R Under development (unstable) (2024-08-16 r87026 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > ## VT::15.09.2013 - this will render the output independent > ## from the version of the package > suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rrcov)) > > dodata <- function(method) { + + options(digits = 5) + set.seed(101) # <<-- sub-sampling algorithm now based on R's RNG and seed + + tmp <- sys.call() + cat("\nCall: ", deparse(substitute(tmp)),"\n") + cat("===================================================\n") + + data(hemophilia); show(QdaCov(as.factor(gr)~., data=hemophilia, method=method)) + data(anorexia, package="MASS"); show(QdaCov(Treat~., data=anorexia, method=method)) + data(Pima.tr, package="MASS"); show(QdaCov(type~., data=Pima.tr, method=method)) + data(iris); # show(QdaCov(Species~., data=iris, method=method)) + data(crabs, package="MASS"); # show(QdaCov(sp~., data=crabs, method=method)) + + show(QdaClassic(as.factor(gr)~., data=hemophilia)) + show(QdaClassic(Treat~., data=anorexia)) + show(QdaClassic(type~., data=Pima.tr)) + show(QdaClassic(Species~., data=iris)) + ## show(QdaClassic(sp~., data=crabs)) + cat("===================================================\n") + } > > > ## -- now do it: > dodata(method="mcd") Call: dodata(method = "mcd") =================================================== Call: QdaCov(as.factor(gr) ~ ., data = hemophilia, method = method) Prior Probabilities of Groups: carrier normal 0.6 0.4 Group means: AHFactivity AHFantigen carrier -0.30795 -0.0059911 normal -0.12920 -0.0603000 Group: carrier AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.023784 0.015376 AHFantigen 0.015376 0.024035 Group: normal AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.0057546 0.0042606 AHFantigen 0.0042606 0.0084914 Call: QdaCov(Treat ~ ., data = anorexia, method = method) Prior Probabilities of Groups: CBT Cont FT 0.40278 0.36111 0.23611 Group means: Prewt Postwt CBT 82.633 82.950 Cont 81.558 81.108 FT 84.331 94.762 Group: CBT Prewt Postwt Prewt 9.8671 8.6611 Postwt 8.6611 11.8966 Group: Cont Prewt Postwt Prewt 32.5705 -4.3705 Postwt -4.3705 22.5079 Group: FT Prewt Postwt Prewt 33.056 10.814 Postwt 10.814 14.265 Call: QdaCov(type ~ ., data = Pima.tr, method = method) Prior Probabilities of Groups: No Yes 0.66 0.34 Group means: npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age No 1.8602 107.69 67.344 25.29 30.642 0.40777 24.667 Yes 5.3167 145.85 74.283 31.80 34.095 0.49533 37.883 Group: No npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 2.221983 -0.18658 1.86507 -0.44427 0.1725348 -0.0683616 2.63439 glu -0.186582 471.88789 45.28021 8.95404 30.6551510 -0.6359899 3.50218 bp 1.865066 45.28021 110.09787 26.11192 14.4739180 -0.2104074 13.23392 skin -0.444272 8.95404 26.11192 118.30521 52.3115719 -0.2995751 8.65861 bmi 0.172535 30.65515 14.47392 52.31157 43.3140415 0.0079866 6.75720 ped -0.068362 -0.63599 -0.21041 -0.29958 0.0079866 0.0587710 -0.18683 age 2.634387 3.50218 13.23392 8.65861 6.7572019 -0.1868284 12.09493 Group: Yes npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 17.875215 -13.740021 9.03580 4.498580 1.787458 0.079504 26.92283 glu -13.740021 917.719003 55.30399 27.976265 10.755113 0.092673 38.94970 bp 9.035798 55.303991 129.97953 34.130200 10.104275 0.198342 32.95351 skin 4.498580 27.976265 34.13020 101.842647 30.297210 0.064739 3.59427 bmi 