showDcf <- function(df) { write.dcf(df, stdout()) invisible() } # last HTTP request made httpLastRequest <- list() # HTTP function which just saves the result for analysis httpTestRecorder <- function(protocol, host, port, method, path, headers, contentType = NULL, file = NULL, certificate = NULL, writer = NULL, timeout = NULL) { httpLastRequest <<- list( protocol = protocol, host = host, port = port, method = method, path = path, headers = headers, contentType = contentType, file = file, certificate = certificate, writer = writer, timeout = timeout ) list(status = 200, content = "", contentType = "plain/text") } local_http_recorder <- function(env = caller_env()) { withr::local_options(rsconnect.http = httpTestRecorder, .local_envir = env) } # Create and use a directory as temporary replacement for R_USER_CONFIG_DIR to # avoid having tests overwrite the "official" configuration locations. local_temp_config <- function(env = caller_env()) { path <- withr::local_tempdir(.local_envir = env) withr::local_envvar(R_USER_CONFIG_DIR = path, .local_envir = env) } local_temp_app <- function(files = list(), env = caller_env()) { dir <- withr::local_tempdir(.local_envir = env) for (name in names(files)) { content <- files[[name]] hier <- dirname(name) if (!hier == ".") { dir.create(file.path(dir, hier), recursive = TRUE) } writeLines(content, file.path(dir, name)) } dir } local_shiny_bundle <- function(appName, appDir, appPrimaryDoc, python = NULL) { appFiles <- bundleFiles(appDir) appMetadata <- appMetadata(appDir, appFiles, appPrimaryDoc = appPrimaryDoc) tarfile <- bundleApp( appName, appDir, appFiles = appFiles, appMetadata = appMetadata, pythonConfig = pythonConfigurator(python), quiet = TRUE ) bundleTempDir <- tempfile() utils::untar(tarfile, exdir = bundleTempDir) unlink(tarfile) defer(unlink(bundleTempDir, recursive = TRUE), env = caller_env()) bundleTempDir } # Servers and accounts ---------------------------------------------------- addTestAccount <- function(account = "ron", server = "", userId = account) { registerAccount(server, account, userId, apiKey = "123") invisible() } addTestServer <- function(name = NULL, url = "", certificate = NULL) { if (is.null(name)) { serverUrl <- parseHttpUrl(url) name <- serverUrl$host } registerServer( url = url, name = name, certificate = certificate ) invisible() } addTestDeployment <- function(path, appName = "test", appTitle = "", appId = "123", account = "ron", envVars = NULL, username = account, server = "", url = paste0("https://", server, "/", username, "/", appId), hostUrl = NULL, version = deploymentRecordVersion, metadata = list()) { saveDeployment( path, createDeploymentTarget( appName = appName, appTitle = appTitle, appId = appId, envVars = envVars, account = account, username = username, server = server, version = version ), application = list(id = appId, url = url), hostUrl = hostUrl, metadata = metadata, addToHistory = FALSE ) }