R Under development (unstable) (2024-08-16 r87026 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
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> ## VT::15.09.2013 - this will render the output independent
> ##  from the version of the package
> suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rrcov))
> library(MASS)
> dodata <- function(method) {
+     options(digits = 5)
+     set.seed(101)
+     tmp <- sys.call()
+     cat("\nCall: ", deparse(substitute(tmp)),"\n")
+     cat("===================================================\n")
+     data(pottery);      show(lda <- LdaPP(origin~., data=pottery, method=method)); show(predict(lda))
+     data(hemophilia);   show(lda <- LdaPP(as.factor(gr)~., data=hemophilia, method=method)); show(predict(lda))
+     data(anorexia);     show(lda <- LdaPP(Treat~., data=anorexia, method=method)); show(predict(lda))
+     data(Pima.tr);      show(lda <- LdaPP(type~., data=Pima.tr, method=method)); show(predict(lda))
+     data(crabs);        show(lda <- LdaPP(sp~., data=crabs, method=method)); show(predict(lda))
+     cat("===================================================\n")
+ }
> ## -- now do it:
> ## Commented out - still to slow
> ##dodata(method="huber")
> ##dodata(method="sest")
> ## VT::14.11.2018 - Commented out: too slow
> ##  dodata(method="mad")
> ##  dodata(method="class")
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
   0.34    0.07    0.39