1.787458 10.755113 10.10428 30.297210 22.529467 0.084369 -6.64317 ped 0.079504 0.092673 0.19834 0.064739 0.084369 0.066667 0.11199 age 26.922828 38.949697 32.95351 3.594266 -6.643165 0.111992 143.69752 Call: QdaClassic(as.factor(gr) ~ ., data = hemophilia) Prior Probabilities of Groups: carrier normal 0.6 0.4 Group means: AHFactivity AHFantigen carrier -0.30795 -0.0059911 normal -0.13487 -0.0778567 Group: carrier AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.023784 0.015376 AHFantigen 0.015376 0.024035 Group: normal AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.020897 0.015515 AHFantigen 0.015515 0.017920 Call: QdaClassic(Treat ~ ., data = anorexia) Prior Probabilities of Groups: CBT Cont FT 0.40278 0.36111 0.23611 Group means: Prewt Postwt CBT 82.690 85.697 Cont 81.558 81.108 FT 83.229 90.494 Group: CBT Prewt Postwt Prewt 23.479 19.910 Postwt 19.910 69.755 Group: Cont Prewt Postwt Prewt 32.5705 -4.3705 Postwt -4.3705 22.5079 Group: FT Prewt Postwt Prewt 25.167 22.883 Postwt 22.883 71.827 Call: QdaClassic(type ~ ., data = Pima.tr) Prior Probabilities of Groups: No Yes 0.66 0.34 Group means: npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age No 2.9167 113.11 69.545 27.205 31.074 0.41548 29.235 Yes 4.8382 145.06 74.588 33.118 34.709 0.54866 37.691 Group: No npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 7.878499 10.77226 8.190840 2.910305 -0.035751 -0.207341 16.82888 glu 10.772265 709.56118 81.430257 13.237682 19.037867 -0.518609 59.01307 bp 8.190840 81.43026 122.845246 33.879944 16.612630 -0.077183 46.78695 skin 2.910305 13.23768 33.879944 119.446391 50.125920 0.074282 18.47068 bmi -0.035751 19.03787 16.612630 50.125920 40.722996 0.145242 6.99999 ped -0.207341 -0.51861 -0.077183 0.074282 0.145242 0.071388 -0.53814 age 16.828880 59.01307 46.786954 18.470680 6.999988 -0.538138 91.08183 Group: Yes npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 15.77941 -8.199298 6.42493 -0.51800 -1.03288 -0.133011 21.93437 glu -8.19930 907.250219 23.71115 87.51536 9.98156 -0.082159 58.12291 bp 6.42493 23.711150 134.18613 19.70588 5.15891 -0.795470 26.30378 skin -0.51800 87.515364 19.70588 151.32924 28.28551 0.347951 26.67867 bmi -1.03288 9.981563 5.15891 28.28551 23.14529 0.457694 -7.91216 ped -0.13301 -0.082159 -0.79547 0.34795 0.45769 0.128883 -0.41737 age 21.93437 58.122915 26.30378 26.67867 -7.91216 -0.417375 131.79873 Call: QdaClassic(Species ~ ., data = iris) Prior Probabilities of Groups: setosa versicolor virginica 0.33333 0.33333 0.33333 Group means: Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width setosa 5.006 3.428 1.462 0.246 versicolor 5.936 2.770 4.260 1.326 virginica 6.588 2.974 5.552 2.026 Group: setosa Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.124249 0.099216 0.0163551 0.0103306 Sepal.Width 0.099216 0.143690 0.0116980 0.0092980 Petal.Length 0.016355 0.011698 0.0301592 0.0060694 Petal.Width 0.010331 0.009298 0.0060694 0.0111061 Group: versicolor Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.266433 0.085184 0.182898 0.055780 Sepal.Width 0.085184 0.098469 0.082653 0.041204 Petal.Length 0.182898 0.082653 0.220816 0.073102 Petal.Width 0.055780 0.041204 0.073102 0.039106 Group: virginica Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.404343 0.093763 0.303290 0.049094 Sepal.Width 0.093763 0.104004 0.071380 0.047629 Petal.Length 0.303290 0.071380 0.304588 0.048824 