library(robustbase) ## instead of relying on system.file("test-tools-1.R", package="Matrix"): source(system.file("xtraR/test-tools.R", package = "robustbase")) # assert.EQ() etc #### Poisson examples from Eva Cantoni's paper ### Using Possum Data ### ================ data(possumDiv) ## Try to follow closely Cantoni & Ronchetti(2001), JASA dim(X <- possum.mat[, -1]) # 151 13 str(y <- possum.mat[, "Diversity"]) ##--- reduce the matrix from singularity ourselves: X. <- possum.mat[, -c(1, match(c("E.nitens", "NW-NE"), colnames(possum.mat)))] dim(X.)# 151 11 ## "classical via robust: c = Inf : Inf. <- 1e5 ## --- FIXME ## The following used to fail because returns NA coefficients ## now fine .. keep this as test! <- glmrob(y ~ X, family = "poisson", tcc = Inf.) (scr <- summary( scl <- summary( <- glm (Diversity ~ . , data=possumDiv, family=poisson)) sc2 <- summary(glm.c2 <- glmrob(Diversity ~ . , data=possumDiv, family=poisson, tcc = Inf.)) MMg <- model.matrix( assert.EQ(coef(scl), coef(sc2), tol = 6e-6, giveRE=TRUE) # 1.37e-6 dnms <- list(colnames(MMg), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")) <- array(c(-0.9469439, 0.01192096, -0.2724059, 0.04022862, 0.03988606, 0.07173483, 0.01763833, -0.01534376, 0.1149216, 0.06675529, 0.1169463, -0.4889071, ## SE 0.2655031, 0.02194661, 0.2859216, 0.01120463, 0.01438884, 0.03814053, 0.01059779, 0.1916126, 0.2724202, 0.1901612, 0.1902903, 0.2474653, ## z val -3.566603, 0.5431798, -0.9527294, 3.590356, 2.772014, 1.880803, 1.664341, -0.08007701, 0.421854, 0.3510457, 0.6145675, -1.975659, ## P val 0.0003616393, 0.587006, 0.3407272, 0.0003302263, 0.00557107, 0.05999869, 0.09604432, 0.936176, 0.6731316, 0.7255541, 0.5388404, 0.04819339), dim = c(12L, 4L), dimnames = dnms) assert.EQ(, coef(sc2), tol = 4e-7, giveRE=TRUE) # 8.48e-8 ## c = 2.0 summary(g2 <- glmrob(Diversity ~ . , data=possumDiv, family=poisson, tcc = 2.0, trace=TRUE)) ## c = 1.6 glm.r <- glmrob(Diversity ~ . , data=possumDiv, family=poisson, tcc = 1.6, trace=TRUE) (s.16 <- summary(glm.r)) str(glm.r) ## Now with *smaller* X (two variables less): glm.c2 <- glmrob(y ~ X., family = "poisson", tcc = Inf.) summary(glm.c2) ## c = 1.6, x-weights, as in Cantoni-Ronchetti glm.r2 <- glmrob(y ~ X., family = "poisson", tcc = 1.6, weights.on.x = "hat") ## Now the same, for the direct possum data (no matrix), ## This indeed gives the same coefficients as in ## Table 3 of Cantoni+Ronchetti(2001): .. (tech.rep.): glm.r2. <- glmrob(Diversity ~ ., family = "poisson", data=possumDiv, tcc = 1.6, weights.on.x = "hat", acc = 1e-15) ## here iterate till convergence (acc = 10^(-15)) (sglm.r2 <- summary(glm.r2.)) ## This is too accurate for S.E. (but we have converged to end) cf2 <- matrix(c(-0.898213938628341, 0.269306882951903, 0.00717220104127189, 0.0224349606070713, -0.25335520175528, 0.288588183720387, 0.0403970350911325, 0.0113429514237665, 0.0411096703375411, 0.0145996036305452, 0.0730250489306713, 0.0386771060643486, 0.0176994176433365, 0.0107414247342375, -0.0289935051669504,0.194215229266707, 0.149521144883774, 0.271648514202971, 0.0503262879663932, 0.191675979065398, 0.0909870068741749, 0.192192515800464, -0.512247626309172, 0.250763990619973), 12,2, byrow=TRUE) assert.EQ(cf2, unname(coef(sglm.r2)[, 1:2]), tol = 1e-9, giveRE=TRUE)#-> show : ~ 1.46e-11 stopifnot(abs(glm.r2.