context("match names") hol_ott_id <- 924443 ############################################################################ ## check_args_match_names ## ############################################################################ context("check_args_match_names") if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) { rsp <- tnrs_match_names(names = c("holothuria", "diadema", "fromia")) } test_that( "error generated if object provided isn't created by tnrs_match_names", expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(letters), "was not created using" ) ) test_that("error generated if no argument is provided", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp), "You must specify" ) }) test_that("error generated if row_number and taxon_name are provided", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, row_number = 1, taxon_name = "holothuria" ), "must use only one of " ) }) test_that("error generated if row_number and ott_id are provided", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, row_number = 1, ott_id = hol_ott_id ), "must use only one of" ) }) test_that("error generated if ott_id and taxon_name are provided", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, taxon_name = "holothuria", ott_id = hol_ott_id ), "must use only one of" ) }) test_that("error generated if row_number is not numeric", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, row_number = TRUE), "must be a numeric" ) }) test_that("error generated if ott_id is not numeric", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, ott_id = TRUE), "must look like a number" ) }) test_that("error generated if taxon_name is not character", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, taxon_name = TRUE), "must be a character" ) }) test_that("error generated if row_number if not one of the row", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, row_number = 10), "is not a valid row number" ) expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, row_number = 1.5), "is not a valid row number" ) expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, row_number = 0), "is not a valid row number" ) }) test_that("error generated if invalid taxon_name", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, taxon_name = "echinodermata"), "Can't find" ) expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, taxon_name = NA_character_), "Can't find" ) }) test_that("error generated if invalid ott id", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, ott_id = 66666), "Can't find" ) }) test_that("error generated if more than 1 value for row_number is provided", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, row_number = c(1, 2, 3)), "You must supply a single element" ) }) test_that("error generated if more than 1 value for taxon_name is provided", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, taxon_name = c("holothuria", "diadema")), "You must supply a single element" ) }) test_that("error generated if more than 1 value for ott_id is provided", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( rotl:::check_args_match_names(rsp, ott_id = c(5004030, 4930522, 240396)), "only 1 element should be provided" ) }) ############################################################################ ## inspect.match_names ## ############################################################################ context("inspect.match_names") if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) { rsp <- tnrs_match_names(names = c("holothuria", "diadema", "fromia")) expect_warning(rsp_na <- tnrs_match_names(names = c( "diadema", "fluffy", "hemichordata", "escherichia" ))) diadema_ids <- c(4930522, 631176, 643831, 6356093, 4024672) } test_that("correct data is being returned when asked to lookup by taxon name", { skip_on_cran() tt <- inspect(rsp, taxon_name = "diadema")[["ott_id"]] expect_true(all(tt %in% diadema_ids)) }) test_that("correct data is being returned when asked to lookup by ott_id", { skip_on_cran() tt <- inspect(rsp, ott_id = ott_id(rsp)[2])[["ott_id"]] expect_true(all(tt %in% diadema_ids)) }) test_that("correct