# # This is a set of tests, with printout, that tries # to exercise all of the splitting rules # It's less formal than the others in this directory, but covers # more. # For all of the cross-validations I set xgroups explicitly, so as # to avoid any changes in random number allocation of the groups. library(rpart) require(survival) options(digits=4) #avoid trivial rounding changes across R versions set.seed(10) # # # Survival, using the stagec data # # Time to progression in years # status 1=progressed, 0= censored # age # early endocrine therapy 1=no 2=yes # % of cells in g2 phase, from flow cytometry # tumor grade (Farrow) 1,2,3,4 # Gleason score (competing grading system) # ploidy xgroup <- rep(1:10, length=nrow(stagec)) fit1 <- rpart(Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ age + eet + g2+grade+gleason +ploidy, stagec, method="poisson", control=rpart.control(usesurrogate=0, cp=0, xval=xgroup)) fit1 summary(fit1) fit2 <- rpart(Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ age + eet + g2+grade+gleason +ploidy, stagec, xval=xgroup) fit2 summary(fit2) # # Continuous y variable # Use deterministic xgroups: the first group is the 1st, 11th, 21st, etc # smallest obs, the second is 2, 12, 22, ... mystate <- data.frame(state.x77, region=factor(state.region)) names(mystate) <- c("population","income" , "illiteracy","life" , "murder", "hs.grad", "frost", "area", "region") xvals <- 1:nrow(mystate) xvals[order(mystate$income)] <- rep(1:10, length=nrow(mystate)) fit4 <- rpart(income ~ population + region + illiteracy +life + murder + hs.grad + frost , mystate, control=rpart.control(minsplit=10, xval=xvals)) summary(fit4) # # Check out xpred.rpart # meany <- mean(mystate$income) xpr <- xpred.rpart(fit4, xval=xvals) xpr2 <- (xpr - mystate$income)^2 risk0 <- mean((mystate$income - meany)^2) xpmean <- as.vector(apply(xpr2, 2, mean)) #kill the names all.equal(xpmean/risk0, as.vector(fit4$cptable[,'xerror'])) xpstd <- as.vector(apply((sweep(xpr2, 2, xpmean))^2, 2, sum)) xpstd <- sqrt(xpstd)/(50*risk0) all.equal(xpstd, as.vector(fit4$cptable[,'xstd'])) # # recreate subset #3 of the xval # tfit4 <- rpart(income ~ population + region + illiteracy +life + murder + hs.grad + frost , mystate, subset=(xvals!=3), control=rpart.control(minsplit=10, xval=0)) tpred <- predict(tfit4, mystate[xvals==3,]) all.equal(tpred, xpr[xvals==3,ncol(xpr)]) # How much does this differ from the "real" formula, more complex, # found on page 309 of Breiman et al. ? #xtemp <- (xpr2/outer(rep(1,50),xpmean)) - ((mystate$income - meany)^2)/risk0 #real.se<- xpmean* sqrt(apply(xtemp^2,2,sum))/(risk0*50) # Simple yes/no classification model fit5 <- rpart(factor(pgstat) ~ age + eet + g2+grade+gleason +ploidy, stagec, xval=xgroup) fit5 fit6 <- rpart(factor(pgstat) ~ age + eet + g2+grade+gleason +ploidy, stagec, parm=list(prior=c(.5,.5)), xval=xgroup) summary(fit6) # # Fit a classification model to the car data. # Now, since Reliability is an ordered category, this model doesn't # make a lot of statistical sense, but it does test out some # areas of the code that nothing else does # xcar <- rep(1:8, length=nrow(cu.summary)) carfit <- rpart(Reliability ~ Price + Country + Mileage + Type, method='class', data=cu.summary, xval=xcar) summary(carfit)