Petal.Width 0.049094 0.047629 0.048824 0.075433 =================================================== > dodata(method="m") Call: dodata(method = "m") =================================================== Call: QdaCov(as.factor(gr) ~ ., data = hemophilia, method = method) Prior Probabilities of Groups: carrier normal 0.6 0.4 Group means: AHFactivity AHFantigen carrier -0.29810 -0.0028222 normal -0.13081 -0.0675283 Group: carrier AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.026018 0.017653 AHFantigen 0.017653 0.030128 Group: normal AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.0081933 0.0065737 AHFantigen 0.0065737 0.0118565 Call: QdaCov(Treat ~ ., data = anorexia, method = method) Prior Probabilities of Groups: CBT Cont FT 0.40278 0.36111 0.23611 Group means: Prewt Postwt CBT 82.436 82.631 Cont 81.559 80.272 FT 85.120 94.657 Group: CBT Prewt Postwt Prewt 23.630 25.128 Postwt 25.128 38.142 Group: Cont Prewt Postwt Prewt 35.8824 -8.2405 Postwt -8.2405 23.7416 Group: FT Prewt Postwt Prewt 33.805 18.206 Postwt 18.206 24.639 Call: QdaCov(type ~ ., data = Pima.tr, method = method) Prior Probabilities of Groups: No Yes 0.66 0.34 Group means: npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age No 2.5225 111.26 68.081 26.640 30.801 0.40452 26.306 Yes 5.0702 144.32 75.088 31.982 34.267 0.47004 37.140 Group: No npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 5.74219 14.47051 6.63766 4.98559 0.826570 -0.128106 10.71303 glu 14.47051 591.08717 68.81219 44.73311 40.658393 -0.545716 38.01918 bp 6.63766 68.81219 121.02716 30.46466 16.789801 -0.320065 25.29371 skin 4.98559 44.73311 30.46466 136.52176 56.604475 -0.250711 19.73259 bmi 0.82657 40.65839 16.78980 56.60447 47.859747 0.046358 6.94523 ped -0.12811 -0.54572 -0.32006 -0.25071 0.046358 0.061485 -0.34653 age 10.71303 38.01918 25.29371 19.73259 6.945227 -0.346527 35.66101 Group: Yes npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 15.98861 -1.2430 10.48556 9.05947 2.425316 0.162453 30.149872 glu -1.24304 867.1076 46.43838 25.92297 5.517382 1.044360 31.152650 bp 10.48556 46.4384 130.12536 17.21407 6.343942 -0.235121 41.091494 skin 9.05947 25.9230 17.21407 85.96314 26.089017 0.170061 14.562516 bmi 2.42532 5.5174 6.34394 26.08902 22.051976 0.097786 -5.297971 ped 0.16245 1.0444 -0.23512 0.17006 0.097786 0.057112 0.055286 age 30.14987 31.1527 41.09149 14.56252 -5.297971 0.055286 137.440921 Call: QdaClassic(as.factor(gr) ~ ., data = hemophilia) Prior Probabilities of Groups: carrier normal 0.6 0.4 Group means: AHFactivity AHFantigen carrier -0.30795 -0.0059911 normal -0.13487 -0.0778567 Group: carrier AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.023784 0.015376 AHFantigen 0.015376 0.024035 Group: normal AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.020897 0.015515 AHFantigen 0.015515 0.017920 Call: QdaClassic(Treat ~ ., data = anorexia) Prior Probabilities of Groups: CBT Cont FT 0.40278 0.36111 0.23611 Group means: Prewt Postwt CBT 82.690 85.697 Cont 81.558 81.108 FT 83.229 90.494 Group: CBT Prewt Postwt Prewt 23.479 19.910 Postwt 19.910 69.755 Group: Cont Prewt Postwt Prewt 32.5705 -4.3705 Postwt -4.3705 22.5079 Group: FT Prewt Postwt Prewt 25.167 22.883 Postwt 22.883 71.827 Call: QdaClassic(type ~ ., data = Pima.tr) Prior Probabilities of Groups: No Yes 0.66 0.34 Group means: npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age