$iter - 18) <= 1) # 18 iterations on 32-bit (2008) ## MT estimator -- "quick" examples if(!robustbase:::doExtras()) { cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # for ``statistical reasons'' quit() } ## if ( doExtras ) ----------------------------------------------------- X1 <- cbind(1, X.) if(FALSE) ## for debugging ... options(warn = 1, error=recover) options(nwarnings = 1000) # def. 50 RNGversion("3.5.0") ## [TODO: adapt to "current" RNG settings] set.seed(57) showSys.time( ## m1 <- glmrobMT(x=X1, y=y) m1 <- glmrob(Diversity ~ ., data=possumDiv, family=poisson, method="MT") ) summary(warnings()) stopifnot(m1$converged) assert.EQ(m1$initial, c(-0.851594294907422, -0.0107066895370536, -0.226958540075445, 0.0355906625338308, 0.048010654640958, 0.0847493155436896, 0.0133604488401352, -0.024115201062159, 0.0270535337324518, 0.146022135657894, -0.00751380783260833, -0.417638086169033) , tol = 1e-13, check.attributes=FALSE, giveRE=TRUE) ## MM: I'm shocked how much this changes after every tweak ... (arch <-[["machine"]]) .M <- .Machine; str(.M[grep("^sizeof", names(.M))]) ## differentiate long-double.. if(arch == "x86_64") { if(.M$sizeof.longdouble != 16) arch <- paste0(arch, "--no-long-double") else if(osVersion == "Fedora 30 (Thirty)") arch <- paste0(arch, "_F30") } dput(signif(unname(coef(m1)), 11)) ## --> ## Something strange going on: R CMD check is different from interactive R, here. ## ???? [I see that the byte compiler is not listed in sessionInfo] ## In any case, take the dput(.) output from the *.Rout[.fail] file ## 2015-07-21: on 32-bit, the results *change* when re-run ??? beta1 <- list(i686 = ## old florence: ## c(-0.83715700394, 0.0085488694315, -0.16734609346, 0.040965601691, ## 0.042387113444, 0.063146240793, 0.018632137866, -0.0062886781262, ## 0.11466679192, 0.091457894347, -0.025009954018, -0.66867971209) ## for a "moment": f32sfs-2; 2015-07-20 ## c(-0.83818366695, 0.0085885492587, -0.1680548609, 0.040969491636, ## 0.042401438906, 0.063170238296, 0.018647880253, -0.0058039548495, ## 0.11500468542, 0.091940159895, -0.024804291737, -0.66861710581) ## f32sfs-2; 2015-07-21; in "R CMD check"/BATCH, *not* interactive c(-0.83701057367, 0.0085408263511, -0.16692955779, 0.040980220489, 0.042389760873, 0.063145608346, 0.018632314682, -0.0062819674369, 0.11513144785, 0.091268054568, -0.025531439815, -0.66981350787) ## f32sfs-2; 2015-07-21, in R-devel, several times in a row: ## c(-0.83734949811, 0.008554484224, -0.16727333284, 0.040980350692, ## 0.042391751765, 0.06315585848, 0.018633222478, -0.0062978140762, ## 0.11509071086, 0.091463771235, -0.025113314023, -0.66955433495) , "x86_64" = c(-0.83723213945, 0.0085385261915, -0.16697112315, 0.040985126003, 0.042400738973, 0.063168847366, 0.01863253681, -0.0064477807228, 0.11488937188, 0.091283185006, -0.025627390293, -0.66995658693) , "x86_64--no-long-double" = c(-0.83710423989, 0.0085428949874, -0.16713845989, 0.040973904414, 0.042391910971, 0.063159426394, 0.018629240073, -0.006362108938, 0.1145563969, 0.091490891317, -0.025378427464, -0.66943593439) , "x86_64_F30" = c(-0.83703991366, 0.008536691385, -0.16707196217, 0.040980171987, 0.042388781206, 0.063132162167, 0.018634264818, -0.0064298708197, 0.11486525895, 0.091433901799, -0.025384338265, -0.66920847831) ) ## just FYI: difference 32-bit vs 64-bit: assert.EQ(beta1[[1]], beta1[[2]], tol = 0.004, check.attributes=FALSE, giveRE=TRUE) ## Mean relative difference: 0.00142 [~ 2013-12]; 0.00273 [f32sfs-2; 2015-08]; then (R-devel 2015-07-21): 0.000916 assert.EQ(beta1[[2]], beta1[[3]], tol = 0.002, check.attributes=FALSE, giveRE=TRUE) ## Mean relative difference: 0.00082849 [2014-11] ## when bypassing BLAS in matprod() vvvvv seen 0.001385 [Lx 64b]: assert.EQ(coef(m1), beta1[[arch]], tol = 0.002, # typically 1e-10 is ok !! check.attributes=FALSE, giveRE=TRUE) ## The same, with another seed: set.seed(64) showSys.time( ## m2 <- glmrobMT(x=X1, y=y) m2 <- glmrob(Diversity ~ ., data=possumDiv, family=poisson, method="MT") ) summary(warnings()) stopifnot(m2$converged) if(FALSE) dput(signif(unname(m2$initial), 13)) ## --> assert.EQ(m2$initial, ## so this is *not* platform (32bit/64bit) dependent: c(-1.204304813829, 0.02776038445201, -0.3680174045842, 0.04325746912892, 0.03895315289169, 0.04537145479989, 0.02847987541025, 0.07073207523212, 0.355491639539, 0.1822955449528, 0.1323720331562, -0.3419939094877) , tol = 1e-12, check.attributes=FALSE, giveRE=TRUE) dput(signif(unname(coef(m2)), 11)) ## --> beta2 <- list(i686 = ## florence?, Nov. 2014 (or even Dec 2013) ## c(-0.83698669149, 0.0085587296184, -0.16778044558, 0.040960021262, ## 0.042402954975, 0.063188868629, 0.018630275088, -0.0061015509403, ## 0.11385896307, 0.090966386294, -0.02572887737, -0.66945784056) ## f32sfs-2, July 2015, "R CMD .." (non-interactive!): c(-0.83644647378, 0.0085365454367, -0.16770422458, 0.040958113098, 0.04238796628, 0.063174324485, 0.018618360015, -0.0062357940483, 0.11380146782, 0.090988141307, -0.025500338638, -0.66949122367) ## f32sfs-2, July 2015, interactive ## c(-0.83675287265, 0.0085383816807, -0.16763418359, 0.040968861778, ## 0.042399340988, 0.063148815999, 0.018624181637, -0.0061320761338, ## 0.11423331389, 0.0912474233, -0.025508101291, -0.66971416165) , "x86_64" = c(-0.83687097624, 0.0085341676033, -0.1674299545, 0.040968820903, 0.042397459287, 0.063159075944, 0.018625582804, -0.0063140636571, 0.11426134017, 0.091317308575, -0.025373078819, -0.66957444238) , "x86_64--no-long-double" = c(-0.8370370234, 0.008538975248, -0.1671607287, 0.040976013861, 0.042393702043, 0.06314300867, 0.018631172062, -0.0063382132536, 0.11445827857, 0.091409918881, -0.025308999173, -0.66935766843) , "x86_64_F30" = ## Fedora 30, R-devel (2019-06-13): c(-0.83651130836, 0.0085272636623, -0.16777225909, 0.040958046751, 0.042398611622, 0.063169934556, 0.018622060538, -0.0067041556052, 0.11358762483, 0.090950270043, -0.025393966426, -0.66916946118) ) ## just FYI: difference 32-bit vs 64-bit: assert.EQ(beta2[[1]], beta2[[2]], tol = 0.001, check.attributes=FALSE, giveRE=TRUE) ## Mean relative difference: 0.0009487 [2013-12 approx.] assert.EQ(beta2[[2]], beta2[[3]], tol = 0.001, check.attributes=FALSE, giveRE=TRUE) ## Mean relative difference: 0.0005119 [2014-11] ## when bypassing BLAS in matprod() vvvvv seen 0.0002766 [Lx 64b]: assert.EQ(coef(m2), beta2[[arch]], tol = 0.001, # typically 1e-10 is ok !! check.attributes=FALSE, giveRE=TRUE) ## slight changes of algorithm often change the above by ~ 4e-4 !!! summary(warnings()) ###---- Model Selection ----- ## (not yet) [ MM had this in ../../robGLM1/tests/quasi-possum.R ] cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # for ``statistical reasons''