context("RollingLDA") data("economy_texts") data("economy_dates") roll_proto = RollingLDA(economy_texts, economy_dates, "quarter", "6 month", init = 20, K = 5, n = 10) roll_lda = RollingLDA(economy_texts, economy_dates, "quarter", "6 month", init = 20, K = 5, type = "lda") roll_proto2 = RollingLDA(economy_texts, economy_dates, "quarter", "6 month", init = 100, K = 10, alpha = 1, eta = 1, num.iterations = 20, n = 10, id = "myid", seeds = 1:10) roll_lda2 = RollingLDA(economy_texts, economy_dates, "quarter", "6 month", init = 100, K = 10, alpha = 1, eta = 1, num.iterations = 20, id = "myid", type = "lda") docs = getDocs(roll_proto2, names = getNames(roll_proto2)[1:getChunks(roll_proto2)$n[1]]) vocab = getVocab(roll_proto2)[1:getChunks(roll_proto2)$n.vocab[1]] dates = getDates(roll_proto2)[1:getChunks(roll_proto2)$n[1]] proto2 = LDAPrototype(docs, vocab, n = 10, seeds = 1:10, K = 10, alpha = 1, eta = 1, num.iterations = 20) init_proto = as.RollingLDA(lda = getLDA(proto2), dates = dates, docs = docs, id = "myid") seed = Sys.time() set.seed(seed) init_proto_updated1 = RollingLDA(init_proto, economy_texts[!names(economy_texts) %in% names(docs)], economy_dates[!names(economy_dates) %in% names(docs)], "quarter", "6 month") set.seed(seed) init_proto_updated2 = updateRollingLDA(init_proto, economy_texts[!names(economy_texts) %in% names(docs)], economy_dates[!names(economy_dates) %in% names(docs)], "quarter", "6 month") init_proto_updated3 = updateRollingLDA(init_proto, economy_texts[!names(economy_texts) %in% names(docs)], economy_dates[!names(economy_dates) %in% names(docs)], "quarter", "6 month") test_that("is.RollingLDA", { expect_true(is.RollingLDA(roll_lda)) expect_true(is.RollingLDA(roll_lda, verbose = TRUE)) expect_message(is.RollingLDA(roll_lda, verbose = TRUE), "id") expect_message(is.RollingLDA(roll_lda, verbose = TRUE), "lda") expect_message(is.RollingLDA(roll_lda, verbose = TRUE), "docs") expect_message(is.RollingLDA(roll_lda, verbose = TRUE), "dates") expect_message(is.RollingLDA(roll_lda, verbose = TRUE), "vocab") expect_message(is.RollingLDA(roll_lda, verbose = TRUE), "chunks") expect_message(is.RollingLDA(roll_lda, verbose = TRUE), "param") tmp = roll_lda ind = sample(getChunks(tmp)$, 1) tmp$chunks$n[ind+1] = tmp$chunks$n[ind+1] + 1L expect_false(is.RollingLDA(tmp)) expect_false(is.RollingLDA(tmp, verbose = TRUE)) expect_message(is.RollingLDA(tmp, verbose = TRUE), "sum of \"n\" does not match number of texts") expect_true(is.RollingLDA(roll_proto)) expect_true(is.RollingLDA(roll_lda2)) expect_true(is.RollingLDA(roll_proto2)) expect_true(is.RollingLDA(init_proto)) expect_true(is.RollingLDA(init_proto_updated1)) expect_true(is.RollingLDA(init_proto_updated2)) expect_true(is.RollingLDA(init_proto_updated3)) # no docs left after preproc expect_error(RollingLDA(economy_texts, economy_dates, "quarter", "6 month", init = 20, K = 5, doc.abs = 600, type = "lda"), "after preprocessing there are no texts left for the initial model") expect_error(RollingLDA(economy_texts, economy_dates, "quarter", "6 month", init = 20, K = 5, doc.abs = 60, type = "lda"), "after preprocessing there is only one text left for the initial model") expect_error(RollingLDA(economy_texts, economy_dates, "quarter", "6 month", init = 20, K = 5, vocab.abs = 40, type = "lda"), "Assertion on 'vocab' failed") expect_error(RollingLDA(economy_texts, economy_dates, "quarter", "6 month", init = 20, K = 5, vocab.abs = 41, type = "lda"), "after preprocessing there are no texts left for the initial model") }) test_that("is.LDA", { expect_true(is.LDA(getLDA(roll_lda))) expect_true(is.LDA(getLDA(roll_lda), verbose = TRUE)) expect_true(is.LDA(getLDA(roll_proto))) expect_true(is.LDA(getLDA(roll_lda2))) expect_true(is.LDA(getLDA(roll_proto2))) expect_true(is.LDA(getLDA(init_proto))) expect_true(is.LDA(getLDA(init_proto_updated1))) expect_true(is.LDA(getLDA(init_proto_updated2))) expect_true(is.LDA(getLDA(init_proto_updated3))) }) test_that("chunks: match statistics with expactations", { expect_equal(getChunks(roll_lda), data.table( = 0:8L, = as.Date(c("2007-01-01", "2007-01-21", "2007-04-20", "2007-07-20", "2007-10-20", "2008-01-21", "2008-04-23", "2008-07-21", "2008-10-20")), = as.Date(c("2007-01-19", "2007-04-18", "2007-07-19", "2007-10-17", "2008-01-19", "2008-04-17", "2008-07-17", "2008-10-18", "2008-12-29")), memory = as.Date(c(NA, "2006-07-20", "2006-10-20", "2007-01-20", "2007-04-20", "2007-07-20", "2007-10-20", "2008-01-20", "2008-04-20")), n = as.integer(c(21, 84, 92, 85, 65, 67, 65, 60, 33)), n.discarded = as.integer(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0)), n.memory = as.integer(c(NA, 21, 105, 176, 177, 150, 132, 132, 125)), n.vocab = as.integer(c(55, 547, 841, 1038, 1160, 1261, 1323, 1486, 1503)), key = colnames(getChunks(roll_lda)))) expect_equal(getChunks(roll_lda)[, 1:2], data.table( = 0:8L, = as.Date(c("2007-01-01", "2007-01-21", "2007-04-20", "2007-07-20", "2007-10-20", "2008-01-21", "2008-04-23", "2008-07-21", "2008-10-20")), key = c("", ""))) }) test_that("types: lda, ldaprototype", { # roll_proto and roll_lda should only differ in lda (assignments ...) and id expect_identical( roll_proto[!names(roll_proto) %in% c("id", "lda")], roll_lda[!names(roll_lda) %in% c("id", "lda")]) # roll_proto2 and roll_lda2 should only differ in lda (assignments ...) expect_identical( roll_proto2[names(roll_proto2) != "lda"], roll_lda2[names(roll_lda2) != "lda"]) }) test_that("unnamed dates", { seed = Sys.time() set.seed(seed) model1 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[1:200], unname(economy_dates[1:200]), "quarter", "6 month", init = 20, K = 5, type = "lda") set.seed(seed) model2 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[1:200], economy_dates[1:200], "quarter", "6 month", init = 20, K = 5, type = "lda") expect_identical(model1, model2) # keep in mind: dates must not be sorted, but are considered to be in the same # order as texts set.seed(seed) model2 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[1:200], sort(unname(economy_dates[1:200])), "quarter", "6 month", init = 20, K = 5, type = "lda") expect_error(expect_identical(model1, model2)) }) test_that("init: date, ineger, character(date)", { chunk = unname(sort(economy_dates)[sample(180:220, 1)]) init = unname(sort(economy_dates)[sample(80:120, 1)]) mid = unname(sort(economy_dates)[sample(145:155, 1)]) seed = Sys.time() # chunks as character identical to Date set.seed(seed) model1 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = init, memory = 20, K = 5, type = "lda") set.seed(seed) model2 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = as.character(init), memory = 20, K = 5, type = "lda") expect_identical(model1, model2) set.seed(seed) model1 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = c(init, mid), memory = 20, K = 5, type = "lda", vocab.abs = 0) set.seed(seed) model2 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates < mid], economy_dates[economy_dates < mid], chunks = init, memory = 20, K = 5, type = "lda", vocab.abs = 0) model2 = RollingLDA(model2, economy_texts[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], memory = 20) expect_identical(getChunks(model1), getChunks(model2)) expect_setequal(getVocab(model1), getVocab(model2)) expect_mapequal(getDates(model1), getDates(model2)) # needed if chunks character expect_error(RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates < mid], economy_dates[economy_dates < mid], chunks = "month", memory = 20, K = 5, type = "lda", vocab.abs = 0), "\"init\"") # not used if chunks dates set.seed(seed) model1 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates < mid], economy_dates[economy_dates < mid], chunks = init, memory = 20, K = 5, type = "lda", init = -12) set.seed(seed) model2 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates < mid], economy_dates[economy_dates < mid], chunks = init, memory = 20, K = 5, type = "lda", init = 0) set.seed(seed) model3 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates < mid], economy_dates[economy_dates < mid], chunks = init, memory = 20, K = 5, type = "lda", init = "999") expect_identical(model1, model2) expect_identical(model1, model3) # error: init smaller than minimum of dates expect_error(RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = min(economy_dates), memory = min(economy_dates) - 1, K = 5, type = "lda"), "lowest date") }) test_that("memory: character, date, integer, character(date)", { chunk = unname(sort(economy_dates)[sample(180:220, 1)]) init = unname(sort(economy_dates)[sample(80:120, 1)]) mid = unname(sort(economy_dates)[sample(145:155, 1)]) seed = Sys.time() # month = 1 month set.seed(seed) model1 