No 2.9167 113.11 69.545 27.205 31.074 0.41548 29.235 Yes 4.8382 145.06 74.588 33.118 34.709 0.54866 37.691 Group: No npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 7.878499 10.77226 8.190840 2.910305 -0.035751 -0.207341 16.82888 glu 10.772265 709.56118 81.430257 13.237682 19.037867 -0.518609 59.01307 bp 8.190840 81.43026 122.845246 33.879944 16.612630 -0.077183 46.78695 skin 2.910305 13.23768 33.879944 119.446391 50.125920 0.074282 18.47068 bmi -0.035751 19.03787 16.612630 50.125920 40.722996 0.145242 6.99999 ped -0.207341 -0.51861 -0.077183 0.074282 0.145242 0.071388 -0.53814 age 16.828880 59.01307 46.786954 18.470680 6.999988 -0.538138 91.08183 Group: Yes npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 15.77941 -8.199298 6.42493 -0.51800 -1.03288 -0.133011 21.93437 glu -8.19930 907.250219 23.71115 87.51536 9.98156 -0.082159 58.12291 bp 6.42493 23.711150 134.18613 19.70588 5.15891 -0.795470 26.30378 skin -0.51800 87.515364 19.70588 151.32924 28.28551 0.347951 26.67867 bmi -1.03288 9.981563 5.15891 28.28551 23.14529 0.457694 -7.91216 ped -0.13301 -0.082159 -0.79547 0.34795 0.45769 0.128883 -0.41737 age 21.93437 58.122915 26.30378 26.67867 -7.91216 -0.417375 131.79873 Call: QdaClassic(Species ~ ., data = iris) Prior Probabilities of Groups: setosa versicolor virginica 0.33333 0.33333 0.33333 Group means: Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width setosa 5.006 3.428 1.462 0.246 versicolor 5.936 2.770 4.260 1.326 virginica 6.588 2.974 5.552 2.026 Group: setosa Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.124249 0.099216 0.0163551 0.0103306 Sepal.Width 0.099216 0.143690 0.0116980 0.0092980 Petal.Length 0.016355 0.011698 0.0301592 0.0060694 Petal.Width 0.010331 0.009298 0.0060694 0.0111061 Group: versicolor Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.266433 0.085184 0.182898 0.055780 Sepal.Width 0.085184 0.098469 0.082653 0.041204 Petal.Length 0.182898 0.082653 0.220816 0.073102 Petal.Width 0.055780 0.041204 0.073102 0.039106 Group: virginica Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.404343 0.093763 0.303290 0.049094 Sepal.Width 0.093763 0.104004 0.071380 0.047629 Petal.Length 0.303290 0.071380 0.304588 0.048824 Petal.Width 0.049094 0.047629 0.048824 0.075433 =================================================== > dodata(method="ogk") Call: dodata(method = "ogk") =================================================== Call: QdaCov(as.factor(gr) ~ ., data = hemophilia, method = method) Prior Probabilities of Groups: carrier normal 0.6 0.4 Group means: AHFactivity AHFantigen carrier -0.29324 0.00033953 normal -0.12744 -0.06628182 Group: carrier AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.019260 0.013026 AHFantigen 0.013026 0.021889 Group: normal AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.0049651 0.0039707 AHFantigen 0.0039707 0.0066084 Call: QdaCov(Treat ~ ., data = anorexia, method = method) Prior Probabilities of Groups: CBT Cont FT 0.40278 0.36111 0.23611 Group means: Prewt Postwt CBT 82.587 82.709 Cont 81.558 81.108 FT 85.110 94.470 Group: CBT Prewt Postwt Prewt 10.452 15.115 Postwt 15.115 37.085 Group: Cont Prewt Postwt Prewt 31.3178 -4.2024 Postwt -4.2024 21.6422 Group: FT Prewt Postwt Prewt 5.5309 1.4813 Postwt 1.4813 7.5501 Call: QdaCov(type ~ ., data = Pima.tr, method = method) Prior Probabilities of Groups: No Yes 0.66 0.34 Group means: npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age No 2.4286 110.35 67.495 25.905 30.275 0.39587 26.248 Yes 5.1964 142.71 75.357 32.732 34.809 0.48823 37.607 Group: No npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 3.97823 8.70612 4.58776 4.16463 0.250612 -0.117238 8.21769 glu 8.70612 448.91392 51.71120 38.66213 21.816345 -0.296524 24.29370 bp 4.58776 51.71120 99.41188 24.27574 10.491311 -0.290753 20.02975 skin 4.16463 38.66213 24.27574 98.61950 41.682404 -0.335213 16.60454 bmi 0.25061 21.81634 10.49131 41.68240 35.237101 -0.019774 5.12042 ped -0.11724 -0.29652 -0.29075 -0.33521 -0.019774 0.051431 -0.36275 age 8.21769 24.29370 20.02975 16.60454 5.120417 -0.362748 31.32916 Group: Yes npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 15.26499 6.30612 3.01913 3.76690 0.94825 0.12076 22.64860 glu 6.30612 688.16837 22.22704 12.81633 3.55791 0.68833 32.28061 bp 3.01913 22.22704 103.97959 9.95281 2.09860 0.45672 31.17602 skin 3.76690 12.81633 9.95281 67.51754 19.51489 0.59831 -2.35523 bmi 0.94825 3.55791 2.09860 19.51489 17.20331 0.24347 -6.88221 ped 0.12076 0.68833 0.45672 0.59831 0.24347 0.05933 0.43798 age 22.64860 32.28061 31.17602 -2.35523 -6.88221 0.43798 111.16709 Call: QdaClassic(as.factor(gr) ~ ., data = hemophilia) Prior Probabilities of Groups: carrier normal 0.6 0.4 Group means: AHFactivity AHFantigen carrier -0.30795 -0.0059911 normal -0.13487 -0.0778567 Group: carrier AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.023784 0.015376 AHFantigen 0.015376 0.024035 Group: normal AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.020897 0.015515 AHFantigen 0.015515 0.017920 Call: QdaClassic(Treat ~ ., data = anorexia) Prior Probabilities of Groups: CBT Cont FT 0.40278 0.36111 0.23611 Group means: Prewt Postwt CBT 82.690 85.697 Cont 81.558 81.108 FT 83.229 90.494 Group: CBT Prewt Postwt Prewt 23.479 19.910 Postwt 19.910 69.755 Group: Cont Prewt Postwt Prewt 32.5705 -4.3705 Postwt -4.3705 22.5079 Group: FT Prewt Postwt Prewt 25.167 22.883 Postwt 22.883 71.827 Call: QdaClassic(type ~ ., data = Pima.tr) Prior Probabilities of Groups: No Yes 0.66 0.34 Group means: npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age No 2.9167 113.11 69.545 27.205 31.074 0.41548 29.235 Yes 4.8382 145.06 74.588 33.118 34.709 0.54866 37.691 Group: No npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 7.878499 10.77226 8.190840 2.910305 -0.035751 -0.207341 16.82888 glu 10.772265 709.56118 81.430257 13.237682 19.037867 -0.518609 59.01307 bp 8.190840 81.43026 122.845246 33.879944 16.612630 -0.077183 46.78695 skin 2.910305 13.23768 33.879944 119.446391 50.125920 0.074282 18.47068 bmi -0.035751 19.03787 16.612630 50.125920 40.722996 0.145242 6.99999 ped -0.207341 -0.51861 -0.077183 0.074282 0.145242 0.071388 -0.53814 age 16.828880 59.01307 46.786954 18.470680 6.999988 -0.538138 91.08183 Group: Yes npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 15.77941 -8.199298 6.42493 -0.51800 -1.03288 -0.133011 21.93437 glu -8.19930 907.250219 23.71115 87.51536 9.98156 -0.082159 58.12291 bp 6.42493 23.711150 134.18613 19.70588 5.15891 -0.795470 26.30378 skin -0.51800 87.515364 19.70588 151.32924 28.28551 0.347951 26.67867 bmi -1.03288 9.981563 5.15891 28.28551 23.14529 0.457694 -7.91216 ped -0.13301 -0.082159 -0.79547 0.34795 0.45769 0.128883 -0.41737 age 21.93437 58.122915 26.30378 26.67867 -7.91216 -0.417375 