data is being returned when asked to lookup by row number", { skip_on_cran() tt <- inspect(rsp, row_number = 2)[["ott_id"]] expect_true(all(tt %in% diadema_ids)) }) ## with missing data test_that("correct data is being returned when asked to lookup by taxon name (with missing data)", { skip_on_cran() tt <- inspect(rsp_na, taxon_name = "diadema")[["ott_id"]] expect_true(all(tt %in% diadema_ids)) expect_true(, taxon_name = "fluffy")[["ott_id"]])) }) test_that("correct data is being returned when asked to lookup by ott_id (with missing data)", { skip_on_cran() tt <- inspect(rsp_na, ott_id = ott_id(rsp)[2])[["ott_id"]] expect_true(all(tt %in% diadema_ids)) }) test_that("correct data is being returned when asked to lookup by row number (with missing data)", { skip_on_cran() tt <- inspect(rsp_na, row_number = 1)[["ott_id"]] expect_true(all(tt %in% diadema_ids)) expect_true(, row_number = 2)[["ott_id"]])) }) ############################################################################ ## synonyms.match_names ## ############################################################################ context("list_synonym_match_names") if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) { tax_rsp <- c("Holothuria", "Diadema", "Fromia") rsp <- tnrs_match_names(names = tax_rsp) tax_rsp_na <- c("Holothuria", "Diadema", "fluffy", "Fromia") expect_warning(rsp_na <- tnrs_match_names(names = tax_rsp_na)) } test_that("synonyms", { skip_on_cran() tt <- synonyms(rsp) expect_true(inherits(tt, "list")) expect_equal( names(tt), c("Holothuria", "Diadema", "Fromia") ) }) test_that("correct synonyms are being returned when asked to look up by taxon name", { skip_on_cran() tt <- synonyms(rsp, taxon_name = "holothuria") expect_true(any(grepl("^Holothuria", names(tt)))) }) test_that("holothuria is present in each element of the list", { skip_on_cran() tt <- synonyms(rsp, taxon_name = "holothuria") expect_true(all(sapply(tt, function(x) any(grepl("holothuria", x, = TRUE))))) expect_true(any(grepl("Halodeima", tt[["Holothuria"]]))) }) test_that("correct synonyms are being returned when asked to look up by row number", { skip_on_cran() tt <- synonyms(rsp, row_number = 1) expect_true(any(grepl("^Holothuria", names(tt)))) expect_true(any(grepl("Halodeima", tt[["Holothuria"]]))) }) test_that("correct synonyms are being returned when asked to look up by ott id", { skip_on_cran() tt <- synonyms(rsp, ott_id = 924443) expect_true(any(grepl("^Holothuria", names(tt)))) expect_true(any(grepl("Halodeima", tt[["Holothuria"]]))) }) ## with missing data test_that("synonyms", { skip_on_cran() tt <- synonyms(rsp_na) expect_true(inherits(tt, "list")) expect_equal( names(tt), c("Holothuria", "Diadema", "Fromia") ) }) test_that("correct synonyms are being returned when asked to look up by taxon name", { skip_on_cran() tt <- synonyms(rsp_na, taxon_name = "holothuria") expect_true(any(grepl("^Holothuria", names(tt)))) expect_true(, taxon_name = "fluffy")[[1]])) }) test_that("correct synonyms are being returned when asked to look up by row number", { skip_on_cran() tt <- synonyms(rsp_na, row_number = 1) expect_true(any(grepl("^Holothuria", names(tt)))) expect_true(any(grepl("Halodeima", tt[["Holothuria"]]))) expect_true(, row_number = 3)[[1]])) }) test_that("correct synonyms are being returned when asked to look up by ott id", { skip_on_cran() tt <- synonyms(rsp_na, ott_id = 924443) expect_true(any(grepl("^Holothuria", names(tt)))) expect_true(any(grepl("Halodeima", tt[["Holothuria"]]))) }) ############################################################################ ## update.match_names ## ############################################################################ context("update.match_names") if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) { rsp <- tnrs_match_names(names = c("holothuria", "diadema", "fromia")) } test_that("error message if missing both new arguments", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( update(rsp, row_number = 1), "You must specify either" ) }) test_that("error message if both new arguments are