mockServerFactory <- function(initialResponses) { # Stock responses for certain endpoints. Can still be overridden by tests. if (is.null(initialResponses$"^GET /v1/users/current")) { initialResponses$"GET /v1/users/current" <- list( content = list( id = 100 ) ) } if (is.null(initialResponses$"^GET /v1/accounts/?")) { initialResponses$"^GET /v1/accounts/?" <- list( content = list( count = 1, total = 1, offset = 0, accounts = list( list( id = 50, name = "testthat-account", account = "testthat-account" ), list( id = 51, name = "testthat-superfluous-account", account = "testthat-superfluous-account" ) ) ) ) } mockServer <- list( responses = initialResponses ) mockServer$addResponse <- function(methodAndPath, response) { mockServer$responses <- append(mockServer$responses, response) } mockServer$impl <- function(protocol, host, port, method, path, headers, contentType = NULL, contentFile = NULL, certificate = NULL, timeout = NULL) { methodAndPath <- paste(method, path) request <- list( protocol = protocol, host = host, port = port, method = method, path = path ) response <- list( req = request, status = 200, location = "", contentType = "application/json" ) found <- FALSE for (pathRegex in names(mockServer$responses)) { match <- regexec(pathRegex, methodAndPath)[[1]] if (match[1] != -1) { found <- TRUE responseSupplement <- mockServer$responses[[pathRegex]] for (respProperty in names(responseSupplement)) { if (is.function(responseSupplement[[respProperty]])) { responseSupplement[[respProperty]] <- responseSupplement[[respProperty]]( methodAndPath, match, headers = headers, contentType = contentType, contentFile = contentFile) } response[[respProperty]] <- responseSupplement[[respProperty]] } if (is.list(response$content)) { response$content <- jsonlite::toJSON(response$content, auto_unbox = TRUE) } break } } if (!found) { stop(paste("No mocked response defined for", methodAndPath)) } response } mockServer } configureTestAccount <- function(server = "", name = NULL) { if (is.null(name)) { name <- "testthat-account" } existingAccount <- NULL tryCatch( existingAccount <- accountInfo(name, server), error = function(e) { existingAccount <- NULL } ) if (is.null(existingAccount)) { setAccountInfo( name = name, token = "foo", secret = "bar", server = server ) } name } test_that("Get application", { mockServer <- mockServerFactory(list( "^GET /outputs/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] output_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) if (output_id != 5) { cli::cli_abort( "404 error", class = "rsconnect_http_404" ) } list( "id" = 5, "source_id" = 10, "url" = "", "state" = "active" ) } ), "^GET /applications/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] application_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) if (application_id != 10) { cli::cli_abort( "404 error", class = "rsconnect_http_404" ) } list( "id" = application_id, "content_id" = 5 ) } ) )) withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = mockServer$impl) fakeService <- list( protocol = "test", host = "unit-test", port = 42 ) client <- cloudClient(fakeService, NULL) app <- client$getApplication("10", NA) expect_equal(app$id, 5) expect_equal(app$application_id, 10) expect_equal(app$url, "") app <- client$getApplication("5", 1) expect_equal(app$id, 5) expect_equal(app$application_id, 10) expect_equal(app$url, "") app <- client$getApplication("5", "unknown") expect_equal(app$id, 5) expect_equal(app$application_id, 10) expect_equal(app$url, "") app <- client$getApplication("10", "unknown") expect_equal(app$id, 5) expect_equal(app$application_id, 10) expect_equal(app$url, "") }) test_that("Get application output trashed", { mockServer <- mockServerFactory(list( "^GET /outputs/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] output_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) list( "id" = output_id, "source_id" = 1, "url" = "", "state" = "trashed" ) } ), "^GET /applications/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] application_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) list( "id" = application_id, "content_id" = 5 ) } ), "^PATCH /outputs/5" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] output_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) list() } ) )) withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = mockServer$impl) fakeService <- list( protocol = "test", host = "unit-test", port = 42 ) client <- cloudClient(fakeService, NULL) app <- client$getApplication(10, NA) expect_equal(app$id, 5) expect_equal(app$application_id, 10) expect_equal(app$url, "") app <- client$getApplication(5, deploymentRecordVersion) expect_equal(app$id, 5) expect_equal(app$application_id, 1) expect_equal(app$url, "") }) test_that("Create application", { mockServer <- mockServerFactory(list( "^POST /outputs" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, contentFile, ...) { content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readChar(contentFile,$size)) expect_equal(content$application_type, "connect") list( "id" = 