library(testthat) test_that("ANTsTransform generics", { # If conda is not set up, skip testthat::skip_if_not(rpyANTs:::rpymat_is_setup()) testthat::skip_if_not(rpyANTs:::ants_available()) cat("Testing ANTsTransform generics\n") cat("Loading numpy\n") np <- import("numpy", convert = TRUE) cat("Sanity-check on default transform\n") y <- ants$new_ants_transform() p <- matrix(rnorm(120), nrow = py_to_r(y$dimension)) vector_trans <- as.matrix(y) %*% rbind(p, 1) expected_trans <- rbind(t(np$array(apply(p, 2, y$apply_to_point))), 1) expect_equal(vector_trans, expected_trans, tolerance = 1e-4) vector_trans <- as.matrix(y) %*% rbind(p, 0) expected_trans <- rbind(t(np$array(apply(p, 2, y$apply_to_vector))), 0) expect_equal(vector_trans, expected_trans, tolerance = 1e-4) cat("Sanity-check on sample data with SyN registration\n") ipath1 <- ants$get_ants_data('r16') ipath2 <- ants$get_ants_data('r64') print(ipath1) print(ipath2) print(class(ipath1)) cat("Load images\n") fi <- ants$image_read(ants$get_ants_data('r16')) mo <- ants$image_read(ants$get_ants_data('r64')) print(fi) print(dim(fi[])) print(mo) print(dim(mo[])) # Somehow this cannot run on windows # # resample to speed up this example cat("Resample images for speed\n") fi <- ants$resample_image(fi, list(60L,60L), TRUE, 0L) mo <- ants$resample_image(mo, list(60L,60L), TRUE, 0L) # SDR transform cat("Non-linear transform\n") transform <- ants_registration( fixed=fi, moving=mo, type_of_transform = 'SyN', verbose = TRUE) tmp_files <- unique(unlist(c( py_to_r(transform$fwdtransforms), py_to_r(transform$invtransforms) ))) cat("Transform generated. Needs to remove later\n") cat(tmp_files, sep = "\n") cat("\n") # AffineTransform cat("Testing with saved transformation\n") y <- ants$read_transform(transform$fwdtransforms[1L]) z1 <- as_ANTsTransform(y) z2 <- as_ANTsTransform(y[], dimension = y$dimension) p <- matrix(rnorm(120), nrow = py_to_r(y$dimension)) vector_trans <- as.matrix(y) %*% rbind(p[,,drop = FALSE], 1) expected_trans <- rbind(t(np$array(apply(p, 2, y$apply_to_point))), 1) expect_equal(vector_trans, expected_trans, tolerance = 1e-4) expected_trans <- rbind(t(np$array(apply(p, 2, z1$apply_to_point))), 1) expect_equal(vector_trans, expected_trans, tolerance = 1e-4) expected_trans <- rbind(t(np$array(apply(p, 2, z2$apply_to_point))), 1) expect_equal(vector_trans, expected_trans, tolerance = 1e-4) vector_trans <- as.matrix(y) %*% rbind(p, 0) expected_trans <- rbind(t(np$array(apply(p, 2, y$apply_to_vector))), 0) expect_equal(vector_trans, expected_trans, tolerance = 1e-4) expected_trans <- rbind(t(np$array(apply(p, 2, z1$apply_to_vector))), 0) expect_equal(vector_trans, expected_trans, tolerance = 1e-4) expected_trans <- rbind(t(np$array(apply(p, 2, z2$apply_to_vector))), 0) expect_equal(vector_trans, expected_trans, tolerance = 1e-4) for(f in tmp_files) { if(file.exists(f)){ unlink(f) } } }) test_that("Check `get_xform` is consistent with RNifti", { mat_to_quaternion <- function (m) { m <- m[1:3, 1:3] m <- apply(m, 2, function(x) { l2 <- sum(x^2) if (l2 > 0) { x <- x/sqrt(l2) } x }) m11 <- m[1, 1] m21 <- m[2, 1] m31 <- m[3, 1] m12 <- m[1, 2] m22 <- m[2, 2] m32 <- m[3, 2] m13 <- m[1, 3] m23 <- m[2, 3] m33 <- m[3, 3] trace <- m11 + m22 + m33 if (trace > 0) { s <- 0.5/sqrt(trace + 1) w <- 0.25/s x <- (m32 - m23) * s y <- (m13 - m31) * s z <- (m21 - m12) * s } else if (m11 > m22 && m11 > m33) { s <- 2 * sqrt(1 + m11 - m22 - m33) w <- (m32 - m23)/s x <- 0.25 * s y <- (m12 + m21)/s z <- (m13 + m31)/s } else if (m22 > m33) { s <- 2 * sqrt(1 + m22 - m11 - m33) w <- (m13 - m31)/s x <- (m12 + m21)/s y <- 0.25 * s z <- (m23 + m32)/s } else { s <- 2 * sqrt(1 + m33 - m11 - m22) w <- (m21 - m12)/s x <- (m13 + m31)/s y <- (m23 + m32)/s