# listDeploymentFiles ------------------------------------------------------ test_that("can read all files from directory", { dir <- local_temp_app(list("a.R" = "", "b.R" = "")) expect_equal(listDeploymentFiles(dir), c("a.R", "b.R")) expect_equal(listDeploymentFiles(dir, NULL, NULL), c("a.R", "b.R")) dir <- local_temp_app() expect_snapshot(listDeploymentFiles(dir), error = TRUE) }) test_that("can read selected files from directory", { dir <- local_temp_app(list("a.R" = "", "b.R" = "")) expect_equal(listDeploymentFiles(dir, "b.R"), "b.R") expect_snapshot(out <- listDeploymentFiles(dir, c("b.R", "c.R"))) expect_equal(out, "b.R") expect_snapshot(listDeploymentFiles(dir, character()), error = TRUE) }) test_that("can read selected files from manifest", { dir <- local_temp_app(list( "a.R" = "", "b.R" = "", "manifest" = "b.R" )) expect_equal( listDeploymentFiles(dir, appFileManifest = file.path(dir, "manifest")), "b.R" ) dir <- local_temp_app(list( "a.R" = "", "b.R" = "", "manifest" = c("b.R", "c.R") )) expect_snapshot( out <- listDeploymentFiles(dir, appFileManifest = file.path(dir, "manifest")), ) expect_equal(out, "b.R") # errors if no matching files dir <- local_temp_app(list( "manifest" = "" )) expect_snapshot( listDeploymentFiles(dir, appFileManifest = file.path(dir, "manifest")), error = TRUE ) }) test_that("checks its inputs", { dir <- local_temp_app() expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { listDeploymentFiles(dir, appFiles = "a.R", appFileManifest = "b.R") listDeploymentFiles(dir, appFiles = 1) listDeploymentFiles(dir, appFileManifest = "doestexist") }) }) # listBundleFiles --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("bundle directories are recursively enumerated", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() # tree that resembles the case from https://github.com/rstudio/rsconnect/issues/464 files <- c( "app.R", "index.htm", "models/abcd/a_b_pt1/a/b/c1/1.RDS", "models/abcd/a_b_pt1/a/b/c1/2.RDS", "models/abcd/a_b_pt1/a/b/c1/3.RDS", "models/abcd/a_b_pt1/a/b/c1/4.RDS", "models/abcd/a_b_pt1/a/b/c1/5.RDS" ) dirCreate(file.path(dir, "models/abcd/a_b_pt1/a/b/c1/")) file.create(file.path(dir, files)) size <- sum(file.info(file.path(dir, files))$size) result <- listBundleFiles(dir) # Files are included in the list, count, and sizes, not directories. # Paths are enumerated relative to the target directory, not absolute paths. expect_identical(result$contents, files) expect_equal(result$totalSize, size) expect_equal(result$totalFiles, length(files)) }) test_that("ignores RStudio files", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() file.create(file.path(dir, c("test.Rproj", ".Rproj.user", "rsconnect"))) expect_equal(bundleFiles(dir), character()) }) test_that("ignores knitr cache directories", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() dirCreate(file.path(dir, c("foo_cache", "bar_cache"))) file.create(file.path(dir, c("foo_cache", "bar_cache"), "contents")) file.create(file.path(dir, c("foo.Rmd"))) expect_setequal(bundleFiles(dir), c("bar_cache/contents", "foo.Rmd")) }) test_that("ignores files anywhere in path", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() dirCreate(file.path(dir, "a/b/c")) file.create(file.path(dir, c("x", "a/b/.gitignore", "a/b/c/.DS_Store"))) expect_equal(bundleFiles(dir), "x") }) test_that("ignores files listed in .rscignore", { dir <- local_temp_app() dirCreate(file.path(dir, "a")) file.create(file.path(dir, c("x", "a/y"))) expect_setequal(bundleFiles(dir), c("x", "a/y")) writeLines("x", file.path(dir, ".rscignore")) expect_setequal(bundleFiles(dir), "a/y") writeLines("y", file.path(dir, "a/.rscignore")) expect_setequal(bundleFiles(dir), character()) }) test_that("ignores temporary files", { ignored <- ignoreBundleFiles( dir = ".", contents = c("foo.xlsx", "~$foo.xlsx", "foo.csv", "foo.csv~") ) expect_equal(ignored, c("foo.xlsx", "foo.csv")) }) test_that("ignores python virtual envs", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() dirCreate(file.path(dir, "test", "bin")) file.create(file.path(dir, "test", "bin", "python")) dirCreate(file.path(dir, "venv")) file.create(file.path(dir, "venv", "somefile")) expect_equal(bundleFiles(dir), character()) }) # explodeFiles ------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("returns relative paths", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() dirCreate(file.path(dir, "x")) file.create(file.path(dir, "x", c("a", "b", "c"))) expect_equal(explodeFiles(dir, "x"), c("x/a", "x/b", "x/c")) }) test_that("drops drops non-existent files with warning", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() file.create(file.path(dir, c("a", "b", "c"))) expect_snapshot(out <- explodeFiles(dir, c("a", "d"))) expect_equal(out, "a") }) test_that("expands files and directory", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() dirCreate(file.path(dir, "x")) file.create(file.path(dir, "x", c("a", "b"))) file.create(file.path(dir, "c")) expect_equal(explodeFiles(dir, c("x", "c")), c("x/a", "x/b", "c")) }) test_that("can include nested files/directories", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() dirCreate(file.path(dir, "x", "y")) file.create(file.path(dir, "x", c("a", "b", "c"))) file.create(file.path(dir, "x", "y", c("d", "e"))) expect_equal(explodeFiles(dir, "x/a"), "x/a") expect_equal(explodeFiles(dir, "x/y"), c("x/y/d", "x/y/e")) expect_equal(explodeFiles(dir, c("x/a", "x/y/d")), c("x/a", "x/y/d")) }) test_that("doesn't ignore user supplied files", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() dirCreate(file.path(dir, "x", "y")) file.create(file.path(dir, "x", "packrat")) file.create(file.path(dir, "x", "y", "packrat")) expect_equal(explodeFiles(dir, "x"), c("x/packrat", "x/y/packrat")) }) # enforceBundleLimits ----------------------------------------------------- test_that("explodeFiles() and bundleFiles() both eagerly enforce limits", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() dirCreate(file.path(dir, c("a", "b"))) file.create(file.path(dir, "a", letters)) file.create(file.path(dir, "b", letters)) withr::local_options(rsconnect.max.bundle.files = 1) # there are 52 files total, so eagerly implies we stop after one directory expect_error(explodeFiles(dir, c("a", "b")), "at least 2") expect_error(bundleFiles(dir), "at least 2") }) test_that("generate nicely formatted messages", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() file.create(file.path(dir, c("a", "b"))) writeLines(letters, file.path(dir, "c")) withr::local_options( rsconnect.max.bundle.files = 1, rsconnect.max.bundle.size = 5 ) expect_snapshot( { explodeFiles(dir, c("a", "b")) explodeFiles(dir, "c") }, error = TRUE, transform = function(x) { x <- gsub(dir, "", x, fixed = TRUE) # file size is different on windows because of \r\n x <- gsub("\\d{2,} bytes", "?? bytes", x) x } ) }) # detectLongNames --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("detectLongNames produces informative warning if needed", { skip_on_os("windows") dir <- local_temp_app(c("a.r" = "", "b.r" = "", "c.r" = "")) expect_snapshot(detectLongNames(dir, 0)) expect_silent(detectLongNames(dir, Inf)) })