1, "source_id" = 2, "url" = "", "state" = "active" ) } ), "^GET /applications/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] application_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) list( "id" = application_id, "content_id" = 1 ) }) )) withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = mockServer$impl) fakeService <- list( protocol = "test", host = "unit-test", port = 42 ) client <- cloudClient(fakeService, NULL) app <- client$createApplication("test app", "unused?", "unused?", "unused?", "shiny") expect_equal(app$id, 1) expect_equal(app$application_id, 2) expect_equal(app$url, "") }) test_that("Create application with space id", { mockServer <- mockServerFactory(list( "^POST /outputs" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, contentFile, ...) { content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readChar(contentFile,$size)) expect_equal(content$application_type, "connect") expect_equal(content$space, 333) list( "id" = 1, "source_id" = 2, "url" = "", "state" = "active" ) } ), "^GET /applications/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] application_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) list( "id" = application_id, "content_id" = 1 ) }) )) withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = mockServer$impl) fakeService <- list( protocol = "test", host = "unit-test", port = 42 ) client <- cloudClient(fakeService, NULL) app <- client$createApplication("test app", "unused?", "unused?", "unused?", "shiny", spaceId = 333) expect_equal(app$id, 1) expect_equal(app$application_id, 2) expect_equal(app$url, "") }) test_that("Create static application", { mockServer <- mockServerFactory(list( "^POST /outputs" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, contentFile, ...) { content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readChar(contentFile,$size)) expect_equal(content$application_type, "static") expect_equal(content$content_category, "document") list( "id" = 1, "source_id" = 2, "url" = "", "state" = "active" ) } ), "^GET /applications/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] application_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) list( "id" = application_id, "content_id" = 1 ) }) )) withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = mockServer$impl) fakeService <- list( protocol = "test", host = "unit-test", port = 42 ) client <- cloudClient(fakeService, NULL) app <- client$createApplication("test app", "unused?", "unused?", "unused?", "static", "document") expect_equal(app$id, 1) expect_equal(app$application_id, 2) expect_equal(app$url, "") }) test_that("Create static server-side-rendered application", { mockServer <- mockServerFactory(list( "^POST /outputs" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, contentFile, ...) { content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readChar(contentFile,$size)) expect_equal(content$application_type, "static") expect_equal(content$render_by, "server") expect_equal(content$content_category, "document") list( "id" = 1, "source_id" = 2, "url" = "", "state" = "active" ) } ), "^GET /applications/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] application_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) list( "id" = application_id, "content_id" = 1 ) }) )) withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = mockServer$impl) fakeService <- list( protocol = "test", host = "unit-test", port = 42 ) client <- cloudClient(fakeService, NULL) app <- client$createApplication("test app", "unused?", "unused?", "unused?", "quarto-static", "document") expect_equal(app$id, 1) expect_equal(app$application_id, 2) expect_equal(app$url, "") }) test_that("deployApplication updates the parent project", { mockServer <- mockServerFactory(list( "^GET /applications/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] application_id <- substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end) expect_equal(application_id, "42") list( "id" = 42, "content_id" = 41 ) } ), "^PATCH /outputs" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, contentFile, ...) { content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readChar(contentFile,$size)) if (!is.null(content$project)) { expect_equal(content$project, 41) } else { expect_equal(content$space, 333) } list( "id" = 41 ) } ), "^POST /applications/([0-9]+)/deploy" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, contentFile, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] application_id <- substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end) expect_equal(application_id, "101/") content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readChar(contentFile,$size)) expect_equal(content$rebuild, FALSE) list( "id" = 101 ) } ) )) withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = mockServer$impl) withr::local_envvar(LUCID_APPLICATION_ID = "42") fakeService <- list( protocol = "test", host = "unit-test", port = 42 ) client <- cloudClient(fakeService, NULL) application <- list( "id" = 100, "application_id" = 101 ) client$deployApplication(application, spaceId = 333) }) test_that("Create static RMD application", { mockServer <- mockServerFactory(list( "^POST /outputs" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, contentFile, ...) { content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readChar(contentFile,$size)) expect_equal(content$application_type, "static") expect_equal(content$render_by, "server") expect_equal(content$content_category, "document") list( "id" = 1, "source_id" = 2, "url" = "", "state" = "active" ) } ), "^GET /applications/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] application_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) list( "id" = application_id, "content_id" = 1 ) }) )) withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = mockServer$impl) fakeService <- list( protocol = "test", host = "unit-test", port = 42 ) client <- cloudClient(fakeService, NULL) app <- client$createApplication("test app", "unused?", "unused?", "1", "rmd-static", "document") expect_equal(app$id, 1) expect_equal(app$application_id, 2) expect_equal(app$url, "") }) test_that("Create application with linked source project", { mockServer <- mockServerFactory(list( "^POST /outputs" = list( content = function(methodAndPAth, match, contentFile, ...) { content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readChar(contentFile,$size)) expect_equal(content$project, 41) expect_equal(content$space, 99) list( "id" = 1, "source_id" = 2, "url" = "", "state" = "active" ) } ), "^GET /applications/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] application_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) list( "id" = application_id, "content_id" = application_id - 1 ) } ), "^GET /content/41" = list( content = list( "id" = 41, "space_id" = 99 ) ) )) withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = mockServer$impl) Sys.setenv(LUCID_APPLICATION_ID = "42") withr::defer(Sys.unsetenv("LUCID_APPLICATION_ID")) fakeService <- list( protocol = "test", host = "unit-test", port = 42 ) client <- cloudClient(fakeService, NULL) app <- client$createApplication("test app", "unused?", "unused?", "unused?", "static") expect_equal(app$id, 1) expect_equal(app$application_id, 2) expect_equal(app$url, "") }) test_that("deploymentTargetForApp() results in correct Cloud API calls", { mockServer <- mockServerFactory(list( "^GET /v1/applications/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] application_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) list( "id" = application_id, "content_id" = application_id - 1, "name" = paste("testthat app", application_id) ) } ), "^GET /v1/outputs/([0-9]+)" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] output_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) list( "id" = output_id, "source_id" = output_id + 1, "url" = "", "state" = "active", "name" = "my output" ) } ) )) withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = mockServer$impl) testAccount <- configureTestAccount() withr::defer(removeAccount(testAccount)) target <- deploymentTargetForApp( appId = 3, account = testAccount, server = "", ) expect_equal(target$appName, "my output") expect_equal(target$account, testAccount) expect_equal(target$server, "") expect_equal(target$appId, 3) }) deployAppMockServerFactory <- function(expectedAppType, outputState) { outputResponse <- list( "id" = 1, "source_id" = 2, "url" = "", "state" = outputState ) actualCalls <- list( outputCreated = FALSE, outputStateUpdated = FALSE, revisionCreated = FALSE, bundleCreated = FALSE, bundleUploaded = FALSE, bundleReady = FALSE, deployStarted = FALSE ) server <- mockServerFactory(list( # An attempt to search for preexisting applications with the same name. # This call should change, see "^GET /v1/applications/[?]filter=account_id:50&filter=type:connect" = list( content = list( count = 0, total = 0, applications = list() ) ), "^POST /v1/outputs$" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, contentFile, ...) { e <- environment() p <- parent.env(e) p$actualCalls$outputCreated <- TRUE content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readChar(contentFile,$size)) expect_equal(content$application_type, expectedAppType) expect_equal(content$name, "Desired name here") outputResponse } ), "^GET /v1/applications/([0-9]+)$" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, ...) { end <- attr(match, "match.length")[2] + match[2] application_id <- strtoi(substr(methodAndPath, match[2], end)) list( id = application_id, content_id = application_id - 1, name = paste("testthat app", application_id), type = expectedAppType ) } ), "^POST /v1/bundles/123/status$" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, contentFile, ...) { e <- environment() p <- parent.env(e) p$actualCalls$bundleReady <- TRUE content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readChar(contentFile,$size)) expect_equal(content$status, "ready") list() } ), "^POST /v1/bundles$" = list( content = function(methodAndPath, match, contentFile, ...) { e <- environment() p <- parent.env(e) p$actualCalls$bundleCreated <- TRUE content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readChar(contentFile,$size)) list( id = 123, presigned_url = "", presigned_checksum = content$checksum ) } ), "^PUT /fake-presigned-url" = list( content = function(...) { e <- environment() p <- parent.env(e) p$actualCalls$bundleUploaded <- TRUE } ), "^GET /v1/bundles/123$" = list( content = list( id = 123, status = "ready" ) ), "^POST /v1/applications/[23]/deploy$" = list( content = function(...) { e <- environment() p <- parent.env(e) p$actualCalls$deployStarted <- TRUE list( task_id = "testthat-task-id" ) } ), "^GET /v1/tasks/testthat-task-id$" = list( content = list( status = "success", finished = TRUE ) ), # Fetch existing output when re-deploying from .dcf data "^GET /v1/outputs/1$" = list( content = outputResponse ), "^POST /v1/outputs/1/revisions" = list( content = function(...) { e <- environment() p <- parent.env(e) p$actualCalls$revisionCreated <- TRUE list( application_id = 3 ) } ), "^PATCH /v1/outputs" = list( content = function(...) { e <- environment() p <- parent.env(e) p$actualCalls$outputStateUpdated <- TRUE } ) )) expect_calls <- function(expectedCalls) { expect_equal(actualCalls, expectedCalls) } reset_calls <- function() { e <- environment() p <- parent.env(e) p$actualCalls <- list( outputCreated = FALSE, outputStateUpdated = FALSE, revisionCreated = FALSE, bundleCreated = FALSE, bundleUploaded = FALSE, bundleReady = FALSE, deployStarted = FALSE ) } list( server = server, expect_calls = expect_calls, reset_calls = reset_calls ) } test_that("deployApp() for shiny results in correct Cloud API calls", { skip_on_cran() withr::local_options(renv.verbose = TRUE) mock <- deployAppMockServerFactory(expectedAppType = "connect", outputState = "active") mockServer <- mock$server withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = mockServer$impl) testAccount <- configureTestAccount() withr::defer(removeAccount(testAccount)) sourcePath <- test_path("shinyapp-simple") # Remove local deployment info at end for reproducibility and tidiness. withr::defer(forgetDeployment(appPath = sourcePath, force = TRUE)) deployApp( appName = "Desired name here", appDir = sourcePath, server = "", account = testAccount, logLevel = "quiet" ) mock$expect_calls(list( outputCreated = TRUE, outputStateUpdated = FALSE, revisionCreated = FALSE, bundleCreated = TRUE, bundleUploaded = TRUE, bundleReady = TRUE, deployStarted = TRUE )) mock$reset_calls() # deploy again to test existing deployment path deployApp( appDir = sourcePath, logLevel = "quiet" ) mock$expect_calls(list( outputCreated = FALSE, outputStateUpdated = FALSE, revisionCreated = FALSE, bundleCreated = TRUE, bundleUploaded = TRUE, bundleReady = TRUE, deployStarted = TRUE )) # Start over, add another account and test again with that environment mock$reset_calls() forgetDeployment(appPath = sourcePath, force = TRUE) extraLocalAccount <- configureTestAccount(name = "testthat-superfluous-account") withr::defer(removeAccount(extraLocalAccount)) deployApp( appName = "Desired name here", appDir = sourcePath, server = "", account = testAccount, logLevel = "quiet" ) mock$expect_calls(list( outputCreated = TRUE, outputStateUpdated = FALSE, revisionCreated = FALSE, bundleCreated = TRUE, bundleUploaded = TRUE, bundleReady = TRUE, deployStarted = TRUE )) mock$reset_calls() # deploy again to test existing deployment path deployApp( appDir = sourcePath, logLevel = "quiet" ) mock$expect_calls(list( outputCreated = FALSE, outputStateUpdated = FALSE, revisionCreated = FALSE, bundleCreated = TRUE, bundleUploaded = TRUE, bundleReady = TRUE, deployStarted = TRUE )) }) test_that("deployDoc() results in correct Cloud API calls", { mock <- deployAppMockServerFactory(expectedAppType = "static", outputState = "active") mockServer <- mock$server withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = mockServer$impl) testAccount <- configureTestAccount() withr::defer(removeAccount(testAccount)) sourcePath <- test_path("static-with-quarto-yaml") # Remove local deployment info at end for reproducibility and tidiness. withr::defer(forgetDeployment(appPath = sourcePath, force = TRUE)) deployDoc( paste(sourcePath, "slideshow.html", sep = "/"), appName = "Desired name here", server = "", account = testAccount, logLevel = "quiet" ) mock$expect_calls(list( outputCreated = TRUE, outputStateUpdated = FALSE, revisionCreated = FALSE, bundleCreated = TRUE, bundleUploaded = TRUE, bundleReady = TRUE, deployStarted = TRUE )) mock$reset_calls() # deploy again to test existing deployment path deployApp( appDir = sourcePath, logLevel = "quiet" ) mock$expect_calls(list( outputCreated = FALSE, outputStateUpdated = FALSE, revisionCreated = TRUE, bundleCreated = TRUE, bundleUploaded = TRUE, bundleReady = TRUE, deployStarted = TRUE )) })