mc <- new("MultipleChoice", identifier = "test_2", title = "Economics",
content = list("
When deciding between renovating a water treatment plant or building a new community pool, what is the government most likely to consider? This is a multiline formula: \\[x-1=y\\]
choices = c("scarcity vs resources",
"wages vs prices",
"wants vs needs",
"consumers vs producers"),
points = c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0))
mc2 <- new("MultipleChoice", identifier = "Test_2_duplication", title = "Economics",
content = list("When deciding between renovating a water treatment plant or building a new community pool, what is the government most likely to consider? This is a multiline formula: \\[x-1=y\\]
choices = c("scarcity vs resources",
"wages vs prices",
"wants vs needs",
"consumers vs producers"),
points = c(1.5, 0.5, 0, 0))
sc <- new("SingleChoice", identifier = "eco", title = "Economics and Physic",
content = list("This is a mock question.
In economics it is generally believed that the main objective of a Public Sector Financial Company like Bank is to:
choices = c("Employ more and more people", "Maximize total production",
"Maximize total profits", "Sell the goods at subsidized cost"))
path1 <- test_path("file/rmd/mc_no_point.Rmd")
path2 <- test_path("file/xml/Essay.xml")
path3 <- test_path("file/md/")
test_that("Testing function section() to build permanent AssessmentSection", {
sut <- section(c(path1, path2), id = "permanent_section")
# rid of the name from @assessment_item
names(sut@assessment_item) <- NULL
expected <- new("AssessmentSection", identifier = "permanent_section",
assessment_item = list(mc, path2),
selection = 0)
expect_equal(sut, expected)
test_that("Testing function section() to build variable nested AssessmentSection", {
sut <- section(c(path1, path3), 2, id = "variable_section")
# rid of the name from @assessment_item
names(sut@assessment_item) <- NULL
seed1 <- sut@assessment_item[[1]]@identifier
seed1 <- sub(".*S(\\d+).*", "\\1", seed1)
seed2 <- sut@assessment_item[[2]]@identifier
seed2 <- sub(".*S(\\d+).*", "\\1", seed2)
item1_1 <- mc
item1_1@identifier <- paste0(mc@identifier, "_S", seed1)
item1_1@title <- paste0(mc@title, "_S", seed1)
item1_2 <- sc
item1_2@identifier <- paste0(sc@identifier, "_S", seed1)
item1_2@title <- paste0(sc@title, "_S", seed1)
item2_1 <- mc
item2_1@identifier <- paste0(mc@identifier, "_S", seed2)
item2_1@title <- paste0(mc@title, "_S", seed2)
item2_2 <- sc
item2_2@identifier <- paste0(sc@identifier, "_S", seed2)
item2_2@title <- paste0(sc@title, "_S", seed2)
variant1 <- new("AssessmentSection",
identifier = paste0("exam_S", seed1),
assessment_item = list(item1_1, item1_2))
variant2 <- new("AssessmentSection",
identifier = paste0("exam_S", seed2),
assessment_item = list(item2_1, item2_2))
expected <- new("AssessmentSection", identifier = "variable_section",
selection = 1,
assessment_item = list(variant1, variant2))
expect_equal(sut, expected)
test_that("Testing function section() in the case
num_variants < length(seed_number))", {
warning_message <- NULL
sut <- section(c(path1, path3), n_variants = 2, seed_number = c(4,7,9)),
warning = function(w) {
warning_message <<- w$message
expected_warning <- ("From seed_number only first 2 items are taken")
expect_equal(warning_message, expected_warning)
test_that("Testing function section() in the case the items
in seed_number are not unique)", {
error_message <- NULL
section(c("path1", "path3"), n_variants = 2, seed_number = c(7, 7))
error = function(e) {
error_message <<- conditionMessage(e)
expected_error <- ("The items in seed_number are not unique")
expect_equal(error_message, expected_error)
test_that("Testing function section() to build variable AssessmentSection for by = \'files\' ", {
path1 <- test_path("file/rmd/mc_no_point.Rmd")
path3 <- test_path("file/md/")
num_variants = 3
file <- c(path1, path3)
sut <- section(file, num_variants, id = "variable_section", by = "files")
# rid of the name from @assessment_item
names(sut@assessment_item) <- NULL
# create list of expected items
item <- list(mc, mc, mc, sc, sc, sc)
# collect all seed numbers
seed <- c()
for (i in seq(length(file))) {
for (j in seq(num_variants)) {
s <- sut@assessment_item[[i]]@assessment_item[[j]]@identifier
s <- sub(".*S(\\d+).*", "\\1", s)
seed <- c(seed, s)
# reassign identifier and titles for expected items
for (i in seq(length(item))) {
item[[i]]@identifier <- paste0(item[[i]]@identifier, "_S", seed[i])
item[[i]]@title <- paste0(item[[i]]@title, "_S", seed[i])
# get variant subsections identifiers
id_var1 <- sut@assessment_item[[1]]@identifier
id_var2 <- sut@assessment_item[[2]]@identifier
# create variants
variant1 <- new("AssessmentSection",
identifier = id_var1,
assessment_item = (item[1:3]), selection = 1)
variant2 <- new("AssessmentSection",
identifier = id_var2,
assessment_item = (item[4:6]), selection = 1)
# create expected
expected <- new("AssessmentSection", identifier = "variable_section",
assessment_item = list(variant1, variant2))
expect_equal(sut, expected)
test_that("Testing warning for selection exceeding number of items", {
items <- list(mc, sc, path2)
warning_message <- NULL
section <- new("AssessmentSection",
identifier = "section1",
title = "Section 1",
assessment_item = items,
selection = 4) # Invalid selection value exceeding the number of items
warning = function(w) {
warning_message <<- w$message
expected_warning <- ("value of selection (4) must be less than number of items in assessment_item slot (3). Selection is assigned to 2")
expect_equal(warning_message, expected_warning)
test_that("Testing a warning message for getPoints method", {
items <- list(mc, mc2, sc) # ms: points = 1, mc2: points = 2
section <- new("AssessmentSection",
identifier = "section1",
title = "Section 1",
assessment_item = items,
selection = 2)
# Selected the first 2 items with different points
sut_points <- getPoints(section)
}, "In section id:section1 there are items with different points. In selection mode, this leads to inconsistent overall score in different test variants: = 1, = 2, eco = 1")
test_that("Testing test4opal() and test() function in section_builder.R ", {
sut <- section(c(path1, path2))
result_1 <- test4opal(sut)
result_2 <- test(sut)
expect_s4_class(result_1, "AssessmentTestOpal")
expect_s4_class(result_2, "AssessmentTest")