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Type 'q()' to quit R. > ## VT::15.09.2013 - this will render the output independent > ## from the version of the package > suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rrcov)) > > library(MASS) > dodata <- function(nrep = 1, time = FALSE, full = TRUE) { + domest <- function(x, xname, nrep = 1) { + n <- dim(x)[1] + p <- dim(x)[2] + mm <- CovMest(x) + crit <- log(mm@crit) + ## c1 <- mm@psi@c1 + ## M <- mm$psi@M + + xres <- sprintf("%3d %3d %12.6f\n", dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2], crit) + lpad <- lname-nchar(xname) + cat(pad.right(xname,lpad), xres) + + dist <- getDistance(mm) + quantiel <- qchisq(0.975, p) + ibad <- which(dist >= quantiel) + names(ibad) <- NULL + nbad <- length(ibad) + cat("Outliers: ",nbad,"\n") + if(nbad > 0) + print(ibad) + cat("-------------\n") + show(mm) + cat("--------------------------------------------------------\n") + } + + options(digits = 5) + set.seed(101) # <<-- sub-sampling algorithm now based on R's RNG and seed + + lname <- 20 + + data(heart) + data(starsCYG) + data(phosphor) + data(stackloss) + data(coleman) + data(salinity) + data(wood) + data(hbk) + + data(Animals, package = "MASS") + brain <- Animals[c(1:24, 26:25, 27:28),] + data(milk) + data(bushfire) + + tmp <- sys.call() + cat("\nCall: ", deparse(substitute(tmp)),"\n") + + cat("Data Set n p c1 M LOG(det) Time\n") + cat("======================================================================\n") + domest(heart[, 1:2], data(heart), nrep) + domest(starsCYG, data(starsCYG), nrep) + domest(data.matrix(subset(phosphor, select = -plant)), data(phosphor), nrep) + domest(stack.x, data(stackloss), nrep) + domest(data.matrix(subset(coleman, select = -Y)), data(coleman), nrep) + domest(data.matrix(subset(salinity, select = -Y)), data(salinity), nrep) + domest(data.matrix(subset(wood, select = -y)), data(wood), nrep) + domest(data.matrix(subset(hbk, select = -Y)), data(hbk), nrep) + + + domest(brain, "Animals", nrep) + domest(milk, data(milk), nrep) + domest(bushfire, data(bushfire), nrep) + cat("======================================================================\n") + } > > # generate contaminated data using the function gendata with different > # number of outliers and check if the M-estimate breaks - i.e. the > # largest eigenvalue is larger than e.g. 5. > # For n=50 and p=10 and d=5 the M-estimate can break for number of > # outliers grater than 20. > dogen <- function(){ + eig <- vector("numeric",26) + for(i in 0:25) { + gg <- gendata(eps=i) + mm <- CovMest(gg$x, t0=gg$tgood, S0=gg$sgood, arp=0.001) + eig[i+1] <- ev <- getEvals(mm)[1] + # cat(i, ev, "\n") + + stopifnot(ev < 5 || i > 20) + } + # plot(0:25, eig, type="l", xlab="Number of outliers", ylab="Largest Eigenvalue") + } > > # > # generate data 50x10 as multivariate normal N(0,I) and add > # eps % outliers by adding d=5.0 to each component. > # - if eps <0 and eps <=0.5, the number of outliers is eps*n > # - if eps >= 1, it is the number of outliers > # - use the center and cov of the good data as good start > # - use the center and the cov of all data as a bad start > # If using a good start, the M-estimate must iterate to > # the good solution: the largest eigenvalue is less then e.g. 5 > # > gendata <- function(n=50, p=10, eps=0, d=5.0){ + + if(eps < 0 || eps > 0.5 && eps < 1.0 || eps > 0.5*n) + stop("eps is out of range") + + library(MASS) + + x <- mvrnorm(n, rep(0,p), diag(p)) + bad <- vector("numeric") + nbad = if(eps < 1) eps*n else eps + if(nbad > 0){ + bad <- sample(n, nbad) + x[bad,] <- x[bad,] + d + } + cov1 <- cov.wt(x) + cov2 <- if(nbad <= 0) cov1 else cov.wt(x[-bad,]) + + list(x=x, bad=sort(bad), tgood=cov2$center, sgood=cov2$cov, tbad=cov1$center, sbad=cov1$cov) + } > > pad.right <- function(z, pads) + { + ## Pads spaces to right of text + padding <- paste(rep(" ", pads), collapse = "") + paste(z, padding, sep = "") + } > > > ## -- now do it: > dodata() Call: dodata() Data Set n p c1 M LOG(det) Time ====================================================================== heart 12 2 7.160341 Outliers: 3 [1] 2 6 12 ------------- Call: CovMest(x = x) -> Method: M-Estimates Robust Estimate of Location: height weight 34.9 27.0 Robust Estimate of Covariance: height weight height 102 155 weight 155 250 -------------------------------------------------------- starsCYG 47 2 -5.994588 Outliers: 7 [1] 7 9 11 14 20 30 34 ------------- Call: CovMest(x = x) -> Method: M-Estimates Robust Estimate of Location: log.Te log.light 4.42 4.95 Robust Estimate of Covariance: log.Te log.light log.Te 0.0169 0.0587 log.light 0.0587 0.3523 -------------------------------------------------------- phosphor 18 2 8.867522 