df1 <- unround(c(3.6, "5.20", 5.174)) %>% suppressMessages() test_that("The output is a tibble", { df1 %>% expect_s3_class("tbl_df") }) test_that("It has correct dimensions", { df1 %>% dim() %>% expect_equal(c(3, 7)) }) colnames_expected <- c( "range", "rounding", "lower", "incl_lower", "x", "incl_upper", "upper" ) test_that("It has correct column names", { df1 %>% colnames() %>% expect_setequal(colnames_expected) }) test_that("Its columns have the correct types", { df1[[1]] %>% expect_type("character") df1[[2]] %>% expect_type("character") df1[[3]] %>% expect_type("double") df1[[4]] %>% expect_type("logical") df1[[5]] %>% expect_type("character") df1[[6]] %>% expect_type("logical") df1[[7]] %>% expect_type("double") }) test_that("A non-string `x` specification throws an error (if `digits` is `NULL`; the default)", { unround(4.5) %>% expect_error() }) test_that("The function throws an error if `rounding` is misspecified", { unround("4.50", rounding = "doesn't exist") %>% expect_error() }) df2 <- unround("4.50", digits = 1) df3 <- unround("4.50", digits = 1:5) test_that("", { df2$lower %>% expect_equal(4.45) df2$upper %>% expect_equal(4.55) }) test_that("", { df3$lower %>% expect_equal(c(4.450000, 4.495000, 4.499500, 4.499950, 4.499995)) df3$upper %>% expect_equal(c(4.550000, 4.505000, 4.500500, 4.500050, 4.500005)) }) rbs_up_or_down <- rounding_bounds_scalar("up_or_down", 8.2, 0.05, 0.5) rbs_up <- rounding_bounds_scalar("up" , 8.2, 0.05, 0.5) rbs_down <- rounding_bounds_scalar("down" , 8.2, 0.05, 0.5) rbs_even <- rounding_bounds_scalar("even" , 8.2, 0.05, 0.5) rbs_ceiling <- rounding_bounds_scalar("ceiling" , 8.2, 0.05, 0.5) rbs_floor <- rounding_bounds_scalar("floor" , 8.2, 0.05, 0.5) rbs_trunc <- rounding_bounds_scalar("trunc" , 8.2, 0.05, 0.5) rbs_anti_trunc <- rounding_bounds_scalar("anti_trunc", 8.2, 0.05, 0.05) rbs_error <- rounding_bounds_scalar("doesn't exist", 6, 6, 6) rbs_types_exp <- c("double", "double", "character", "character") test_that("The list returned by `rounding_bounds_scalar()` has correct types", { rbs_up_or_down %>% purrr::map_chr(typeof) %>% expect_equal(rbs_types_exp) rbs_up %>% purrr::map_chr(typeof) %>% expect_equal(rbs_types_exp) rbs_down %>% purrr::map_chr(typeof) %>% expect_equal(rbs_types_exp) rbs_even %>% purrr::map_chr(typeof) %>% expect_equal(rbs_types_exp) rbs_ceiling %>% purrr::map_chr(typeof) %>% expect_equal(rbs_types_exp) rbs_floor %>% purrr::map_chr(typeof) %>% expect_equal(rbs_types_exp) rbs_trunc %>% purrr::map_chr(typeof) %>% expect_equal(rbs_types_exp) rbs_anti_trunc %>% purrr::map_chr(typeof) %>% expect_equal(rbs_types_exp) }) test_that("The list has correct values", { rbs_up_or_down %>% expect_equal(list(8.15, 8.25, "<=", "<=")) rbs_up %>% expect_equal(list(8.15, 8.25, "<=", "<" )) rbs_down %>% expect_equal(list(8.15, 8.25, "<" , "<=")) rbs_even %>% expect_equal(list(7.7 , 8.7 , NA_character_, NA_character_)) rbs_ceiling %>% expect_equal(list(7.2 , 8.2 , "<" , "<=")) rbs_floor %>% expect_equal(list(8.2 , 9.2 , "<=", "<" )) rbs_trunc %>% expect_equal(list(8.2 , 9.2 , "<=", "<" )) rbs_anti_trunc %>% expect_equal(list(8.1 , 8.2 , "<=", "<")) }) test_that("", { rounding_bounds %>% expect_type("closure") }) test_that("Wrong `rounding` specifications return the string (list) that will trigger an error within `unround()", { rbs_error %>% expect_setequal("error_trigger") }) anti_trunc_zero_exp <- tibble::tibble( range = "0 == x(0) == 0", rounding = "anti_trunc", lower = 0, incl_lower = FALSE, x = "0", incl_upper = FALSE, upper = 0, ) test_that("Unrounding zero with \"anti_trunc\" means the original number was zero", { "0" %>% unround(rounding = "anti_trunc") %>% expect_equal(anti_trunc_zero_exp) })