }) }) test_that("can add user specific headers", { withr::local_options(rsconnect.http.headers = c(a = "1", b = "2")) service <- httpbin_service() json <- GET(service, list(), "get") expect_equal(json$headers$a, "1") expect_equal(json$headers$b, "2") }) test_that("can add user specific cookies", { skip_on_cran() # uses live httpbin since webfakes doesn't support cookie endpoints withr::local_options(rsconnect.http.cookies = c("a=1", "b=2")) service <- parseHttpUrl("http://httpbin.org/") skip_on_http_failure(json <- GET(service, list(), "cookies")) expect_equal(json$cookies, list(a = "1", b = "2")) withr::local_options(rsconnect.http.cookies = c("c=3", "d=4")) skip_on_http_failure(POST(service, list(), "post")) skip_on_http_failure(json <- GET(service, list(), "cookies")) expect_equal(json$cookies, list(a = "1", b = "2", c = "3", d = "4")) }) # handleResponse ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("includes body in error if available", { service <- parseHttpUrl("http://example.com/error") service$method <- "GET" resp_text <- list( req = service, status = 400, contentType = "plain/text", content = "Failed" ) resp_json <- list( req = service, status = 400, contentType = "application/json", content = '{"error": "failed"}' ) resp_html <- list( req = service, status = 400, contentType = "text/html", content = "Failed" ) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { handleResponse(resp_text) handleResponse(resp_json) handleResponse(resp_html) }) }) test_that("but still gives got error if no body", { service <- parseHttpUrl("http://example.com/error") resp_text <- list( req = service, status = 400, contentType = "plain/text", content = "" ) resp_json <- list( req = service, status = 400, contentType = "application/json", content = "" ) resp_html <- list( req = service, status = 400, contentType = "text/html", content = "" ) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { handleResponse(resp_text) handleResponse(resp_json) handleResponse(resp_html) }) }) test_that("errors contain method", { service <- httpbin_service() expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { GET(service, list(), path = "status/404") POST(service, list(), path = "status/403") }, transform = strip_port(service)) }) test_that("http error includes status in error class", { service <- httpbin_service() expect_error( GET(service, list(), path = "status/404"), class = "rsconnect_http_404" ) expect_error( GET(service, list(), path = "status/403"), class = "rsconnect_http_403" ) }) test_that("handles redirects", { service <- httpbin_service() out <- GET(service, list(), "absolute-redirect/3") expect_equal(out$url, paste0(buildHttpUrl(service), "get")) out <- GET(service, list(), "relative-redirect/3") expect_equal(out$url, paste0(buildHttpUrl(service), "get")) }) # parse/build ------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("URL parsing works", { p <- parseHttpUrl("http://yahoo.com") expect_equal(p$protocol, "http") expect_equal(p$host, "yahoo.com") expect_equal(p$port, "") expect_equal(p$path, "") #TODO: bug? Should default to /? p <- parseHttpUrl("https://rstudio.com/about") expect_equal(p$protocol, "https") expect_equal(p$host, "rstudio.com") expect_equal(p$port, "") expect_equal(p$path, "/about") p <- parseHttpUrl("") expect_equal(p$protocol, "http") expect_equal(p$host, "") expect_equal(p$port, "3939") expect_equal(p$path, "/stuff/here/?who-knows") #TODO: bug? }) test_that("parse and build are symmetric", { round_trip <- function(x) { expect_equal(buildHttpUrl(parseHttpUrl(x)), x) } round_trip("http://google.com") round_trip("http://google.com:80") round_trip("https://google.com:80/a/b") round_trip("https://google.com:80/a/b/") })