131.79873 Call: QdaClassic(Species ~ ., data = iris) Prior Probabilities of Groups: setosa versicolor virginica 0.33333 0.33333 0.33333 Group means: Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width setosa 5.006 3.428 1.462 0.246 versicolor 5.936 2.770 4.260 1.326 virginica 6.588 2.974 5.552 2.026 Group: setosa Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.124249 0.099216 0.0163551 0.0103306 Sepal.Width 0.099216 0.143690 0.0116980 0.0092980 Petal.Length 0.016355 0.011698 0.0301592 0.0060694 Petal.Width 0.010331 0.009298 0.0060694 0.0111061 Group: versicolor Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.266433 0.085184 0.182898 0.055780 Sepal.Width 0.085184 0.098469 0.082653 0.041204 Petal.Length 0.182898 0.082653 0.220816 0.073102 Petal.Width 0.055780 0.041204 0.073102 0.039106 Group: virginica Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.404343 0.093763 0.303290 0.049094 Sepal.Width 0.093763 0.104004 0.071380 0.047629 Petal.Length 0.303290 0.071380 0.304588 0.048824 Petal.Width 0.049094 0.047629 0.048824 0.075433 =================================================== > dodata(method="sde") Call: dodata(method = "sde") =================================================== Call: QdaCov(as.factor(gr) ~ ., data = hemophilia, method = method) Prior Probabilities of Groups: carrier normal 0.6 0.4 Group means: AHFactivity AHFantigen carrier -0.29834 -0.0032286 normal -0.12944 -0.0676930 Group: carrier AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.025398 0.017810 AHFantigen 0.017810 0.030639 Group: normal AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.0083435 0.0067686 AHFantigen 0.0067686 0.0119565 Call: QdaCov(Treat ~ ., data = anorexia, method = method) Prior Probabilities of Groups: CBT Cont FT 0.40278 0.36111 0.23611 Group means: Prewt Postwt CBT 82.949 83.323 Cont 81.484 80.840 FT 84.596 93.835 Group: CBT Prewt Postwt Prewt 22.283 17.084 Postwt 17.084 25.308 Group: Cont Prewt Postwt Prewt 37.1864 -8.8896 Postwt -8.8896 31.1930 Group: FT Prewt Postwt Prewt 20.7108 3.1531 Postwt 3.1531 25.7046 Call: QdaCov(type ~ ., data = Pima.tr, method = method) Prior Probabilities of Groups: No Yes 0.66 0.34 Group means: npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age No 2.2567 109.91 67.538 25.484 30.355 0.38618 25.628 Yes 5.2216 141.64 75.048 32.349 34.387 0.47742 37.634 Group: No npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 4.396832 10.20629 5.43346 4.38313 7.9891e-01 -0.09389257 7.45638 glu 10.206286 601.12211 56.62047 49.67071 3.3829e+01 -0.31896741 31.64508 bp 5.433462 56.62047 120.38052 34.38984 1.4817e+01 -0.21784446 26.44853 skin 4.383134 49.67071 34.38984 136.94931 6.1576e+01 -0.47532490 17.74141 bmi 0.798908 33.82928 14.81668 61.57578 5.1441e+01 0.00061983 8.56856 ped -0.093893 -0.31897 -0.21784 -0.47532 6.1983e-04 0.06012655 -0.26872 age 7.456376 31.64508 26.44853 17.74141 8.5686e+00 -0.26872005 29.93856 Group: Yes npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 15.91978 7.7491 7.24229 10.46802 5.40627 0.320434 25.88314 glu 7.74907 856.4955 58.59554 29.65331 11.44745 1.388745 38.24430 bp 7.24229 58.5955 89.66288 21.36597 6.46859 0.764486 36.30462 skin 10.46802 29.6533 21.36597 86.79253 26.22071 0.620654 5.28665 bmi 5.40627 11.4475 6.46859 26.22071 20.12351 0.211701 0.71583 ped 0.32043 1.3887 0.76449 0.62065 0.21170 0.062727 0.93743 age 25.88314 38.2443 36.30462 