test_that("Testing create_item_body_text ", { entry <- suppressMessages(new("Entry", content = list('

Identify the missing words in this famous quote from Shakespeare\'s Richard III.

', 'Now is the of our discontent', new("TextGap", solution = c("winter", "WINTER", "Winter"), response_identifier = "RESPONSE_1", points = 0.5, expected_length = 10), "


", new("NumericGap", response_identifier = "RESPONSE_2", solution = 12, points = 0.5, tolerance = 1, expected_length = 4), "leaves by this sun of York;

And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house

In the deep bosom of the ocean buried. At", new("NumericGap", response_identifier = "RESPONSE_4", solution = 12.5, tolerance = 1, expected_length = 5, placeholder = "Floating point"), "meters under the darkness is found.

"))) # The XML example was taked from OPAL because qti # example doesn't work in OPAL example <- '

Identify the missing words in this famous quote from Shakespeare\'s Richard III.

Now is the of our discontent

leaves by this sun of York;

And all the clouds that lour\'d upon our house

In the deep bosom of the ocean buried. At meters under the darkness is found.

' sut <- xml2::read_xml(as.character(createItemBody(entry))) expected <- xml2::read_xml(example) expect_equal(sut, expected) }) test_that("Testing create Response Declaration Gap ", { entry <- suppressMessages(new("Entry", content = list('

Identify the missing words in this famous quote from Shakespeare\'s Richard III.

', 'Now is the of our discontent', new("TextGap", solution = c("winter","WINTER", "Winter"), response_identifier = "RESPONSE_1", points = 0.5, expected_length = 10), "


", new("NumericGap", response_identifier = "RESPONSE_2", solution = 1234567890, tolerance = 1, expected_length = 4), "leaves by this sun of York;

And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house

In the deep bosom of the ocean buried. At", new("NumericGap", response_identifier = "RESPONSE_4", solution = 12.5, tolerance = 1, points = 0.5, placeholder = "Floating point"), "meters under the darkness is found.

"))) # The XML example was taken from OPAL because qti example doesn't work in OPAL # Response Declaration 1. In the example was not included # # in mapEntry is included caseSensitive="true" according to # qti inf model: caseSensitive [1]: boolean example <- ' winter ' responseDe <- createResponseDeclaration(entry)[[1]] sut <- xml2::read_xml(as.character(responseDe)) expected <- xml2::read_xml(example) expect_equal(sut, expected) # 'Response Declaration 2 example <- ' 1234567890 ' responseDe <- createResponseDeclaration(entry)[[2]] sut <- xml2::read_xml(as.character(responseDe)) expected <- xml2::read_xml(example) expect_equal(sut, expected) # 'Response Declaration 3 example <- ' 12.5 ' responseDe <- createResponseDeclaration(entry)[[3]] sut <- xml2::read_xml(as.character(responseDe)) expected <- xml2::read_xml(example) expect_equal(sut, expected) }) test_that("Testing create Outcome Declaration Gap ", { entry <- suppressMessages(new("Entry", content = list('

Identify the missing words in this famous quote from Shakespeare\'s Richard III.

', 'Now is the of our discontent', new("TextGap", solution = c("winter", "WINTER", "Winter"), response_identifier = "RESPONSE_1", points = 0.5, expected_length = 10), "


", new("NumericGap", response_identifier = "RESPONSE_2", solution = 12, tolerance = 1, expected_length = 4), "leaves by this sun of York;

And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house

In the deep bosom of the ocean buried. At", new("NumericGap", response_identifier = "RESPONSE_4", solution = 12.5, tolerance = 1, expected_length = 5, points = 0.5, placeholder = "Floating point"), "meters under the darkness is found.

"))) # The XML example was taken from OPAL because qti example doesn't work in OPAL # Outcome Declaration 1.Omitted the tag view="testConstructor" from OPAL # example. There is not outcome Delete it from the example example <- ' 0 2 0 \n 0 0.5 0 \n 0 1 0 0 0.5 0 ' responseDe <- as.character(htmltools::tag( "additionalTag", list(createOutcomeDeclaration(entry)))) sut <- xml2::read_xml(responseDe) expected <- xml2::read_xml(example) expect_equal(sut, expected) }) test_that("Testing create_item_body_text ", { entry <- suppressMessages(new("Entry", content = list('The speed of light is', new("TextGapOpal", response_identifier = "RESPONSE_1", points = 1, solution = c("more", "MORE", "More"), tolerance = 4), 'than the speed of sound'))) expected <- ' ' response <- as.character(htmltools::tag( "additionalTag", list(createResponseProcessing(entry)))) sut <- xml2::read_xml(response) expected <- xml2::read_xml(expected) expect_equal(sut, expected) }) test_that("Testing function of create_outcome_declaration_entry for Entry class", { sut <- suppressMessages(new("Entry", identifier = "new", points = 3, title = "NumericGap", content = list('The speed of light is equal', new("NumericGap", response_identifier = "RESPONSE_1", points = 3, solution = 300, tolerance = 2, include_lower_bound = TRUE, include_upper_bound = TRUE),'m/s'), feedback = list(new("ModalFeedback", title = "common", content = list("general feedback")))) ) example <- ' 0 3 0 0 3 0 empty ' sut1 <- toString(htmltools::tag( "additionalTag", list(create_outcome_declaration_entry(sut)))) sut <- xml2::read_xml(sut1) expected <- xml2::read_xml(example) expect_equal(sut, expected) }) test_that("Testing of the warning message in case response_identifier in NumericGap class is empty", { warning_message <- NULL suppressWarnings(withCallingHandlers( { sut <- new("Entry", identifier = "new", points = 3, title = "NumericGap", content = list( 'The speed of light is equal', new("NumericGap", # "response_identifier" is empty points = 3, solution = 300, tolerance = 2, include_lower_bound = TRUE, include_upper_bound = TRUE) , 'm/s')) response_identifier <- sut@content[[2]]@response_identifier sut_warning <- paste0( "There is no response_identifier in Gap-object. A random value is assigned: ", response_identifier) }, warning = function(w) { warning_message <<- w$message } )) expect_equal(warning_message, sut_warning) }) test_that("Testing warning message in the case Identifiers of objects in content-slot are non-unique for Entry class", { warning_message <- NULL suppressWarnings(withCallingHandlers( { sut <-suppressMessages(new("Entry", identifier = "new", points = 3, title = "test", content = list( 'The speed of light is equal', new("NumericGap", response_identifier ="RESPONSE_1", points = 3, solution = 300, tolerance = 2), 'm/s','The speed of sound is equal', new("NumericGap", response_identifier ="RESPONSE_1", points = 3, solution = 343, tolerance = 2), 'm/s', 'The speed of light is', new("TextGapOpal", response_identifier = "RESPONSE_1", points = 1, solution = c("more", "MORE", "More"), tolerance = 4), 'than the speed of sound'))) entry <- initialize(sut) sut_warning <- ( "Identifiers of objects in content-slot are non-unique : RESPONSE_1, RESPONSE_1, RESPONSE_1") }, warning = function(w) { warning_message <<- w$message } )) expect_equal(warning_message, sut_warning) })