z <- 0.25 * s } c(x = x, y = y, z = z, w = w) } io_write_nii.array <- function (x, con, vox2ras = NULL, ...) { if (!is.matrix(vox2ras)) { warning("`io_write_nii.array`: `vox2ras` is missing, using identity matrix. Please specify voxel-to-RAS transform (4x4 matrix).") vox2ras <- diag(1, 4) } stopifnot(is.matrix(vox2ras) && nrow(vox2ras) == 4 && ncol(vox2ras) == 4) quaternion <- mat_to_quaternion(vox2ras) shape <- dim(x) stopifnot(length(shape) %in% c(3, 4)) if (length(shape) > 3) { nframes <- shape[[4]] } else { nframes <- 1 } m33 <- vox2ras[1:3, 1:3] pixdim <- sqrt(colSums(m33^2)) pixdim <- c(sign(det(m33)), pixdim, nframes, 0, 0, 0) pixdim <- as.double(pixdim) if (nframes == 1 && length(shape) != 3) { pixdim[[5]] <- 0 shape <- shape[1:3] x <- array(x[seq_len(prod(shape))], dim = shape) } x[] <- 0 rg <- range(x) if (all(x - round(x) == 0)) { if (rg[[1]] >= 0 && rg[[2]] <= 255) { datatype_code <- 2L bitpix <- 8L storage.mode(x) <- "integer" } else if (rg[[1]] >= -32768 && rg[[2]] <= 32768) { datatype_code <- 4L bitpix <- 16L storage.mode(x) <- "integer" } else if (rg[[1]] >= -2147483648 && rg[[2]] <= 2147483648) { datatype_code <- 8L bitpix <- 32L storage.mode(x) <- "integer" } else { bitpix <- 32L datatype_code <- 16L } } else { bitpix <- 32L datatype_code <- 16L } nii <- RNifti::niftiHeader(x) nii$datatype <- datatype_code nii$bitpix <- bitpix nii$pixdim <- pixdim nii$xyzt_units <- 10L nii$qform_code <- 1L nii$sform_code <- 1L qsign <- ifelse(quaternion[[4]] > 0, 1, -1) nii$quatern_b <- quaternion[[1]] * qsign nii$quatern_c <- quaternion[[2]] * qsign nii$quatern_d <- quaternion[[3]] * qsign nii$qoffset_x <- vox2ras[1, 4] nii$qoffset_y <- vox2ras[2, 4] nii$qoffset_z <- vox2ras[3, 4] nii$srow_x <- vox2ras[1, ] nii$srow_y <- vox2ras[2, ] nii$srow_z <- vox2ras[3, ] RNifti::writeNifti(RNifti::asNifti(x, nii), file = con, ...) } get_xform_r <- function(con, useQuaternionFirst = TRUE) { img <- RNifti::readNifti(con, internal = TRUE, volumes = TRUE) xform <- RNifti::xform(img, useQuaternionFirst = useQuaternionFirst) xform } get_xform_py <- function(con) { stopifnot(file.exists(con)) rpyants_module <- rpyANTs:::load_rpyants() img <- as_ANTsImage(con, strict = TRUE) xform <- rpyants_module$utils$transforms$get_xform(img) xform <- py_to_r(xform) xform } x <- array(rnorm(27), c(3,3,3)) f <- tempfile(fileext = ".nii.gz") con <- f on.exit({ if(file.exists(f)) { unlink(f) } }) # TODO: Make sure det(vox2ras) > 0 vox2ras <- matrix(c( -0.345, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, -5.677, 15, 0, -2.44, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0, 1 ), nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE) if(det(vox2ras) < 0) { vox2ras[1, ] <- -vox2ras[1, ] } io_write_nii.array(x, f, vox2ras) xform_r <- get_xform_r(f) xform_py <- get_xform_py(f) testthat::expect_equal(solve(xform_r) %*% xform_py, diag(1, 4)) vox2ras <- matrix(c( 0, 0, -5.677, 15, -0.345, 0, 0, 12, 0, -2.44, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0, 1 ), nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE) if(det(vox2ras) < 0) { vox2ras[1, ] <- -vox2ras[1, ] } io_write_nii.array(x, f, vox2ras) xform_r <- get_xform_r(f) xform_py <- get_xform_py(f) testthat::expect_equal(solve(xform_r) %*% xform_py, diag(1, 4)) vox2ras <- matrix(c( 0, 0, -5.677, 15, -0.345, 0, 0, 12, 0, -2.44, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0, 1 ), nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE) vox2ras[1:3, ] <- vox2ras[1:3, ] + rnorm(12, sd = 0.01) if(det(vox2ras) < 0) { vox2ras[1, ] <- -vox2ras[1, ] } io_write_nii.array(x, f, vox2ras) xform_r <- get_xform_r(f) xform_py <- get_xform_py(f) testthat::expect_equal(solve(xform_r) %*% xform_py, diag(1, 4), tolerance = 1e-5) })