test_that("rollup works", { result <- rollup( wbs_tree, wbs_table, update = function(d, p, c) { if (length(c) > 0) d[d$id == p, c("work", "budget")] <- apply(d[is.element(d$id, c), c("work", "budget")], 2, sum) d }, validate_ds = function(tree, ds) TRUE ) expect_equal(result, wbs_table_rollup) }) test_that("update_rollup() works", { input <- wbs_table_rollup input[input$id == "3.2", "budget"] <- 22000 input[input$id == "2.2", "work"] <- NA result <- update_rollup( wbs_tree, input, igraph::V(wbs_tree)["3.2"], update = function(d, p, c) { if (length(c) > 0) d[d$id == p, c("work", "budget")] <- apply(d[is.element(d$id, c), c("work", "budget")], 2, sum) d } ) expect_equal(result[result$id == "top", "budget"], 216000) expect_equal(result[result$id == "top", "work"], 100) }) test_that("update_rollup() on non-leaf fails", { expect_error( update_rollup( wbs_tree, wbs_table, igraph::V(wbs_tree)["3"], update = function(d, p, c) { if (length(c) > 0) d[d$id == p, c("work", "budget")] <- apply(d[is.element(d$id, c), c("work", "budget")], 2, sum) d } ), "update_rollup on non-leaf" ) }) test_that("validate_ds() detects mismatched ids", { bad_graph <- wbs_tree |> igraph::add_vertices(1, name = c("bad")) expect_error(validate_ds(bad_graph, wbs_table, function(d) d$id, function(d, l) d[d$id == l, "work"]), "mismatched ids") }) test_that("validate_ds() detects invalid leaf property values", { bad_table <- wbs_table bad_table[bad_table$id == "3.2", "work"] <- "bad" expect_error(validate_ds(wbs_tree, bad_table, function(d) d$id, function(d, l) d[d$id == l, "work"]), "leaf with invalid value") }) test_that("default_validate_tree() finds the root of a valid tree", { expect_equal(names(default_validate_tree(wbs_tree)), "top") }) test_that("default_validate_tree() rejects a cyclic graph (1)", { bad_graph <- wbs_tree |> igraph::add_edges(c("top", "1.2")) expect_error(default_validate_tree(bad_graph), "graph is cyclic") }) test_that("default_validate_tree() rejects a cyclic graph (2)", { bad_graph <- wbs_tree |> igraph::add_edges(c("1", "1.2")) expect_error(default_validate_tree(bad_graph), "graph is cyclic") }) test_that("default_validate_tree() rejects a graph with loops", { bad_graph <- wbs_tree |> igraph::add_edges(c("top", "top")) expect_error(default_validate_tree(bad_graph), "graph is cyclic") }) test_that("default_validate_tree() rejects a graph with multiple edges", { bad_graph <- wbs_tree |> igraph::add_edges(c("1", "top")) expect_error(default_validate_tree(bad_graph), "graph contains multiple edges") }) test_that("default_validate_tree() rejects a disconnected graph", { bad_graph <- wbs_tree |> igraph::delete_edges(c("1|top")) expect_error(default_validate_tree(bad_graph), "graph is disconnected") }) test_that("default_validate_tree() rejects an undirected graph", { bad_graph <- igraph::as_undirected(wbs_tree) expect_error(default_validate_tree(bad_graph), "graph is undirected") }) test_that("default_validate_tree() rejects a graph with multiple roots", { bad_graph <- wbs_tree |> igraph::add_vertices(1, name = ("bad")) |> igraph::add_edges(c("1", "bad")) expect_error(default_validate_tree(bad_graph), "graph contains multiple roots") }) test_that("tree_from_table() works", { tree1 <- create_rollup_tree( get_keys = function() wbs_table$id, get_parent_key_by_child_key = function(key) wbs_table[wbs_table$id == key, "pid"] ) expect_true(igraph::is_isomorphic_to(wbs_tree, tree1)) tree2 <- create_rollup_tree( get_keys = function() df_get_keys(wbs_table, "id"), get_parent_key_by_child_key = function(key) df_get_by_key(wbs_table, "id", key, "pid") ) expect_true(igraph::is_isomorphic_to(wbs_tree, tree2)) tree3 <- create_rollup_tree( get_keys = function() df_get_ids(wbs_table), get_parent_key_by_child_key = function(key) df_get_by_id(wbs_table, key, "pid") ) expect_true(igraph::is_isomorphic_to(wbs_tree, tree3)) })