# # A hard-core test of losses and priors # Simple data set where I know what the answers must be # library(rpart) aeq <- function(x,y, ...) all.equal(as.vector(x), as.vector(y), ...) dummy <- c(3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3,5,8,9,7,9)/5 pdata <- data.frame(y=factor(rep(1:3, 5)), x1 = 1:15, x2 = c(1:6, 1:6, 1:3), x3 = (rep(1:3, 5) + dummy)*10) pdata$x3[c(1,5,10)] <- NA pdata$y[15] <- 1 # make things unbalanced set.seed(10) pfit <- rpart(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, pdata, cp=0, xval=0, minsplit=5, maxdepth=1, parms=list(prior=c(.2, .3, .5), loss =matrix(c(0,2,2,2,0,6,1,1,0), 3,3,byrow=T))) # # See section 12.1 of the report for these numbers # ntot <- c(6,5,4) phat <- c(6,5,4)/15 # observed class probabilities prior <- c(.2, .3, .5) # priors aprior <- c(4,12,5)/21 # altered priors lmat <- matrix(c(0,1,2, 2,0,1, 2,6,0), ncol=3) #loss matrix gini <- function(p) 1-sum(p^2) loss <- function(n, class) sum(n * lmat[,class]) phat <- function(n, ntot=c(6,5,4), prior=c(.2, .3, .5)) { n*prior/ntot } # Are the losses correct? # Class counts for the two children are (4,4,0) and (2,1,4), when # using surrogates aeq(pfit$frame$dev/15, c(loss(prior,2), loss(phat(c(4,4,0)),2), loss(phat(c(2,1,4)),3))) # Node probabilities? aeq(pfit$frame$yval2[,8] , c(1, sum(phat(c(4,4,0))), sum(phat(c(2,1,4))))) aeq(pfit$frame$yval2[,5:7] , rbind(prior, phat(c(4,4,0))/ sum(phat(c(4,4,0))), phat(c(2,1,4))/ sum(phat(c(2,1,4))))) # Now the node and class probs, under altered priors phat2 <- function(n, ntot=c(6,5,4), prior=aprior) { n*prior/ntot } # Use these to create the gini losses, base data, and for the best # splits on variables 1, 2, 3 gfun <- function(n) { #The gini loss for a node, given the counts temp <- phat2(n) sum(temp) * gini(temp/sum(temp)) } # These are in order x3, x2, x1 (best split to worst) # Note that for x3, missing values cause the "parent" to be viewed as # having 12 obs instead of 15. # Each line is gini(parent) - gini(children) aeq(pfit$splits[1:3, 3], 15* c(gfun(c(4,4,4)) - (gfun(c(3,4,0)) + gfun(c(1,0,4))), gfun(c(6,5,4)) - (gfun(c(6,5,2)) + gfun(c(0,0,2))), gfun(c(6,5,4)) - (gfun(c(4,4,4)) + gfun(c(2,1,0)))))