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Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(rpart) > library(rpart.LAD) Loading required package: Rcpp > > > # test 1 > mystate <- data.frame(state.x77, region = state.region) > names(mystate) <- casefold(names(mystate)) #remove mixed case > > # Rsqured fit > fit0 <- rpart(murder ~ ., data = mystate, minsplit = 10) > print(summary(fit0)) Call: rpart(formula = murder ~ ., data = mystate, minsplit = 10) n= 50 CP nsplit rel error xerror xstd 1 0.53620316 0 1.0000000 1.0121859 0.13359163 2 0.13626024 1 0.4637968 0.5941589 0.11843937 3 0.08363538 2 0.3275366 0.4951365 0.09253520 4 0.06040376 3 0.2439012 0.5354895 0.09767669 5 0.02249711 4 0.1834975 0.5310509 0.09993223 6 0.01350310 5 0.1610004 0.4566351 0.08152396 7 0.01000000 6 0.1474972 0.4672700 0.08369011 Variable importance life.exp hs.grad illiteracy frost region area population 31 18 14 13 10 8 4 income 2 Node number 1: 50 observations, complexity param=0.5362032 mean=7.378, MSE=13.35492 left son=2 (21 obs) right son=3 (29 obs) Primary splits: life.exp < 70.915 to the right, improve=0.5362032, (0 missing) illiteracy < 1.35 to the left, improve=0.4486033, (0 missing) region splits as LRLL, improve=0.3615610, (0 missing) frost < 97.5 to the right, improve=0.3361042, (0 missing) hs.grad < 44.3 to the right, improve=0.3305300, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: hs.grad < 55.6 to the right, agree=0.78, adj=0.476, (0 split) illiteracy < 0.75 to the left, agree=0.74, adj=0.381, (0 split) frost < 125.5 to the right, agree=0.70, adj=0.286, (0 split) area < 9579 to the left, agree=0.70, adj=0.286, (0 split) region splits as LRLL, agree=0.70, adj=0.286, (0 split) Node number 2: 21 observations, complexity param=0.06040376 mean=4.233333, MSE=4.16127 left son=4 (13 obs) right son=5 (8 obs) Primary splits: region splits as LRLR, improve=0.4615619, (0 missing) hs.grad < 60.95 to the left, improve=0.3590784, (0 missing) area < 82386.5 to the left, improve=0.3302317, (0 missing) frost < 92.5 to the right, improve=0.3145708, (0 missing) life.exp < 71.715 to the right, improve=0.2730069, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: hs.grad < 59.4 to the left, agree=0.905, adj=0.750, (0 split) frost < 92.5 to the right, agree=0.857, adj=0.625, (0 split) area < 81941.5 to the left, agree=0.857, adj=0.625, (0 split) income < 4143 to the right, agree=0.714, adj=0.250, (0 split) life.exp < 72.84 to the left, agree=0.667, adj=0.125, (0 split) Node number 3: 29 observations, complexity param=0.1362602 mean=9.655172, MSE=7.665922 left son=6 (21 obs) right son=7 (8 obs) Primary splits: life.exp < 69.395 to the right, improve=0.4092776, (0 missing) frost < 97.5 to the right, improve=0.3890938, (0 missing) illiteracy < 1.45 to the left, improve=0.3789950, (0 missing) hs.grad < 47.6 to the right, improve=0.3129022, (0 missing) population < 2276.5 to the left, improve=0.2388471, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: illiteracy < 1.95 to the left, agree=0.828, adj=0.375, (0 split) hs.grad < 41.45 to the right, agree=0.828, adj=0.375, (0 split) income < 3573 to the right, agree=0.759, adj=0.125, (0 split) frost < 62.5 to the right, agree=0.759, adj=0.125, (0 split) Node number 4: 13 observations, complexity param=0.0135031 mean=3.146154, MSE=1.450178 left son=8 (10 obs) right son=9 (3 obs) Primary splits: life.exp < 71.735 to the right, improve=0.47827780, (0 missing) frost < 121 to the right, improve=0.29156330, (0 missing) area < 31865.5 to the right, improve=0.25268720, (0 missing) region splits as R-L-, improve=0.25268720, (0 missing) population < 4255 to the left, improve=0.09768783, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: income < 4374.5 to the right, agree=0.846, adj=0.333, (0 split) Node number 5: 8 observations mean=6, MSE=3.525 Node number 6: 21 observations, complexity param=0.08363538 mean=8.561905, MSE=5.56712 left son=12 (4 obs) right son=13 (17 obs) Primary splits: population < 1101 to the left, improve=0.4776956, (0 missing) hs.grad < 52.85 to the right, improve=0.4254729, (0 missing) illiteracy < 0.75 to the left, improve=0.4158945, (0 missing) frost < 141 to the right, improve=0.4087926, (0 missing) area < 37873.5 to the left, improve=0.3026274, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: frost < 141 to the right, agree=0.952, adj=0.75, (0 split) illiteracy < 0.65 to the left, agree=0.905, adj=0.50, (0 split) hs.grad < 53.9 to the right, agree=0.905, adj=0.50, (0 split) Node number 7: 8 observations mean=12.525, MSE=1.801875 Node number 8: 10 observations mean=2.69, MSE=0.6989 Node number 9: 3 observations mean=4.666667, MSE=0.9488889 Node number 12: 4 observations mean=5.2, MSE=2.545 Node number 13: 17 observations, complexity param=0.02249711 mean=9.352941, MSE=2.99308 left son=26 (9 obs) right son=27 (8 obs) Primary splits: frost < 97.5 to the right, improve=0.2952370, (0 missing) area < 46398.5 to the left, improve=0.2913309, (0 missing) hs.grad < 52.85 to the right, improve=0.1881725, (0 missing) illiteracy < 1.15 to the left, improve=0.1534758, (0 missing) income < 4726 to the left, improve=0.1248603, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: illiteracy < 1.15 to the left, agree=0.882, adj=0.75, (0 split) hs.grad < 48.3 to the right, agree=0.765, adj=0.50, (0 split) region splits as LRLL, agree=0.765, adj=0.50, (0 split) population < 12048.5 to the left, agree=0.647, adj=0.25, (0 split) income < 4221 to the right, agree=0.647, adj=0.25, (0 split) Node number 26: 9 observations mean=8.466667, MSE=2.693333 Node number 27: 8 observations mean=10.35, MSE=1.4525 n= 50 node), split, n, deviance, yval * denotes terminal node 1) root 50 667.745800 7.378000 2) life.exp>=70.915 21 87.386670 4.233333 4) region=Northeast,North Central 13 18.852310 3.146154 8) life.exp>=71.735 10 6.989000 2.690000 * 9) life.exp< 71.735 3 2.846667 4.666667 * 5) region=South,West 8 28.200000 6.000000 * 3) life.exp< 70.915 29 222.311700 9.655172 6) life.exp>=69.395 21 116.909500 8.561905 12) population< 1101 4 10.180000 5.200000 * 13) population>=1101 17 50.882350 9.352941 26) frost>=97.5 9 24.240000 8.466667 * 27) frost< 97.5 8 11.620000 10.350000 * 7) life.exp< 69.395 8 14.415000 12.525000 * > plot(fit0); text(fit0) > xerror0 <- colMeans((xpred.rpart(fit0) - mystate$murder)^2) > print(xerror0) 0.76810158 0.27030200 0.10675287 0.07107666 0.03686340 0.01742931 0.01162029 13.911413 8.230116 6.673434 7.303747 7.125458 6.524766 6.413669 > > #LAD fit > fit1 <- rpart(murder ~ ., data = mystate, method = LAD, minsplit = 10) > print(summary(fit1)) Call: rpart(formula = murder ~ ., data = mystate, method = LAD, minsplit = 10) n= 50 CP nsplit rel error 1 0.38723942 0 1.0000000 2 0.09286166 1 0.6127606 3 0.05306380 2 0.5198989 4 0.04548326 3 0.4668351 5 0.03916614 4 0.4213519 6 0.03663929 5 0.3821857 7 0.01516109 6 0.3455464 8 0.01000000 