5.28665 0.71583 0.937430 136.24335 Call: QdaClassic(as.factor(gr) ~ ., data = hemophilia) Prior Probabilities of Groups: carrier normal 0.6 0.4 Group means: AHFactivity AHFantigen carrier -0.30795 -0.0059911 normal -0.13487 -0.0778567 Group: carrier AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.023784 0.015376 AHFantigen 0.015376 0.024035 Group: normal AHFactivity AHFantigen AHFactivity 0.020897 0.015515 AHFantigen 0.015515 0.017920 Call: QdaClassic(Treat ~ ., data = anorexia) Prior Probabilities of Groups: CBT Cont FT 0.40278 0.36111 0.23611 Group means: Prewt Postwt CBT 82.690 85.697 Cont 81.558 81.108 FT 83.229 90.494 Group: CBT Prewt Postwt Prewt 23.479 19.910 Postwt 19.910 69.755 Group: Cont Prewt Postwt Prewt 32.5705 -4.3705 Postwt -4.3705 22.5079 Group: FT Prewt Postwt Prewt 25.167 22.883 Postwt 22.883 71.827 Call: QdaClassic(type ~ ., data = Pima.tr) Prior Probabilities of Groups: No Yes 0.66 0.34 Group means: npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age No 2.9167 113.11 69.545 27.205 31.074 0.41548 29.235 Yes 4.8382 145.06 74.588 33.118 34.709 0.54866 37.691 Group: No npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 7.878499 10.77226 8.190840 2.910305 -0.035751 -0.207341 16.82888 glu 10.772265 709.56118 81.430257 13.237682 19.037867 -0.518609 59.01307 bp 8.190840 81.43026 122.845246 33.879944 16.612630 -0.077183 46.78695 skin 2.910305 13.23768 33.879944 119.446391 50.125920 0.074282 18.47068 bmi -0.035751 19.03787 16.612630 50.125920 40.722996 0.145242 6.99999 ped -0.207341 -0.51861 -0.077183 0.074282 0.145242 0.071388 -0.53814 age 16.828880 59.01307 46.786954 18.470680 6.999988 -0.538138 91.08183 Group: Yes npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age npreg 15.77941 -8.199298 6.42493 -0.51800 -1.03288 -0.133011 21.93437 glu -8.19930 907.250219 23.71115 87.51536 9.98156 -0.082159 58.12291 bp 6.42493 23.711150 134.18613 19.70588 5.15891 -0.795470 26.30378 skin -0.51800 87.515364 19.70588 151.32924 28.28551 0.347951 26.67867 bmi -1.03288 9.981563 5.15891 28.28551 23.14529 0.457694 -7.91216 ped -0.13301 -0.082159 -0.79547 0.34795 0.45769 0.128883 -0.41737 age 21.93437 58.122915 26.30378 26.67867 -7.91216 -0.417375 131.79873 Call: QdaClassic(Species ~ ., data = iris) Prior Probabilities of Groups: setosa versicolor virginica 0.33333 0.33333 0.33333 Group means: Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width setosa 5.006 3.428 1.462 0.246 versicolor 5.936 2.770 4.260 1.326 virginica 6.588 2.974 5.552 2.026 Group: setosa Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.124249 0.099216 0.0163551 0.0103306 Sepal.Width 0.099216 0.143690 0.0116980 0.0092980 Petal.Length 0.016355 0.011698 0.0301592 0.0060694 Petal.Width 0.010331 0.009298 0.0060694 0.0111061 Group: versicolor Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.266433 0.085184 0.182898 0.055780 Sepal.Width 0.085184 0.098469 0.082653 0.041204 Petal.Length 0.182898 0.082653 0.220816 0.073102 Petal.Width 0.055780 0.041204 0.073102 0.039106 Group: virginica Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.404343 0.093763 0.303290 0.049094 Sepal.Width 0.093763 0.104004 0.071380 0.047629 Petal.Length 0.303290 0.071380 0.304588 0.048824 Petal.Width 0.049094 0.047629 0.048824 0.075433 =================================================== > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.64 0.14 0.76