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates < mid], economy_dates[economy_dates < mid], chunks = init, memory = "month", K = 5, type = "lda") set.seed(seed) model2 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates < mid], economy_dates[economy_dates < mid], chunks = init, memory = "1 month", K = 5, type = "lda") set.seed(seed) # tolower works model3 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates < mid], economy_dates[economy_dates < mid], chunks = init, memory = "1 mOnTh", K = 5, type = "lda") set.seed(seed) # date(s) = character dates memory1 = seq.Date(from = init, by = "-1 month", length.out = 2)[2] model4 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates < mid], economy_dates[economy_dates < mid], chunks = init, memory = memory1, K = 5, type = "lda") set.seed(seed) # character-date model5 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates < mid], economy_dates[economy_dates < mid], chunks = init, memory = as.character(memory1), K = 5, type = "lda") expect_identical(model1, model2) expect_identical(model1, model3) expect_identical(model1, model4) expect_identical(model1, model5) seed = Sys.time() set.seed(seed) model1 = updateRollingLDA(model1, economy_texts[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], memory = "month") set.seed(seed) model2 = updateRollingLDA(model2, economy_texts[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], memory = "1 month") expect_identical(model1, model2) # memory unsorted expect_error(RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = c(init, mid), memory = c(memory1, memory1-1), K = 5, type = "lda"), "\"memory\" must be sorted") # memory > chunks expect_error(RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = c(init, mid), memory = c(memory1, mid+1), K = 5, type = "lda"), "\"memory\" must not be greater than the pendant in \"chunks\"") # memory rep is ok model1 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = c(init, mid), memory = c(memory1, memory1), K = 5, type = "lda") # memory empty -> warning expect_warning(RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = c(init, mid), memory = c(memory1, mid), K = 5, type = "lda"), "there are no texts as memory for this chunk - skip chunk") # memory.fallback -> warning expect_warning(RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = c(init, mid), memory = c(memory1, mid), K = 5, type = "lda", memory.fallback = 5), "there are no texts as memory for this chunk - using \"memory.fallback\"") # 1month -> error expect_error(RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = init, memory = "1month", K = 5, type = "lda")) # memory vector expect_error(RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = c(init, mid), memory = c(memory1, "12"), K = 5, type = "lda")) ## updateRollingLDA ## # not RollingLDA object expect_error(updateRollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = range(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk]), memory = 4), "not a RollingLDA object") # memory missing expect_error(updateRollingLDA(model3, economy_texts[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = range(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk]))) # should be fine: seed = Sys.time() set.seed(seed) model4 = updateRollingLDA(model3, economy_texts[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = range(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk]), memory = 4) set.seed(seed) model5 = updateRollingLDA(model3, economy_texts[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], unname(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk]), chunks = range(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk]), memory = 4) expect_identical(model4, model5) # should be fine: model4 = updateRollingLDA(model3, economy_texts[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = as.character(range(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk])), memory = range(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk])-10) # memory unsorted expect_error(updateRollingLDA(model3, economy_texts[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = range(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk]), memory = c(min(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk]), min(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk])-1)), "\"memory\" must be sorted") # memory > chunks expect_error(updateRollingLDA(model3, economy_texts[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = range(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk]), memory = range(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk])+1), "\"memory\" must not be greater than the pendant in \"chunks\"") # chunks unsorted expect_error(updateRollingLDA(model3, economy_texts[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = rev(range(economy_dates[economy_dates >= mid & economy_dates <= chunk])), memory = 4), "\"chunks\" must be sorted") }) test_that("chunks: character, date, character(date)", { # TODO chunk = unname(sort(economy_dates)[sample(180:220, 1)]) init = unname(sort(economy_dates)[sample(80:120, 1)]) memory1 = seq.Date(from = init, by = "-1 month", length.out = 2)[2] seed = Sys.time() # chunks as character identical to Date set.seed(seed) model1 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = init, memory = 20, K = 5, type = "lda") set.seed(seed) model2 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = as.character(init), memory = 20, K = 5, type = "lda") expect_identical(model1, model2) # date(s) # character chunks = date(s) chunks = seq.Date(init+1, max(economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk]), "quarter") set.seed(seed) model1 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = chunks, memory = 10, init = init, K = 5, type = "lda") set.seed(seed) model2 = RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = "quarter", memory = 10, init = init, K = 5, type = "lda") expect_identical(model1, model2) # chunks unsorted expect_error(RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = c(init, init-1), memory = c(memory1, memory1), K = 5, type = "lda"), "\"chunks\" must be sorted") # chunks rep -> empty chunk -> warning expect_warning(RollingLDA(economy_texts[economy_dates <= chunk], economy_dates[economy_dates <= chunk], chunks = c(init, init), memory = c(memory1, memory1), K = 5, type = "lda"), "there are no texts in this chunk - skip chunk") }) test_that("staged setting: updateRollingLDA", { # init_proto_updated1 and 2 are identical, but 3 is different (different seed)! expect_identical(init_proto_updated1, init_proto_updated2) expect_error(expect_identical(init_proto_updated1, init_proto_updated3)) # roll_proto2 and init_proto_updated1 should only differ in lda and # first element of n.discarded in chunks table expect_identical( roll_proto2[!names(roll_proto2) %in% c("lda", "chunks")], init_proto_updated1[!names(init_proto_updated1) %in% c("lda", "chunks")]) # initialized RollingLDA with unknown discarded texts in chunk 0 expect_equal( getChunks(init_proto_updated1)$n.discarded[1], NA_integer_) # rest of chunks should be equal expect_identical( getChunks(roll_proto2)[-1,], getChunks(init_proto_updated1)[-1,]) }) test_that("Parameter RollingLDA match", { expect_identical(getParam(roll_proto), getParam(roll_lda)) expect_identical(getParam(roll_proto2), getParam(roll_lda)) expect_identical(getParam(roll_lda2), getParam(roll_lda)) expect_identical(getParam(init_proto_updated1), getParam(roll_lda)) expect_identical(rollinglda:::.defaultParam(), getParam(roll_lda)) }) test_that("Parameter LDA match", { expect_identical(getParam(getLDA(roll_proto)), getParam(getLDA(roll_lda))) expect_equal(getK(getLDA(roll_proto)), 5) expect_equal(getAlpha(getLDA(roll_proto)), 1/5) expect_equal(getEta(getLDA(roll_proto)), 1/5) expect_equal(getNum.iterations(getLDA(roll_proto)), 200) expect_equal(getK(getLDA(roll_proto2)), 10) expect_equal(getAlpha(getLDA(roll_proto2)), 1) expect_equal(getEta(getLDA(roll_proto2)), 1) expect_equal(getNum.iterations(getLDA(roll_proto2)), 20) expect_identical(getParam(getLDA(roll_proto2)), getParam(getLDA(roll_lda2))) expect_identical(getParam(getLDA(roll_proto2)), getParam(getLDA(roll_lda2))) }) test_that("print.RollingLDA", { # prints not equal expect_error(expect_output(print(roll_lda), capture.output(print(roll_lda2)))) # RollingLDA Object expect_output(print(roll_lda), "RollingLDA Object") expect_output(print(roll_lda2), "RollingLDA Object") # LDA print is part of RollingLDA print for(i in capture.output(print(getLDA(roll_lda)))[1:5]){ expect_output(print(roll_lda), i, fixed = TRUE) } for(i in capture.output(print(getLDA(roll_lda2)))[1:5]){ expect_output(print(roll_lda2), i, fixed = TRUE) } })