7 0.3303853 Variable importance life.exp illiteracy frost hs.grad income region area 24 15 14 14 12 10 9 population 4 Node number 1: 50 observations, complexity param=0.3872394 median= 6.8, LAD=3.1660000 left son=2 (21 obs) right son=3 (29 obs) Primary splits: life.exp < 70.915 to the right, improve=1.212, (0 missing) illiteracy < 1.35 to the left, improve=1.008, (0 missing) hs.grad < 52.85 to the right, improve=0.820, (0 missing) frost < 97.5 to the right, improve=0.788, (0 missing) region splits as LRLL, improve=0.684, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: hs.grad < 55.6 to the right, agree=0.78, adj=0.476, (0 split) illiteracy < 0.75 to the left, agree=0.74, adj=0.381, (0 split) frost < 125.5 to the right, agree=0.70, adj=0.286, (0 split) area < 9579 to the left, agree=0.70, adj=0.286, (0 split) region splits as LRLL, agree=0.70, adj=0.286, (0 split) Node number 2: 21 observations, complexity param=0.0530638 median= 4.2, LAD=1.5857140 left son=4 (13 obs) right son=5 (8 obs) Primary splits: hs.grad < 59.4 to the left, improve=0.4000000, (0 missing) region splits as LRLR, improve=0.3714286, (0 missing) frost < 126.5 to the right, improve=0.3476190, (0 missing) area < 80538 to the left, improve=0.2809524, (0 missing) life.exp < 71.885 to the right, improve=0.2666667, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: area < 80538 to the left, agree=0.905, adj=0.750, (0 split) frost < 63 to the right, agree=0.810, adj=0.500, (0 split) income < 4644 to the left, agree=0.667, adj=0.125, (0 split) life.exp < 72.84 to the left, agree=0.667, adj=0.125, (0 split) Node number 3: 29 observations, complexity param=0.09286166 median=10.3, LAD=2.1965520 left son=6 (12 obs) right son=7 (17 obs) Primary splits: illiteracy < 1.15 to the left, improve=0.5068966, (0 missing) hs.grad < 52.85 to the right, improve=0.4827586, (0 missing) frost < 97.5 to the right, improve=0.4724138, (0 missing) life.exp < 69.395 to the right, improve=0.4413793, (0 missing) area < 37873.5 to the left, improve=0.3793103, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: frost < 100.5 to the right, agree=0.931, adj=0.833, (0 split) hs.grad < 48.3 to the right, agree=0.828, adj=0.583, (0 split) income < 4221 to the right, agree=0.793, adj=0.500, (0 split) region splits as LRLR, agree=0.793, adj=0.500, (0 split) population < 1101 to the left, agree=0.724, adj=0.333, (0 split) Node number 4: 13 observations, complexity param=0.03663929 median= 3.0, LAD=1.0615380 left son=8 (9 obs) right son=9 (4 obs) Primary splits: life.exp < 71.735 to the right, improve=0.3923077, (0 missing) frost < 121 to the right, improve=0.2307692, (0 missing) income < 4224 to the right, improve=0.1923077, (0 missing) area < 55202.5 to the right, improve=0.1615385, (0 missing) population < 746.5 to the left, improve=0.1000000, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: income < 4075 to the right, agree=0.846, adj=0.50, (0 split) frost < 121 to the right, agree=0.769, adj=0.25, (0 split) region splits as LRL-, agree=0.769, adj=0.25, (0 split) Node number 5: 8 observations median= 4.5, LAD=1.3875000 Node number 6: 12 observations, complexity param=0.03916614 median= 7.1, LAD=2.0083330 left son=12 (7 obs) right son=13 (5 obs) Primary splits: income < 4658.5 to the left, improve=0.5166667, (0 missing) hs.grad < 52.85 to the right, improve=0.4333333, (0 missing) area < 50357 to the left, improve=0.3666667, (0 missing) population < 