Outliers: 3 [1] 1 6 10 ------------- Call: CovMest(x = x) -> Method: M-Estimates Robust Estimate of Location: inorg organic 15.4 39.1 Robust Estimate of Covariance: inorg organic inorg 169 213 organic 213 308 -------------------------------------------------------- stackloss 21 3 7.241400 Outliers: 9 [1] 1 2 3 15 16 17 18 19 21 ------------- Call: CovMest(x = x) -> Method: M-Estimates Robust Estimate of Location: Air.Flow Water.Temp Acid.Conc. 59.5 20.8 87.3 Robust Estimate of Covariance: Air.Flow Water.Temp Acid.Conc. Air.Flow 9.34 8.69 8.52 Water.Temp 8.69 13.72 9.13 Acid.Conc. 8.52 9.13 34.54 -------------------------------------------------------- coleman 20 5 2.574752 Outliers: 7 [1] 2 6 9 10 12 13 15 ------------- Call: CovMest(x = x) -> Method: M-Estimates Robust Estimate of Location: salaryP fatherWc sstatus teacherSc motherLev 2.82 48.44 5.30 25.19 6.51 Robust Estimate of Covariance: salaryP fatherWc sstatus teacherSc motherLev salaryP 0.2850 0.1045 1.7585 0.3074 0.0355 fatherWc 0.1045 824.8305 260.7062 3.7507 17.7959 sstatus 1.7585 260.7062 105.6135 4.1140 5.7714 teacherSc 0.3074 3.7507 4.1140 0.6753 0.1563 motherLev 0.0355 17.7959 5.7714 0.1563 0.4147 -------------------------------------------------------- salinity 28 3 3.875096 Outliers: 9 [1] 3 5 10 11 15 16 17 23 24 ------------- Call: CovMest(x = x) -> Method: M-Estimates Robust Estimate of Location: X1 X2 X3 10.02 3.21 22.36 Robust Estimate of Covariance: X1 X2 X3 X1 15.353 1.990 -5.075 X2 1.990 5.210 -0.769 X3 -5.075 -0.769 2.314 -------------------------------------------------------- wood 20 5 -35.156305 Outliers: 7 [1] 4 6 7 8 11 16 19 ------------- Call: CovMest(x = x) -> Method: M-Estimates Robust Estimate of Location: x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 0.587 0.122 0.531 0.538 0.892 Robust Estimate of Covariance: x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x1 6.45e-03 1.21e-03 2.03e-03 -3.77e-04 -1.05e-03 x2 1.21e-03 3.12e-04 8.16e-04 -3.34e-05 1.52e-05 x3 2.03e-03 8.16e-04 4.27e-03 -5.60e-04 2.27e-04 x4 -3.77e-04 -3.34e-05 -5.60e-04 1.83e-03 1.18e-03 x5 -1.05e-03 1.52e-05 2.27e-04 1.18e-03 1.78e-03 -------------------------------------------------------- hbk 75 3 1.432485 Outliers: 14 [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------------- Call: CovMest(x = x) -> Method: M-Estimates Robust Estimate of Location: X1 X2 X3 1.54 1.78 1.69 Robust Estimate of Covariance: X1 X2 X3 X1 1.6485 0.0739 0.1709 X2 0.0739 1.6780 0.2049 X3 0.1709 0.2049 1.5584 -------------------------------------------------------- Animals 28 2 18.194822 Outliers: 10 [1] 2 6 7 9 12 14 15 16 25 28 ------------- Call: CovMest(x = x) -> Method: M-Estimates Robust Estimate of Location: body brain 18.7 64.9 Robust Estimate of Covariance: body brain body 4993 8466 brain 8466 30335 -------------------------------------------------------- milk 86 8 -25.041802 Outliers: 20 [1] 1 2 3 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 27 41 44 47 70 74 75 77 ------------- Call: CovMest(x = x) -> Method: M-Estimates Robust Estimate of Location: X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 1.03 35.88 33.04 26.11 25.09 25.02 123.12 14.39 Robust Estimate of Covariance: X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X1 4.89e-07 9.64e-05 1.83e-04 1.76e-04 1.57e-04 1.48e-04 6.53e-04 X2 9.64e-05 2.05e+00 3.38e-01 2.37e-01 1.70e-01 2.71e-01 1.91e+00 X3 1.83e-04 3.38e-01 1.16e+00 8.56e-01 8.48e-01 8.31e-01 8.85e-01 X4 1.76e-04 2.37e-01 8.56e-01 6.83e-01 6.55e-01 6.40e-01 6.91e-01 X5 1.57e-04 1.70e-01 8.48e-01 6.55e-01 6.93e-01 6.52e-01 6.90e-01 X6 1.48e-04 2.71e-01 8.31e-01 6.40e-01 6.52e-01 6.61e-01 6.95e-01 X7 6.53e-04 1.91e+00 8.85e-01 6.91e-01 6.90e-01 6.95e-01 4.40e+00 X8 5.56e-06 2.60e-01 1.98e-01 1.29e-01 1.12e-01 1.19e-01 4.12e-01 X8 X1 5.56e-06 X2 2.60e-01 X3 1.98e-01 X4 1.29e-01 X5 1.12e-01 X6 1.19e-01 X7 4.12e-01 X8 1.65e-01 -------------------------------------------------------- bushfire 38 5 23.457490 Outliers: 15 [1] 7 8 9 10 11 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ------------- Call: CovMest(x = x) -> Method: M-Estimates Robust Estimate of Location: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 107 147 263 215 277 Robust Estimate of Covariance: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V1 775 560 -4179 -925 -759 V2 560 478 -2494 -510 -431 V3 -4179 -2494 27433 6441 5196 V4 -925 -510 6441 1607 1276 V5 -759 -431 5196 1276 1020 -------------------------------------------------------- ====================================================================== > dogen() > #cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # for ``statistical reasons'' > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.60 0.15 0.76