provided", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( update(rsp, row_number = 1, new_row_number = 1, new_ott_id = 6666 ), "You must use only" ) }) test_that("error message if wrong new row number provided", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( update(rsp, row_number = 1, new_row_number = 10 ), "is not a valid row number" ) expect_error( update(rsp, row_number = 1, new_row_number = 1.5 ), "is not a valid row number" ) }) test_that("error message if wrong new ott id provided", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( update(rsp, row_number = 1, new_ott_id = 66666 ), "Can't find" ) }) test_that("it works correctly when providing a new row number", { skip_on_cran() new_rsp <- update( rsp, row_number = 2, new_row_number = 2 ) expect_equal( new_rsp[new_rsp$search_string == "diadema", "ott_id"], 4024672 ) }) test_that("it works correctly when providing a new ott id", { skip_on_cran() new_rsp <- update(rsp, row_number = 2, new_ott_id = 631176 ) expect_equal( new_rsp[new_rsp$search_string == "diadema", "ott_id"], 631176L ) }) test_that("it produces warning when trying to update with unmatched name", { skip_on_cran() expect_warning(new_rsp <- update(rsp_na, row_number = 3, new_row_number = 1)) expect_identical(new_rsp, rsp_na) }) ############################################################################ ## flags method ## ############################################################################ context("flags method for class match_names") if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) { tax_rsp <- c( "Tyrannosaurus", "Helicoplacus", "Ctenocystis", "Holothuria", "Echinoidea" ) rsp <- tnrs_match_names(tax_rsp) } test_that("flags with no arguments", { skip_on_cran() flags_rsp <- flags(rsp) expect_equal(length(flags_rsp), 5) expect_equivalent( sapply(flags_rsp, length), c(2, 3, 3, 0, 0) ) }) test_that("flags with row number", { skip_on_cran() flags_rsp <- flags(rsp, 1) expect_true(inherits(flags_rsp, "list")) expect_equal(length(flags_rsp), 1) expect_equal(length(flags_rsp[[1]]), 2) expect_true(inherits(flags_rsp[[1]], "character")) expect_equal(names(flags_rsp), tax_rsp[1]) }) test_that("flags with taxon name", { skip_on_cran() flags_rsp <- flags(rsp, taxon_name = "Tyrannosaurus") expect_true(inherits(flags_rsp, "list")) expect_equal(length(flags_rsp), 1) expect_equal(length(flags_rsp[[1]]), 2) expect_true(inherits(flags_rsp[[1]], "character")) expect_equal(names(flags_rsp), tax_rsp[1]) }) test_that("flags with ott id", { skip_on_cran() flags_rsp <- flags(rsp, ott_id = 664348) expect_true(inherits(flags_rsp, "list")) expect_equal(length(flags_rsp), 1) expect_equal(length(flags_rsp[[1]]), 2) expect_true(inherits(flags_rsp[[1]], "character")) expect_equal(names(flags_rsp), tax_rsp[1]) }) ############################################################################ ## ott_id method ## ############################################################################ context("ott_id method for class match_names") if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) { tax_rsp <- c( "Tyrannosaurus", "Helicoplacus", "Ctenocystis", "Holothuria", "Echinoidea" ) rsp <- tnrs_match_names(tax_rsp) } test_that("ott_id with no arguments", { skip_on_cran() expect_true(inherits(ott_id(rsp), "list")) expect_true(inherits(ott_id(rsp), "otl_ott_id")) expect_equal(names(ott_id(rsp)), tax_rsp) expect_equal(ott_id(rsp)[["Holothuria"]][[1]], hol_ott_id) }) test_that("ott_id with row number", { skip_on_cran() expect_equal(length(ott_id(rsp, 4)), 1) expect_true(inherits(ott_id(rsp, 4), "list")) expect_equivalent(ott_id(rsp, 4)[[1]], hol_ott_id) }) test_that("ott_id with taxon name", { skip_on_cran() expect_equal(length(ott_id(rsp, taxon_name = "Holothuria")), 1) expect_true(inherits(ott_id(rsp, taxon_name = "Holothuria"), "list")) expect_equivalent(ott_id(rsp, taxon_name = "Holothuria")[[1]], hol_ott_id) }) test_that("ott_id with ott id", { skip_on_cran() expect_equal(length(ott_id(rsp, ott_id = hol_ott_id)), 1) expect_true(inherits(ott_id(rsp, ott_id = hol_ott_id), "list")) expect_equivalent(ott_id(rsp, ott_id = hol_ott_id)[[1]], hol_ott_id) })