2590 to the left, improve=0.2750000, (0 missing) life.exp < 70.18 to the right, improve=0.2666667, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: life.exp < 70.255 to the right, agree=0.917, adj=0.8, (0 split) illiteracy < 0.85 to the left, agree=0.833, adj=0.6, (0 split) frost < 105.5 to the right, agree=0.750, adj=0.4, (0 split) area < 20405.5 to the right, agree=0.750, adj=0.4, (0 split) region splits as LRLL, agree=0.750, adj=0.4, (0 split) Node number 7: 17 observations, complexity param=0.04548326 median=11.0, LAD=1.4647060 left son=14 (12 obs) right son=15 (5 obs) Primary splits: life.exp < 69.13 to the right, improve=0.42352940, (0 missing) illiteracy < 1.95 to the left, improve=0.32941180, (0 missing) frost < 62.5 to the right, improve=0.24117650, (0 missing) population < 2276.5 to the left, improve=0.19411760, (0 missing) hs.grad < 47.6 to the right, improve=0.09411765, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: illiteracy < 1.95 to the left, agree=0.882, adj=0.6, (0 split) income < 3573 to the right, agree=0.765, adj=0.2, (0 split) hs.grad < 41.45 to the right, agree=0.765, adj=0.2, (0 split) frost < 62.5 to the right, agree=0.765, adj=0.2, (0 split) Node number 8: 9 observations median= 2.4, LAD=0.5111111 Node number 9: 4 observations median= 5.2, LAD=0.8500000 Node number 12: 7 observations median= 6.9, LAD=1.4285710 Node number 13: 5 observations median=10.3, LAD=1.5800000 Node number 14: 12 observations, complexity param=0.01516109 median=10.6, LAD=1.0666670 left son=28 (5 obs) right son=29 (7 obs) Primary splits: population < 2799.5 to the left, improve=0.20000000, (0 missing) income < 3664.5 to the left, improve=0.19166670, (0 missing) area < 40554 to the left, improve=0.13333330, (0 missing) frost < 83.5 to the right, improve=0.11666670, (0 missing) hs.grad < 53.95 to the right, improve=0.08333333, (0 missing) Surrogate splits: income < 3664.5 to the left, agree=0.833, adj=0.6, (0 split) hs.grad < 53.95 to the right, agree=0.833, adj=0.6, (0 split) frost < 97.5 to the right, agree=0.833, adj=0.6, (0 split) region splits as RR-L, agree=0.833, adj=0.6, (0 split) area < 50371.5 to the right, agree=0.750, adj=0.4, (0 split) Node number 15: 5 observations median=13.2, LAD=0.9800000 Node number 28: 5 observations median= 9.7, LAD=1.3800000 Node number 29: 7 observations median=10.9, LAD=0.5000000 n= 50 node), split, n, deviance, yval * denotes terminal node 1) root 50 158.3 6.8 2) life.exp>=70.915 21 33.3 4.2 4) hs.grad< 59.4 13 13.8 3.0 8) life.exp>=71.735 9 4.6 2.4 * 9) life.exp< 71.735 4 3.4 5.2 * 5) hs.grad>=59.4 8 11.1 4.5 * 3) life.exp< 70.915 29 63.7 10.3 6) illiteracy< 1.15 12 24.1 7.1 12) income< 4658.5 7 10.0 6.9 * 13) income>=4658.5 5 7.9 10.3 * 7) illiteracy>=1.15 17 24.9 11.0 14) life.exp>=69.13 12 12.8 10.6 28) population< 2799.5 5 6.9 9.7 * 29) population>=2799.5 7 3.5 10.9 * 15) life.exp< 69.13 5 4.9 13.2 * > plot(fit1); text(fit1) > xerror1 <- colMeans((xpred.rpart(fit1) - mystate$murder)^2) > print(xerror1) 0.69361971 0.18963041 0.07019681 0.04912754 0.04220668 0.03788165 0.02356887 14.0982 10.7026 10.2886 9.5452 9.9272 9.9272 9.9336 0.01231304 8.4284 > > xerror1b <- colMeans > > > # test 2: example from book > #library(MASS) > #fit3 <- rpart(medv ~ ., data = Boston, method = LAD) > #plot(fit3) > #text(fit3) > # unfortunately, it does not reproduce the plot entirely... reasons? > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.43 0.15 0.56