test_that("non-R apps don't have packages", { app_dir <- local_temp_app(list(index.html = "")) out <- snapshotPackratDependencies(app_dir) expect_equal(out, data.frame()) }) test_that("manifest has correct data types", { app <- local_temp_app(list("index.Rmd" = "")) deps <- snapshotPackratDependencies(app) expect_type(deps$description, "list") expect_type(deps$description[[1]], "list") }) test_that("uninstalled packages error", { app <- local_temp_app(list("index.Rmd" = c( "```{r}", "library(doesntexist1)", "library(doesntexist2)", "```" ))) expect_snapshot( snapshotPackratDependencies(app), error = TRUE, transform = function(x) gsub('"', "'", x, fixed = TRUE) ) }) test_that("recommended packages are snapshotted", { app <- local_temp_app(list("index.Rmd" = c( "```{r}", "library(MASS)", "```" ))) deps <- snapshotPackratDependencies(app) expect_true("MASS" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("works with BioC packages", { app <- local_temp_app(list("index.Rmd" = c( "```{r}", "library(Biobase)", "```" ))) withr::local_options(repos = c( CRAN = "https://cran.rstudio.com", BioC = "https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.16/bioc" )) deps <- snapshotPackratDependencies(app) Biobase <- deps[deps$Package == "Biobase", ] expect_equal(Biobase$Source, "Bioconductor") expect_equal(Biobase$Repository, "https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.16/bioc") BiocGenerics <- deps[deps$Package == "BiocGenerics", ] expect_equal(BiocGenerics$Source, "Bioconductor") expect_equal(BiocGenerics$Repository, "https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.16/bioc") }) # addPackratSnapshot() ---------------------------------------------------- test_that("cleans up implicit dependency files", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() addPackratSnapshot(dir, "rlang") expect_equal(list.files(dir), "packrat") }) # standardizePackratPackage ----------------------------------------- test_that("standardizeRepos adds names and normalizes paths", { repos <- c(ONE = "https://cran1.com", "https://cran2.com/") expect_equal( standardizeRepos(repos), c(ONE = "https://cran1.com", repo_2 = "https://cran2.com") ) }) test_that("SCM records are left alone", { bitbucket <- list(Package = "pkg", Source = "bitbucket") gitlab <- list(Package = "pkg", Source = "gitlab") github <- list(Package = "pkg", Source = "github") expect_equal( standardizePackratPackage(bitbucket), list(Source = "bitbucket", Repository = NA_character_) ) expect_equal( standardizePackratPackage(gitlab), list(Source = "gitlab", Repository = NA_character_) ) expect_equal( standardizePackratPackage(github), list(Source = "github", Repository = NA_character_) ) }) test_that("CRAN & BioC get normalized repo", { CRAN <- list(Package = "pkg1", Source = "CRAN") Bioconductor <- list(Package = "pkg2", Source = "Bioconductor") packages <- data.frame( Package = c("pkg1", "pkg2", "pkg3"), Repository = paste0( c("https://a.com", "https://b.com", "https://cran.com"), "/src/contrib" ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_equal( standardizePackratPackage(CRAN, packages), list(Source = "CRAN", Repository = "https://a.com") ) expect_equal( standardizePackratPackage(Bioconductor, packages), list(Source = "Bioconductor", Repository = "https://b.com") ) }) test_that("packages installed from other repos get correctly named", { pkg <- list(Package = "pkg", Source = "https://test2.com") packages <- as.matrix(data.frame( Package = "pkg", Version = "1.0.0", Repository = "https://test2.com/src/contrib", stringsAsFactors = FALSE )) repos <- c(TEST1 = "https://test1.com", TEST2 = "https://test2.com") expect_equal( standardizePackratPackage(pkg, packages, repos = repos), list(Source = "TEST2", Repository = "https://test2.com") ) }) test_that("source packages can't be installed", { source <- list(Package = "pkg1", Source = "source") expect_equal( standardizePackratPackage(source), list(Source = NA_character_, Repository = NA_character_) ) }) test_that("locally installed CRAN packages are handled correctly", { packages <- as.matrix(data.frame( Package = "pkg", Version = "1.0.0", Repository = "https://cran.com/src/contrib", stringsAsFactors = FALSE )) repos <- c(CRAN = "https://cran.com") local <- list( Package = "pkg", Source = "CustomCRANLikeRepository", Version = "1.0.0" ) expect_equal( standardizePackratPackage(local, packages, repos), list(Source = "CRAN", Repository = "https://cran.com") ) local_dev <- list( Package = "pkg", Source = "CustomCRANLikeRepository", Version = "" ) expect_equal( standardizePackratPackage(local_dev, packages, repos), list(Source = NA_character_, Repository = NA_character_) ) archived <- list( Package = "pkg2", Source = "CustomCRANLikeRepository", Version = "1.0.0" ) expect_equal( standardizePackratPackage(archived, packages, repos), list(Source = NA_character_, Repository = NA_character_) ) })